Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Baby Turtles "boiling" out of nest

Yes, baby turtles pushing their way out of their nest. Jacqueline Boyce and I waited until wee hours of the morning to see this off the Isle of Light - mysteriously they know how to get to the ocean, except for one who was mixed up and went the wrong way. We gave him a little help!. Also, they spread out which helps them survive the trip. They use their cute little tail like rudders when in the water and help propel them on the sand toward the sea. Sea gulls, ghost crab, foxes, raccoons can feast on them, so it is good to have some protective humans around for this migration.
Knowledge of Today added a new video: This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen... from September 7, 2013 to their timeline.
This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen...

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