Saturday, February 29, 2020

Darkness deserves gratitude. “..Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars”

Darkness deserves gratitude. It is the alleluia point at which we learn to understand that all growth does not take place in the sunlight.
“..Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars” -Martin Luther King, Jr. This quote has a lot of truth and meaning to it because humans have to go through the darkness in order to see the beauty in life, like the stars in the night sky.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


l was blessed to get my internship from Jerry's Center for Attitudinal Healing in Tiburon, Ca. Dr. Jampolsky was the first Child Psychiatrist to work with Life-threatened Children with Spiritual Principles (largely from ACIMiracles). He asked me to get a grant to create a Young Adult Group, as the Children he started with were turning into teenagers, and did not want to be with the younger children anymore. It was the best job I ever had, and these"life-threatened" kids were mostly Angels on Earth, and some, after passing became Angels in Heaven. Besides the weekly support group, I took them on field trips to Yosemite, Monterey, on a tall ship, on Kayaks, to Cirque Soliel, before they moved to Las Vegas, ball games, etc. THEY WANTED TO LIVE, as they knew their time on earth was limited. They were the best group I have been with at living in the moment.

by Gerald Jampolsky, M.D. and Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky, Ph.D.
The Beatles famously tutored us that you “can’t buy me love” and science tells us that you cannot really measure love, only aspects of it. We are told in countless ways that you do not find love, but love finds you. If you cannot buy real love and you cannot actually measure it, and you cannot seek and successfully find it, then what is it that we are talking about when we talk of love?
We can speak of different kinds of love like that of a mother or father for a child, the child for the parents, the love of siblings or friends or country or other places and even things. But let’s look, for the moment, at romantic love and the love that brings us together in intimate relationship with each other. Intimacy has sometimes been translated as “in-to-me-see” — a desire and a request, a permission and a trust, to look inside oneself and one another to form an emotional union or bond.
Science has attempted to dissect romantic love into aspects of itself. There are distinct, measurable, biochemical changes in our brain chemistry when we are in love, depending on the stage. We can experience any or all of the three stages of romantic love, which include passion, attraction and, if we are lucky, enduring love in long-term attachment.
Some relationships are fleeting, yet indelible; others last for longer periods, but not for life. And then there is the relationship almost all of us dream of and aspire to. It holds all three stages: passion, attraction and long-term commitment. In the best of relationships the love is strong enough that when the thrill is gone, there remains a satisfying and deep friendship and companionship that supports the ebbing of personal strengths and the rise of vulnerabilities too numerous to ever predict.
Changes in the status of love in our lives can be very challenging and have a definite effect on the state of our happiness. We want to hold on to the love of those we have, and yet that may not always be the wisest or healthiest of choices. The Dalai Lama inspires us to “give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.”
In long-term relationships we measure our happiness by the distance between where we are now and where our egos want us to be. That is, the only way we can know happiness is by the choice to love fully and to be in this present moment right here and right now. Any desire, need or imagining that we are elsewhere drives us away and often into the past or future, neither of which are accessible in the now. That does not mean we do not make changes in our lives or in our love relationships. But in order for us to do so, it helps to begin by being very present and very honest in each and every moment.

