Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Center of Attention

Why Not to Oppose Your Ego

(In order to move beyond ego you must first embrace it, and recognize that it is your own center of attention. And the way beyond is to expand your attention.)

Your ego—what most of you call ego anyway—is simply a focused center of attention in your being. It is an artifact* of your physical focus and it is always going to occur. We simply call this your center of attention, and the way you improve that is through expansion.

Many of you feel an urge to go beyond your ego; that focus of attention that is limited to your physical self and things of immediate importance to your egoic center. But you won’t improve anything by opposing it, you see. By opposing this ego center of attention you are giving it solidity. You are making it more real; like naming your enemy makes them more real, more solid. It gives that attention center a life of it’s own that seems to move about independently. You have all had the experience of your ego taking you places you did not want to go.

In order to move beyond ego you must first embrace it, and recognize that it is your own center of attention. And the way beyond is to expand your attention. This eliminates the artifact. There are a number of ways people do this; getting involved in a project or movement larger than yourself, putting your focus upon children or family or nation, putting your focus upon religion. These things can be very satisfactory in getting you outside that too tightly focused center called ego. We favor connecting through meditation and intention with your own broader, nonphysical self (or selves for many of you). Then you have access to all of it, everything within your entire field of being.

So long as you return to physical life each day, you will have a focused center of some sort, but by broadening that focus you will become more. And that is where you get the drive to do so—it is the impulse of Spirit to make you more, make you stronger, make you a more powerful focuser. When you broaden your focus you will begin to realize that you are much, much more than that little ego center of focus, and you will begin to feel like you are in control of things, and much less like a little speck in the big old Universe.

You could choose to go beyond your personal field of experience as well. You could begin to be involved in all the other creator’s fields as well…and that’s when the real fun begins. You cannot place anything in their experience that they do not already include in their signal, but you can profoundly affect them with things that they are asking for vibrationally by amplifying their signal; adding your signal to their own. It is a cost-free exercise because you are the extension of infinite being – you cannot run out.

Namaste powerful creators,


When SELF is allowed to rule, nothing ever said by self or any other self truly matters. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Thanx to Ron Alexander for inspiring this post!
So much kinder to use "self" in reference to Self than trashing ego!

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