Dalai Lama:
When confronted with human problems, force will not bring a lasting solution. That is why I attach great importance to the feeling of mutual love among all human beings, as well as to the sense of responsibility of community life. These concepts are the source of peace everywhere in the world. They are the origin of all ind...ividual and collective fulfillment in a human community and therefore of concern to us all.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”Jimi Hendrix quotes
Could this be what is going on in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Wisconsin, et. al.?
Surely hope so...!
Peaceful Julie: power to "the" people ♥ I think they have "finally" had enough :)) I just pray no more violence :((( PEACE (((((♥))))
Anne Williams: I hope so. We will all stand fast for freedom and peace. ♥
Michael Strauch: Like it a lot,... will re-post it.
Jeanne Porter Ashley:
We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves -- Dalai La
Jeanne Porter Ashley ♥ Love is Peace. Peace is Love. ♥
Ron Alexander: No peace or joy without Love!
This awesome quote is from Sunshine's video below: "Break of Dawn"
"...everything in your future is a figment of your imagination, so why not imagine the most wonderful..."
A harvest of justice is sown in peace by those who make peace.James 3:18
Lindsley Field: Peace with every step, every step in gratitude....namaste brother!
Jeannie Webster: thank YOU I am old..and have..no time for idiots(she was talking about liberals)...you too will grow up one day..maybe and God Bless you both....always
Danny Dummitt: I just realized Ms Jeannie, my friend...What really irritates the hell out of me about you is what irritates me about ME… Thank you for being as my Friend Ron always says my Divine mirror
…..danny dummitt
Ron Alexander: We are learning in Rev. Margaret's SPEAK PEACE by Marshall Rosenberg to not only love our "enemies" but to not even see them as "enemies". We are all Children of God! Thanks Danny Divine!
Danny Dummitt likes this.Ron Alexander: Danny, my Divine Bro. Here is grateful word of day - We are never more than one grateful thought away from peace of heart.
Brother David Steindl-Rast(gratefulness.org)
Dean A. Banks
To seek peace we must not protest war. To seek love we must not fight hatred. To seek health we must not fight disease. To seek abundance we must not fight poverty. Whatever you fight against will be created moreover. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Jeri K Beckham "I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."~ Mother Teresa ♥ I'm with her ;)
Bent Kim Lundberg: So true. What you resist persist. Only use your mind for Charles Kelly Towler Anger is a substance that I can't afford nor want.
"A man who can master his own temper can master anything."-Rudyard Kipling-
Bent Kim Lundberg: Mother Theresa is speaking of the fact that what you resist persist. She is not talking against anger. Anger is ONE of the five natural feelings, and necessary for us to be able to say NO, so nothing wrong with anger. ♥
Anger unexpressed bec...omes hatred, a highly unnatural feeling, that has killed people and started wars, and so is very deadly ♥
When anger tells you to says 'no', and you express your 'no' in a LOVING way, anger works as god designed it ♥ As ONE I have no reason to feel anger any longer, as all is my own creation, but anger is not a bad feeling in itself ♥ Mother Theresa is talking about that you create what you focus on, so no reason to focus on war. I LOVE You all ♥♥♥
Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Think Love
Your worst enemy cannot harm you
As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.
But once... mastered,
No one can help you as much,
Not even your father or your mother. ~ Buddha
Since we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, our one duty is to furnish it well ~Peter Ustinov.
thanks to Prudence-Prajna Oneness: new paradigm, to Awaken from the mind's prison ♥
Ron Alexander: The awareness of our... freedom to change our thoughts to loving ones, and actively doing it constantly is a key to living without suffering.Maybe Ustinov hadn't heard of Enlightenment when he wrote this quote.... God gave us free will to move from the mind to the heart, from fear/hate to love.
Jeanne; love is love. But in my opinion it needs to be supported with good communication skills, patience, understanding, empathy...& the like; that's where I was going with my earlier comment." Beata
My thought reflects the love that I desire. I am conscious of the focus of my thinking, and more love is manifesting now.
"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2
Is love really all we need? Dr. Raymond Charles Barker, a highly esteemed minister and author, very simply wrote, "No." Love may be the greatest of all emotions, but we also have the power of Mind to balance the high voltage of love with the wondrous intelligence of the Infinite.
Science of Mind magazine It was Barker's belief that "love has to be balanced with wisdom." ...
