Sunday, June 8, 2014

Need Dark to see the LIGHT

Sometimes no matter what one does, one feels stuck in the dark. Most of us are taught to do everything we can to fight the dark and get out of it as we have been told its not ok to be there.

The dark is as important as the light. As the feminine is as important as the masculine. As the sun is as important as the moon.

The dark is a formidable teacher as it can take you to deeper places of exploration and insight.

Many of the greatest writings, paintings, ideas, movements, and changes have come from people who have been in dark places.

If you are able to accept the state of darkness and know that the light is something that you will feel again in time, the darkness is not so daunting.

Be resilient in the dark as you hold onto your inner knowing of light.

Blessings, Contemporary Shamanism (safe practices)

Photo: Sometimes no matter what one does, one feels stuck in the dark. Most of us are taught to do everything we can to fight the dark and get out of it as we have been told its not ok to be there. 

The dark is as important as the light. As the feminine is as important as the masculine. As the sun is as important as the moon. 

The dark is a formidable teacher as it can take you to deeper places of exploration and insight.

Many of the greatest writings, paintings, ideas, movements, and changes have come from people who have been in dark places. 

If you are able to accept the state of darkness and know that the light is something that you will feel again in time, the darkness is not so daunting. 

Be resilient in the dark as you hold onto your inner knowing of light. 

Blessings <3

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