Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Surrendering and OBE's(out of body experiences)

Sounds like surrendering to me, thanks Iriana!
Iriana L. Yoshara
Finally the time comes when the story of "you" is no longer needed. You arrive at the place in time where you come to the understanding of why it all happened as it did. The pieces of the puzzle fit together and you see the whole picture. No more tears, no more fear, just the knowing that you are in the moment expressing God I Am. I and my Father are One. It is a revelation and a miracle.
There may be some cleaning up to take care of. Some odds and ends to complete before physically taking the steps that you know are about to take place. They will be directed by the One that leads the way and you will listen to the directions in gratitude and joy. There may be some silence before that happens, but you know it is okay. It really is all divinely designed and the One knows what is needed and you can follow in complete confidence that you will be led to where you need to be.
God truly does know what we need!!! Trusting that has finally become your reality. Amen!!!

Iriana L. Yoshara
Adding to yesterday's post. I had always heard when that click takes place it just happens. And it is true. After years and years of all sorts of searching, studying, reading, listening, and being rebellious too, it did happen. It is not a panacea or a fix it, but the knowing of who we are and why we are here on all levels is a gift and a blessing.
A very wise teacher told a group of us that the "mind" gets it last. I never understood that until yesterday. The mind is so intent on analyzing, figuring it out, questioning, it doesn't allow the peace and simplicity of what is real about who we are to break through.
Years ago I was given a gift of being out of the body and above it. I was free and was told I didn't have to come back into this density. That lasted until I got into the car with a friend and started to speak about my partner who was at home. I knew he wouldn't support the experience and I landed with a thud right back into earth plane reality.
Have asked repeatedly to have that experience again, but of course it did not happen. This time it was just a gentle knowing and having all the pieces connect without any bells and whistles. Much easier to digest and live with then being in a state of nirvana for this being.
Thank you all as always for your love and support. It has been a huge part of the process. Seeing all of our struggles and joys, our different ways of perceiving truth, gives us the opportunity to find what fits our individual understanding. That opens the door for what I call the "click." Got that from Joel Goldsmith one of my favorite teachers.
Love you all and that can have bells and whistles....We all deserve them!!!

Ron Alexander: I had that out of the body experience at Kripalu in the old days when it was really a Sacred Space Ashram. And this post is the result of your surrendering, as you stated so well yesterday dear Iriana?

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