Interpretation Is Everything

Perhaps above and beyond the love relationships we have with others, the most important one, ultimately, is the one we have with our self. The relationship we have with our self is a deeply personal and dynamic one, albeit oftentimes unconscious. Do we know why we do what we do? Why do we say what we say? Why do we act and react in certain ways? If we hope to connect meaningfully with others, we surely need to first connect with ourselves. We are the most important love relationship we will ever have.
If we do not like ourselves, we will undoubtedly not like many other people. If we hold anger within ourselves, more than likely we will find ourselves angry with others. If we find it difficult to trust others even when that lack of trust is unwarranted, there is surely a place within ourselves that we do not trust. If we are guilty about unresolved actions we have or have not taken in the past, we will definitely project out that guilt onto someone else in the present or in the future. And if we refuse to forgive and continue to have even one unhealed relationship from the past, it will surely show itself and interfere with our love along the way.
Why is this so?
There is a fascinating and generally unconscious dynamic that rotates within each of our psyches each and every day. All our past experiences and relationships have formed our belief system, what we hold to be real and true. It is from our own unique belief systems that we look out onto the world and interpret what we see. What we are seeing, however, is not necessarily what is really there.
How we actually see the world is filtered through a lens that projects our own beliefs onto a screen of life of sorts, and what we are seeing is what we think is valid and true. So what we “see” in the world outside of ourselves is actually only our perception, not necessarily a fact. This is why two or more people can see the exact same thing, but each experiences it in a slightly different way. What we perceive in turn reinforces our own belief system and so the cycle goes on and on.
What changes this cycle is the courage to be willing to challenge our own belief system. This is a powerful way to be more successful in the interpersonal dynamics of love and relationships that challenge us in just about all parts of our lives.
Love comes from respecting the fact that each and every individual — whether family, friend or foe — has his or her own, unique belief system, one that person also thinks is real and true. It takes stepping outside our own comfort zone so we can see someone else’s to create a path to being able to love one another, even if we disagree or remain very different from each other.

Personal Perspective

We have been together nearly 40 years now, working and writing and traveling in over 60 countries on six continents. Being together 95 percent of the time has brought its challenges and rewards. Needless to say, we have been stretched in myriad ways requiring that we adapt and compromise, forgive ourselves and each other and, ultimately, grow beyond the littleness of our own ego selves. In choosing to do that, we have been able to give and receive love in the most unexpected and exquisite ways. We have embraced so very many cultures and customs that were originally foreign to the experiences that have made up our own individual belief systems. We have been embraced in return with acceptance and love.
When we were thinking about getting married decades ago, we devoted a lot of thought and contemplation to understanding the purpose of our relationship and what our love could be. We decided not only that the depth of love we had for one another could be shared between us, but that each of us could be like a screen of sorts, where our love from one to the other would filter through us and out to all others.
Our purpose was to become messengers of love everywhere we went. From that moment on, we resolved, the purpose of our lives, individually and as a couple, was to be helpful to others. Regardless of age or circumstance, we strove to help others identify, understand and let go of the fears that hid or obstructed the love they wanted to express and experience. In order to provide that help, we decided, we would need to see everyone as our brother and sister and with the intention to love people unconditionally. This was no easy task, and while we failed at times, we more often than not were able to experience that unconditional love for and between ourselves and to give it away.
It is noteworthy that when the purpose for our love became clear, that insight opened the door further to a spiritual life wherein our mind, body and spirit connection blossomed. We began to see our relationship with each other and with others in a whole new way. We chose to not see anyone as an enemy.
Certainly, there is enough love in the world to go around if our hearts are open to sharing it.
Reprinted from Marin Magazine, February 2020 issue
I was blessed to get my internship from Jerry's Center for Attitudinal Healing in Tiburon, Ca. Dr. Jampolsky was the first Child Psychiatrist to work with Life-threatened Children with Spiritual Principles (largely from ACIMiracles). He asked me to get a grant to create a Young Adult Group, as the Children he started with were turning into teenagers, and did not want to be with the younger children anymore. It was the best job I ever had, and these"life-threatened" kids were mostly Angels on Earth, and some, after passing became Angels in Heaven. Besides the weekly support group, I took them on field trips to Yosemite, Monterey, on a tall ship, on Kayaks, to Cirque Soliel, before they moved to Las Vegas, ball games, etc. THEY WANTED TO LIVE, as they knew their time on earth was limited. They were the best group I have been with at living in the moment.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

20 Minute Guided Meditation for Reducing Anxiety and Stress--Clear the C...

God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

How to literally stop time! "Meditation helps ground us in the present.."


How to be in the moment?

