Monday, February 2, 2015

Feedback from "This too shall pass." post below

Jolie B Keyser Thanks for posting Ron Alexander! This is a very special family saying for us... 4 generations of women on my mother's side have often told their daughters... "This too Shall Pass"! Thank you for the 360• illumination! 
Ron Alexander LIKE: My whole expectancy is of much and more, of good and of better.The future is bright with hope and fulfillment.The present is perfect and no past failure mars today’s understanding
Carole Kennedy wow what an awesome journey of grateful...Thanks for sharing Ron

Ron Alexander So welcome Carole Kennedy - have to keep processing everyday though - good to read over...

Ron Alexander LIKE: empty my mind of every thought of fear and doubt. I condemn no one and no thing, not even myself. Forgetting that which was past and having no fear for the future, I live today as though the new heaven and the new earth were already accomplished facts in my experience.

Ron Alexander LIKE: I live in harmony with people and with all situations that surround me. I see and feel the presence of Good running through everything. I have complete faith that this Divine Presence reveals Itself to me in every thought, in every word and in every act.

Carole Kennedy Are we alll blessed or what.......accepting Perfection Right Here, Right Now.....

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