Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Work of Byron Katie

Letti Villanyi
Letti Villanyi 4:21pm Oct 31
Woman to Byron Katie: You think everything is perfect and yet we have all this suffering in the world, all this poverty, all this violence. How can that be perfection?

Katie: "Its a mirror.
Ask: What is the violence in me that I cannot accept?
Ask: What is my fear of death, of poverty? Is it true? Is there something wrong with death? It's a belief. All our pain comes from beliefs. We experience a thought and attach a belief to it. We see death and believe it’s evil. Who says? We look at the sky and say it’s blue. Is it? It’s simply an ancient myth. When I no longer fear my own death, I hold the dying child without fear. I look into that child’s eyes and he sees only peace. I cannot give him the belief that death is something to be feared. I cannot give what I do not have. What is not believed cannot be feared. I will be with him, in peace, to that very experience we call death because I no longer have that fear which prevents me from being present. For you – me.”

(from A Cry in the Desert - The Awakening)

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