Ron Alexander Here is the original definition of the concept ego by the inventor Sigmund Freud: the ego is the conscious bridge of the id (our lower brain) to the super ego(our higher brain). While we live in the body, the ego is vital. To write the above or anything, we need one. The key is to be aware and not allow it to be in charge. Let go and allow Spirit to lead the way.
Lana Carolan Yes Ron, and the intension of the post is a way to access those higher energies when we seem stuck in the lower, more dense & solid energies of the ego's material point of view. Think of the "Infinite I" that TRUE "I" that is ONE with God. The "finit...See More
Lana Carolan Joan, yes to me to follow my heart is to follow my guidance from spirit.
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Ron Alexander Lana Carolan It is just the continual demonizing of the "ego" wrongly defined by psychologist Helen in ACIM that produces just more duality in this world, that I protest. There is no part of us that is junk.
Lana Carolan I tend to agree Ron. It IS demonized and it need not be. For what is unworthy (real or imagined) of the Love of God? Ego can be a friend which i find more useful than having it be an enemy. We just need not give it a false reality for then it may seem more challenging to control.
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Ron Alexander Also, it is given power just as fundamentalist Christians give Satan Power, it need not be! I love most of Helen's channeling of Jesus in ACIM and find it mostly accurate and inspiring except for her definitiion of the "ego" . Duality is just more seperation, and now more than ever we need LOVING ONENESS, which is REALITY.
Lana Carolan Ron, That's a great point. It does give it an importance which really is counter to the message of ACIM. It is certainly not a "Satan"
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