Salianne Gelic:
A Course In Miracles: Lesson 1- Nothing I See In This Room , on this street , from this window , in this place, means anything. ·
Meredith Pavlidi; i bought one and sent it to a family member too ;)
Sallyan Gelic: great Meredith we can share lessons soon xx
Ron Alexander: Love is all there is and means everything.
Meredith Pavlidi: Love is a Presence
Love is an Intelligence
Love is a Principle
Love is Light
Love is a Substance
...Love is an Activity
Love is Power
And I AM the Full Divine Expression of these Magnificent Activities of Divine Love, now made manifest in my being and world, in all their Glory, Grace and Victory!
I am so grateful Meredith! "Love is letting go of fear." is one of the many great sayings in ACIM, however be careful of some of the "lessons" which I did 2x one per day for two years. Some of them like above just don't make sense. It is a ...psychological/spiritual text that demonizes the body, the ego & our world. The Bible does a better job with the body - "the temple of our spirit". and of course, the ego was not around back then. St. Francis of Assisi said "it is in letting go of the self, that we are born to eternal life". There the "self" can be interpreted as the ego, however one had better be ready to let go of the body to let go of the self or the ego. Also, Jesus said we could have "the Kingdom of God on earth" which ACIM says it is all illusion! Read the essence in ACIM such as "Love is the Essence of my being" and take the rest lightly.
By the way, I hope my comments critical of ACIM does not upset you or Meredith. I studied with the scribe(Dr. Bill Thetford) back in the 80's and he would just tell us to "tear out those pages" that demonized the ego and the body and the earth. He was a living role-model of living the Essence (Love) and let go of his body beautifully saying he had never felt so free in 1987. as One Essence, ron
Sallyan Gelic
Hi Ron ,
No I don't get upset by anything , we all have free will and expression and I actually appreciate your in put as a valuable teacher . Thanks for that .Love and Blessings xx
Ron Alexander:
Yea, the scribe was Dr. Bill Thetford! A beautiful Being! Realizing our essence is Love is the most important thing, and Meredith sent us a very inclusive definition of the Allness of Love, thanks in Oneness, ron
As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.
But once... mastered,
No one can help you as much,
Not even your father or your mother. ~ Buddha
Since we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, our one duty is to furnish it well ~Peter Ustinov.
thanks to Prudence-Prajna Oneness: new paradigm, to Awaken from the mind's prison ♥
Ron Alexander: The awareness of our... freedom to change our thoughts to loving ones, and actively doing it constantly is a key to living without suffering.Maybe Ustinov hadn't heard of Enlightenment when he wrote this quote.... God gave us free will to move from the mind to the heart, from fear/hate to love.
Jeanne; love is love. But in my opinion it needs to be supported with good communication skills, patience, understanding, empathy...& the like; that's where I was going with my earlier comment." Beata
My thought reflects the love that I desire. I am conscious of the focus of my thinking, and more love is manifesting now.
"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2
Is love really all we need? Dr. Raymond Charles Barker, a highly esteemed minister and author, very simply wrote, "No." Love may be the greatest of all emotions, but we also have the power of Mind to balance the high voltage of love with the wondrous intelligence of the Infinite.
Science of Mind magazine It was Barker's belief that "love has to be balanced with wisdom." ...
Salianne Gelic:
A Course In Miracles: Lesson 1- Nothing I See In This Room , on this street , from this window , in this place, means anything. ·
Meredith Pavlidi; i bought one and sent it to a family member too ;)
Sallyan Gelic: great Meredith we can share lessons soon xx
Ron Alexander: Love is all there is and means everything.
Meredith Pavlidi: Love is a Presence
Love is an Intelligence
Love is a Principle
Love is Light
Love is a Substance
...Love is an Activity
Love is Power
And I AM the Full Divine Expression of these Magnificent Activities of Divine Love, now made manifest in my being and world, in all their Glory, Grace and Victory!
I am so grateful Meredith! "Love is letting go of fear." is one of the many great sayings in ACIM, however be careful of some of the "lessons" which I did 2x one per day for two years. Some of them like above just don't make sense. It is a ...psychological/spiritual text that demonizes the body, the ego & our world. The Bible does a better job with the body - "the temple of our spirit". and of course, the ego was not around back then. St. Francis of Assisi said "it is in letting go of the self, that we are born to eternal life". There the "self" can be interpreted as the ego, however one had better be ready to let go of the body to let go of the self or the ego. Also, Jesus said we could have "the Kingdom of God on earth" which ACIM says it is all illusion! Read the essence in ACIM such as "Love is the Essence of my being" and take the rest lightly.
