Tuesday, June 9, 2015

No fear, no need for defense...

I noticed yesterday I had the underlying belief, "i need protection." so good to notice, and then just now I read in an art book,
"Your job is to stop protecting yourself!"
Yes...this feels very young...first grade...I didn't want the kids to laugh at me, and my older sister...who "made fun of me"...she was a "tomboy" and I was a "girl"...children need protection. girls/women need protection.
I need protection. is it true?
"If I didn't protect myself at all, what would I do/paint?"
"If I didn't protect my feelings at all what would I do/paint?"
Who or what would I be if I didn't protect my feelings at all...?
omg, how much has gone into this...how much avoidance...what a shell...
Who or what would I be with zero defense...?
I love these questions.

 Ron Alexander:
"In my defenselessness my safty lies." ACIM I have tested this many times working with veterans and mental health patients and others who tested me. I will stand my ground, and show no fear, and will call police if necessary. Not showing fear means having no need for defense.

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