Friday, August 1, 2014

You don't need to be perfect! Love All of You!

Desire - my deepest desire is for purification of thoughts - spiritual perfection realizing Divine Timing may mean the next lifetime?
Photo: Desire - my deepest desire is for purification of thoughts - spiritual perfection realizing Divine Timing may mean the next lifetime?


Vic Blue · Friends with Wayne Waller
Purification of thoughts - try loving what is. It's a whole lot easier and actually possible. No desire needed.


Ra Divakar Thanks Vic - sounds good - I will reflect on it!

Ron Alexander See above - "At the end of the day love yourself anyway - no matter if you did not come close to perfection!

Ra Divakar Vic Blue at Wayne Waller - what about loving my "bully" sadistic or masochistic, lusting parts?

    Susan Boles They are just crying out for love! Love them as they are and they can relax and behave!

  • Ra Divakar Thanks Susan Boles - very valuable feedback - even my egotistical self?

    Vic Blue · Friends with Wayne Waller
    Yes, I am with not trying to change those parts of myself but to meet them with understanding, kindness. I do The Work of Byron Katie (see: . It has helped immensely. I was so racked up and jammed with trying to change myself at times, meditating long hours etc. and that can intensify things. Being loving with ALL of yourself it's the only way out I know of and that comes to self-understanding, loving what is which is our story of everything.
    Join in the ultimate inner adventure. Spend nine days losing the fear-based stories you have innocently clung to all your life.

    Susan Boles We must love every part of the personal self inti FREEDOM? First heard this idea fro Patti Cota-Robles. Ay please pretend the question mark is a period. Thanks.

    Ra Divakar Thanks so much Ron, Vic Blue, and Susan Boles - very helpful!

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