Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pray in Secret

Twelve Insight Journal
July 15, 2012

Can you ask Twelve to expand on the last (journal) paragraph regarding going beyond your personal field of experience? That sounds like a worthwhile experience! J. H.

It is beyond your own field that you will prove to yourself what a powerful creator you are. There is only one field of experience for All That Is: Your fields are all interactive. Thus you can create within the field of another being if they are receptive and nonresistant. If their beliefs run counter to what you would create then it is a wasted gesture. However, if they are receptive, you can generate miracles in their field.

It is best if you create a vision for them privately and hold that vision in the confines of your own imagination, not sharing with them what you have intended. This denies them the opportunity to short-circuit the process with resistance.

Let’s say you have a friend who could use more health, and you create a vision of them in perfect health doing something that only a healthy person could do, smiling and sweating while holding a tennis racket for example. Of course it’s helpful if your friend liked tennis in the first place, but you get the idea. That vision acts as a focal point within their field of non-manifested experience – a vibrational nexus of probability – and they will gravitate toward it unknowingly.

If you tell them about it, then you activate whatever ideas they have that are resisting their well-being in the first place. “Oh, the doctors said I’ll be lucky just to walk again…” or “My sister never got over this...” and so on. If they weren’t having resistant thought they wouldn’t need your help in the first place, you see. Health, wealth, well-being; these are all natural for you. It is your own resistance that holds them back.

The reason Yeshua taught his followers to pray in secret was not merely to bypass pride, but to slip past their own resistance. That is why this aspect of creating will benefit you so much: you will learn your own power as creator even more quickly, because you will not be butting up against your own resistance to the things you want for yourself. And if you will do it quietly and unknowingly for another, then you won’t butt up against theirs either.

It’s a little like the benefit you gain when you are learning a new subject and then are asked to tutor another who is even more novice than yourself. Part of you says “I’m not ready to teach this yet.” but you do it anyway and discover you knew more than you thought. You will discover even more quickly what a powerful creator you are when you do it for others, because you will have bypassed your own resistance to doing it for yourself. Your own vibration will also be raised because you are sending out a signal that says “I already have everything I need, so I can do this freely for everyone.”



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