By the way, I hope my comments critical of ACIM does not upset you or Meredith. I studied with the scribe(Dr. Bill Thetford) back in the 80's and he would just tell us to "tear out those pages" that demonized the ego and the body and the earth. He was a living role-model of living the Essence (Love) and let go of his body beautifully saying he had never felt so free in 1987. as One Essence, ron
Sallyan Gelic
Hi Ron ,
No I don't get upset by anything , we all have free will and expression and I actually appreciate your in put as a valuable teacher . Thanks for that .Love and Blessings xx
Ron Alexander:
Yea, the scribe was Dr. Bill Thetford! A beautiful Being! Realizing our essence is Love is the most important thing, and Meredith sent us a very inclusive definition of the Allness of Love, thanks in Oneness, ron
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Oneness Love is Creating Beautiful Changes
Love is the greatest healing agent on Earth for our body as well as for our affairs.
Love is more than a sentiment. It is a need, a hunger, a thirst that is perfectly natural. Anyone who thinks they can live and be happy without it does not know what they are talking about -- psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually. Love is the beginning and end, the impulse in nature that will not be denied.
There is one Spirit incarnated in everyone, an immortal presence causing everyone to live. What a difference it would make in our human relationships if we tried to sense the full meaning of the divine incarnate in all people and adjust our viewpoint to the truth that we are all bond together in the unity of God.
I respond lovingly to all persons. Recognizing that the spiritual life is the real life, I surround myself with love, the key to joyous living. Ernest Holmes
Derek Stone:
Control and manipulation of the Human Being that has been going on for a very long time is coming to an end. Vibrations are changing and we are all being given new opportunities to realize our divinity and to love each other. During the next 18 months we will all be affected by these changes depending upon our past and present life use of our free will and willingness to love. Change your mindset and give out love.
Vibrations are changing in our world in our lives and peoples true self are being revealed. It is now even more important than ever to realize who we really are and love one another. Present and coming Earth changes are a result of negative mass consciousness and we all have an opportunity to change this. Love yourself, others, Mother Earth our Universe and do it now from your Heart. Ye are Gods.
"AS ONE we will secure that every child born can experience growing up in PEACE, FREEDOM and LOVE, and that she is given all the tools and possibilities needed to have a dignified LIFE and grow to be an equal part of humanity so we can experience her totally unique and wondrous version of the ONE being/you. We will make all children of humanity feel LOVED and cherished"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Andy Skadberg:
What would love do? To me, you, everyone, and all life - all of existence, from experience to experience, breath to breath, sunrise to sunset, in the glimmer of the stars at night and every moment of all that I experience. Thank you Love for this opportunity to discover Love, Peace and Abundance within me that I promise, to myself and you to Share!
Love is more than a sentiment. It is a need, a hunger, a thirst that is perfectly natural. Anyone who thinks they can live and be happy without it does not know what they are talking about -- psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually. Love is the beginning and end, the impulse in nature that will not be denied.
There is one Spirit incarnated in everyone, an immortal presence causing everyone to live. What a difference it would make in our human relationships if we tried to sense the full meaning of the divine incarnate in all people and adjust our viewpoint to the truth that we are all bond together in the unity of God.
I respond lovingly to all persons. Recognizing that the spiritual life is the real life, I surround myself with love, the key to joyous living. Ernest Holmes
Derek Stone:
Control and manipulation of the Human Being that has been going on for a very long time is coming to an end. Vibrations are changing and we are all being given new opportunities to realize our divinity and to love each other. During the next 18 months we will all be affected by these changes depending upon our past and present life use of our free will and willingness to love. Change your mindset and give out love.
Vibrations are changing in our world in our lives and peoples true self are being revealed. It is now even more important than ever to realize who we really are and love one another. Present and coming Earth changes are a result of negative mass consciousness and we all have an opportunity to change this. Love yourself, others, Mother Earth our Universe and do it now from your Heart. Ye are Gods.
