Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Miranda Macpherson sounds Divine

Dear Ron Alexander,

I've been talking more with spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson this week, who is our featured guest this Wednesday, and I have to say what a luminous gift she is.

She speaks beautifully and poetically in a way that effortlessly peels back the layers of core truths, one after the other, each opening a new realm of insight.

Many people have called her a "female Thomas Huebl," and it is true that both have a clear, penetrating wisdom born of truly steady, awake mystical knowledge.

And yet, I also find something more tender and delightful about Miranda because she offers a distinctly feminine approach to awakening. She views life with utter compassion and the endless antics of our ego with the smiling patience of a mother.

She embodies loving presence in each word and is a great example of a realized mystic who is practical and has her feet on the ground.

She's truly a rising star of a spiritual teacher!

That's why I'm so excited to introduce you to her for free on Wednesday evening when you register here: Landing in Grace: A Feminine Approach to Non-Dual Realization

I confess that I have sometimes tired of the non-dual schools of enlightenment, some of which tend to create a kind of passivity towards life. With Miranda, though, I see the opposite - she is someone who is wakefully and fully present to life and its challenges -- and who is well-versed in the nuances of our personalities, our bodies and the demands of daily life.

She's integrated the best of non-dual schools of awakening with psychology and cross-cultural study of religion as well.

Miranda's approach creates a real dissolution of our tendency to strive, effort and struggle toward enlightenment, which often creates a battle with our ego.

Instead, she shows that what we feel is a barrier to our path, IS our path. What we resist -- if we can lovingly embrace it -- opens the portal to a boundless identity and vast freedom.

During Landing in Grace: A Feminine Approach to Non-Dual Realization, Miranda will share about:
  • How our attempts to transform ourselves often backfire as a form of self-rejection
  • Why seeking God takes us out of the receptive state that allows more and more of the Divine presence to open in us
  • How to become less defended and allow unconditional love to permeate your being
  • Ways to identify the stories you tell yourself and how to let them go
  • The key to real humility, and how it empowers you
During the hour, Miranda will offer a unique perspective on trust, surrender, control, love and the whole game of transformation.

Learn more and reserve your free space here (as well as get access to the recording):
  In spirit,
Stephen Dinan
PS - Here's what some notable consciousness movement leaders say about her:

Miranda is the "real deal." She is a standout as a spiritual teacher and she is a "stand up" as an individual in that she truly walks her talk. Life is not perfect, and Miranda lives that with a grace and authenticity that is unparalleled by many teachers. If there is a thing as angels walking the Earth, then Miranda is one. Do not be mistaken in assuming her softness and beauty is as deep as she goes. Miranda is a powerhouse and a force for change in this world.
-Laura Bergman Fortgang author of Living your Best Life

In an ocean of spiritual guides all over the planet, rarely do you find a jewel that emanates the likes of Miranda's integrity, depth, and impact. Rooted in the world's wisdom traditions, yet contemporary and fluid in her approach to assist awakening to the One during these highly complex and constantly challenging times, Miranda is the epitome of what we most need in post modern spiritual guide:kick-ass honesty, no nonsense mirroring, and rock star tenderness. Whether you access her teachings through her moving meditations, satsangs, retreats or virtual courses, Miranda will leave an indelible impression that will have your friends wondering how you became so present, compassionate and mindful so quickly. You can let them know that you can attribute it to the work you've elected to do, with a spiritual "friend" who knows that her only job description is to remind us that we already have everything we need within us to live a fulfilling, connected and rewarding life. And she does it with such simplicity and grace!
-Gary Malkin, Emmy Award-winning Composer/ Producer

I was fortunate to find Miranda at a time when I'd been brought to my knees by unexpected life events. Through her spiritual teachings and loving guidance she helped me to deeply explore aspects of my heart that needed compassion, healing and growth. Obsolete defense mechanisms dissolved and I came to once again embrace my true evolutionary edge with courage, dignity and peace.
-Raz Ingrasci, Chairman of Hoffman Institute International

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