Which takes us back to the ageless MEDITATION by Deepok and Chopra...

In today’s meditation, we explore the concept of living agelessly. It may be challenging to see ourselves as ageless beings that grow in wisdom and spiritual fulfillment in each passing moment, but living in the present enables us to literally stop time. Meditation helps ground us in the present and, physiologically, increases growth hormones, which slow down the external signs of aging.



We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily difference we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
One day at a time: 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I am ageless and timeless.


Living Agelessly

In today’s meditation, we explore the concept of living agelessly. It may be challenging to see ourselves as ageless beings that grow in wisdom and spiritual fulfillment in each passing moment, but living in the present enables us to literally stop time. Meditation helps ground us in the present and, physiologically, increases growth hormones, which slow down the external signs of aging.

As we engage in activities that bring us joy and choose to live from an open-heart awareness, we approach our lives with a new, positive perspective and truly live agelessly.

Our centering thought for today is:
I am ageless and timeless.
“Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.” — Mark Twain

Monday, February 24, 2020

We are indeed divine beings – united as one human family around the world – and perfect health is truly our birthright.

Global Perfect Health

Today, we experience a special guided meditation to bring the gift of perfect health to our global community.

As we prepare for meditation, let’s envision a world in which everyone enjoys a lifetime of health, joy, and vitality. We are indeed divine beings – united as one human family around the world – and perfect health is truly our birthright.

Our centering thought for today is:
All is perfect. All is well.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” — Mother Teresa

What is essential is invisible to the eye. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.

Ellen Schaffhouser (posted on FB group Veterans Against Putintrumpism (VAP)
Ok Vets... can we prevent another civil war? Can we prevent a flash point at a Democratic rally?
In light of my two experiences observing interactions of Trump supporters and Bernie supporters at the Trump airport landing on Wednesday and The Bernie rally on Friday, I have a suggestion for supporters of any Democratic rally that has Trumpers at it.
I thought about the small group of flag waving Bubba Trumpers out side the Bernie Rally. All men. All taxes taunting.
Could I ever see them as Brothers?
At both the Bernie rally and the Trump landing in Bakersfield what I call Stereotypical bubba Trump supporters wanted to encounter a conflict.
We must be ready to to encounter more of their taunts and hate. Here is a suggestion:
Do not engage in argument but if you feel the urge to say something, engage them in short, brief statement that follows below and then walk away: (carry a small flag waving American flag you can get for a dollar. Great for waving at a rally anyway.)
When approaching a Trumper offer him the gift of your American flag and say,
“You are my BROTHER. All of these people are your Brothers and Sisters, Mothers and Fathers, we are NOT your enemy.” We all live in the same house called the UNITED States of America. The enemy is anyone who will tell you that the person “over there” is the enemy.”(pointing to the Democratic rallyiers)
After I said this to one of them the other day I looked at him with my blue eyes, And aging blond hair and said,
“You shame my white face.” And walked away. (You don’t have to use that line of course)
Unity must be our weapon.
This is not empathy.. this is deescalation in action, unity in Democrats purpose. Unity in disarming GOP supporters. Disarmament of the opponent.
Perry Malcolm Spot on! 👏👏👏👍🏽
I’m comforted someone else is seeing the REAL danger during this flashpoint season!!
Great concrete suggestions!
in line with the spirit of nonviolence as political “warfare”!
  • Ellen Schaffhouser Perry Malcolm thanks..Now spread the word brother.
  • Zac Vappa Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ron Alexander, the founder of this group, flies the Veterans for Peace Flag and is mostly respected by both right and left. When questioned by left, he responds that "we have not have had one day of peace since day one of announced candidacy."   
Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The time is always right to do what is right.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?
Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important.
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.

This I create my perfect health, by letting go of cold creating space for something better.

 Living Perfect Health

Being thankful for what we have in our lives is an important part of our journey to perfect health. Gratitude helps clear away the noise of our egos and allows us to connect more deeply with our inner wisdom.