"AS ONE we will secure that every child born can experience growing up in PEACE, FREEDOM and LOVE, and that she is given all the tools and possibilities needed to have a dignified LIFE and grow to be an equal part of humanity so we can experience her totally unique and wondrous version of the ONE being/you. We will make all children of humanity feel LOVED and cherished"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Andy Skadberg:
What would love do? To me, you, everyone, and all life - all of existence, from experience to experience, breath to breath, sunrise to sunset, in the glimmer of the stars at night and every moment of all that I experience. Thank you Love for this opportunity to discover Love, Peace and Abundance within me that I promise, to myself and you to Share!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sailing Oneness
Life is like sailing, basically very simple, however when the big storm blows, everything can get very complex. Stress and anxiety can damage the rigging and even sink the vessel. One needs a Vessel that can withstand the high winds, and can feel safe in, regardless of the weather, the disturbance. Spirit within is always at peace, is always safe, is always love and joy. And this is the indestructilble Vessel of Oneness. The winds of Love will blow on eternally.
Simply, the truth of Oneness is our Safety, ron
What this means to me is simply realizing that we are all one, and that Oneness is our true natural state of being. We came to this world to remember this most fundamental of facts and to help each other remember it. True Spirituality is awakening to our true Oneness, rejecting all concepts of separation / division / duality. That's the whole secret right there.
- Daniel Endy
Steve Winn: What words like Oneness, Awakening and True Spirituality mean to me is the development we each go through to experience our connection and the unlimited potential with The Infinite Transcendent that flows within each of us and within which ...we each flow.The blocks to such experience are our lessons we each, in our own way and individually that challenge us to become the mindful observers and CEOs in each aspect of our lives. The blocks are the genetic, environmental and spiritual programming of physical and cortical neuronal systems the control our hormonal, emotional and perceptual experiences of what we have learned (naively and without awareness) is our world, our life, our experience.
Our work is that of practicing difference to that neuronal programming and with awareness and responsibility to develop new neuronal programming that opens the experiences of Oneness within us and for the world around us - by degree and by levels.
In simpler terms also Kahu, they say that our mission here in this human existence is to integrate and bring into alignment our three selves. It is through this integration that we may "experience" true oneness of Self ... although they don...'t really call it oneness as we perceive it to be.
Through the principles of Ho'oponopono, we must make things right with self first before it is possible to make things right with others. The oneness we may seek outside of our Self can only be experienced and shared once we are at one within. " not fighting to be right and mentaly projecting judgemnents of resistance, rightness and wrongness, but to malama ke aloha, take great care of the love vibrating in your inner world, pay great attention to any triggers, and charges of conditioned thoughts and witness, observe without judgement and learn the lessons that are great fortune as we become more love and aloha " would be the walk of "right with self".
I feel Daniel has missed an important point though when he states, " rejecting all concepts of separation / division / duality." To reject anything is still separation from that thing you are rejecting and contradicts the statement of " not fighting to be right and mentaly projecting judgemnents of resistance, rightness and wrongness,".
Our concepts of separation etc are all the constructs of the Ego mind mid-self that are intrinsic with the creation of being human. To reject them is to reject the mid-self which then makes it impossible to integrate all 3 self's into the oneness of our consciousness with the Divine.
Reject nothing ... EXPERIENCE everything that you create with gratitude for the opportunity given to learn and evolve ... embrace and love ALL aspects of your existence as a Spirit having a human experience ... don't be concerned with whether or not you judge, for the human-ness aspect of you will ALWAYS judge, but be consciously aware of what you "decide" to do with those judgments, and then take FULL responsibility for the consequences of your decisions.
Do all of these things with true Aloha for your Self and you will naturally and effortlessly experience a true connection with ALL of your 3 Self's along with ALL of The Divine's creations.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Don't go where fear leads
Tom Dooley "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find.
When they find, they will be disturbed.
After they are disturbed, they will marvel.
[They will no longer be ruled by superstition and fear created by those in power,]
for they shall become rulers over their own Destiny. ~Gospel Of Thomas
Ron Alexander: Refuse to go where fear leads...
There was an Englishman (forgot his name) who considered himself a prophet in the early 80's. He wrote a book about California falling into the sea from an earthquake, and millions being killed. I think his projected date was 1988. I was living in Ca. at the time and many of my friends were going to his workshops. I refused to go. He recommended they form groups on strageties of surviving. Unfortunately, most of them left the state, many coming back in a few years with their heads hung low. Love is letting go of fear, ron
Tom Dooley: I used to get a kick about the end time revelation prophecies.
