Monday, December 18, 2017

Discovering the Yearning of our hearts.

Discovering the yearning of our hearts: "We think we want a powerful, loving relationship with another person, but it is love pouring from within us that is our quest." Jim Rosemergy
Patricia Massias: What we humans actually yearn for is something "real," to hang our hat on. Whether it's a belief-system, a concept, or something we experience - we want to feel secure. That it's all going to turn out OK. And that in the whole cosmic scheme of things, we have significance - that our lives matter, and that we deserve to be here. "
Of course we have a profound effect on one another's lives, and the health of the planet, that's a given. But, beyond that, we make it all up in our own little brains. 😎☯️💟
Jim Rosemergy
We tend to seek the added things. We seek guidance when it is light we want. We want to be healed, but it is wholeness that yearns to emerge from within us. We think we want a powerful, loving relationship with another person, but it is love pouring from within us that is our quest.
Assigning "added things" their proper place is at the heart of the mystery of being human. Discovering the true yearning of our hearts is at the center of the mystery of what it means to be a spiritual being.

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