As you move forward on your path, remember how important it is to spend time with friends and family. Sharing what we learn also enables us to build a supportive community, which is essential to creating a positive lifestyle.

Today’s meditation helps us remember all we’ve discussed throughout our time together, and guides you to commit to those tools that benefit you most. In this way, you are certain to enjoy perfect health.

Our centering thought for today is:
I create my perfect health.
“We must each lead a way of life with self-awareness and compassion, to do as much as we can. Then, whatever happens we will have no regrets.” — Dalai Lama


Saturday, February 22, 2020

"There are no new stressful thoughts." And it is the unquestioned thoughts, judgments, and assumptions we place on the past and future images in our heads that cause all the world's suffering, all the way from mild irritation and depression, to quilt, terror, sadness, and grief.

Hello, dear family of the world.

We are excited here in Ojai to receive word from you about how inquiry is moving freely in the world. The comments that I am able to read touch my heart very deeply. What a beautiful life we all share, and what a gift it is to realize it!
I would be thrilled to see you at an event soon. I often say, "There are no new stressful thoughts." And it is the unquestioned thoughts, judgments, and assumptions we place on the past and future images in our heads that cause all the world's suffering, all the way from mild irritation and depression, to quilt, terror, sadness, and grief. So it is very powerful to come together to witness, to share, and to question together in the clear and uninterrupted space we provide especially for you to get what you come for. So, come welcome in silence the wisdom and laughter arising out of the practice of lovingly meeting your stressful thoughts with inquiry. It’s a privilege to join you as together we enter into what was so clearly made visible to my experience thirty-four years ago.
Loving what is, bk

Thank You for Beautiful Conversations

It was such a joy to be with so many of you on Facebook live for the recent Conversations with Byron Katie event. Thanks for all the fabulous questions and conversation starters from those of you who joined us on the call. I look forward to the next one on March 18th.

The Forgiving Mind in Los AngelesA 3½-Day Immersion with Byron Katie
11-14 March 2020

When we do The Work, we invite into our minds anyone we haven't totally forgiven yet. Even if you’ve forgiven a person 99 percent, you aren’t free until your forgiveness is complete. Until I forgave others there was no “self” forgiveness for me. You, my past transgressions were also the key to forgiving myself. You, the World and all in it were my, “push.”
It is my experience that even the 1 percent you haven’t yet forgiven that person is the very place that keeps us stuck in all our other relationships (including the relationship with yourself).
I invite you to join us in this opportunity to experience radical forgiveness as you to take a closer look at the resentments, judgments, and misunderstandings that prevent you from living out your kindest and most self-forgiven life.

All Upcoming Events

San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Toronto, Idaho, Scottsdale, Rhinebeck, and Montreal! Oh my, see you soon! Here's the list of what's upcoming. I look forward to our time together.
Wisdom 2.0 2020 ConferenceThe Power of Connection
San Francisco, California
5-8 March 2020
The Forgiving MindA 3 ½-Day Immersion with Byron Katie
Los Angeles, California
11-14 March 2020
Conversations with Byron KatieFacebook Live
18 March 2020
A Day with Byron KatieHosted by East West Bookshop
Seattle, Washington
28 March 2020
A Day with Byron KatieToronto, Canada
25 April 2020
A Mind at Home with ItselfA Day with Byron Katie
Los Angeles, California
16 May 2020
A Mind at Home with ItselfA Day with Byron Katie
Ketchum, Idaho
23 May 2020
Thrive Summit 2020Scottsdale, Arizona
27 May 2020
Omega InstituteRadical Wisdom—The Work with Byron Katie
Rhinebeck, New York
19-21 June 2020
July 2020 School for The WorkThe Ultimate Inner Adventure
Montreal, Canada
4-13 July 2020
September 2020 School for The WorkThe Ultimate Inner Adventure
Ojai, California
21-30 September 2020
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