The book of revelation was written to tell about the impending victory over the Romans by the Hebrews in the time of Jesus. It was written in allegory and symbolism so the Roman...s would not be the wiser if they read it.
Sometimes I think the ancients are sitting in the afterlife laughing their asses off at how badly we misinterpret their ideas and wisdom`s.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
One of God, One of Love (fullmoon@sunrise)
The next day, I took camera and took about shot of near fullmoon at sunrise. The one below is from Google images:
Fullmoon@sunrise this morning
Walking the dogs, so glad to be alive
Fullmoon to the west, as the sun rose
Out of the Ocean
Playful dogs, friendly beach walkers
...Canada geese honking above
Dogs pulling on leash
Hard to leave gorgeous sunrise
Full moon pulling me home.
So glad to be alive
I repeat while walking
With love, I walk in gratitude.
With love, I walk in gratitude.
For my increasingly beautiful life.
Kahu Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda
"There is one Spirit incarnated in everyone, an immortal presence causing everyone to live. What a difference it would make in our human relationships if we tried to sense the full meaning of the divine incarnate in all people and adjust our viewpoint to the truth that we are all bond together in the unity of God." Ernest Holmes
Ron Alexander Ernest Holmes (my fav. metaphysical writer): "We are not one in God or one with God, but we are one of God."
"In the beauty and quiet of this moment, I commune with the Divine Presence. The Certainty of love and friendship flows into my consciousness." thanx, Kahu, in the Spirit of One Love, ron
I had a dream last night - A dream of ONEness
by Bent Kim Lundberg
The most wonderful and deeply fulfilling dream I’ve ever had.
I dreamed that I was living on a planet in Peace,
in a place where everyONE around me was Love, Joy and Truth.
Where I was surrounded by people, who are able to express their highest visions about humanity,
manifested in the way they are acting towards each other and to themselves.
I dreamed that each morning when I woke up I went down to the restaurant,
and was meet by amazingly beautiful spirited people,
who hugged me and touched me, and expressed their LOVE for me,
in so many different inspiring ways.
I dreamed that we were dancing, laughing and playing together all through the day,
and that we were talking about life in an environment,
where everyONE felt completely safe and unconditionally loved,
and where laughter, joy and amazement were the shared experience.
I dreamed that these people all was so fantastically peaceful, accepting and loving,
that it was possible for a woman to allow 5 men to give her soothing massage,
alone with them in a room only lit by candles, without any fearful thoughts,
knowing that noONE would touch her anywhere that she would not want them to.
I dreamed that I saw this profoundly liberating display of love,
when ONE man in the circle rose from his chair,
to take a walk around in our circle, kissing everyONE on their lips,
without any kind of resentment or fear, in full acceptance from all involved.
I dreamed that we were hugging each other, and looking deeply into each other’s eyes,
recognizing our own beautiful soul dancing such a marvelous dance of LOVE,
making us feel totally and completely LOVED, and creating deep acceptance of our selves,
synergistically raising our energies to a higher level than I have ever experienced before
Dancing in the streets as ONE.
I dreamed that we could talk about anything without fearing any form of judgment,
that everyONE present listened respectfully and let the speaking person finish without interrupting.
That when someONE had need for comfort or support, it was not necessary to ask for it,
because everyONE was feeling the others fully and completely, and was there for you instantly.
I dreamed that Great Masters of life, some not even seeing their own greatness, surrounded me.
Masters of Love, Laughter, Truth, Play, Dance, Singing, Healing and many more.
That I was healed by some of them so much that my physical being was relieved of old pain,
and I even experienced my energy rising to a level where bright white light lit up my head inside.
I dreamed that we went out into the streets, and showed humanity a glimpse of its beautiful nature.
That we filled the public room with dancing, singing, laughter and angelic touches of each other.
And that more and more people came to us, awakening by the divinity in this display of LOVE,
and brought great gifts of HOPE, LOVE and KINDNESS back to their family.
And people attracted to the display of LOVE became ONE with us.
I dreamed that I was walking in The Garden of EDEN, with Adam and Eve,
and all the great prophets of history.
That I was making love to god all day long,
while angels were singing tales of what humanity can become when it awakens.
And then I realized.
I was not dreaming at all.
All of this is for real.
Thank you god, for letting me experience this at the 4th friendship gathering, in Prague.
This week alone would have been enough reason for me to choose to be born on earth this time.
I am deeply grateful to each individual version of you, god, for being so incredibly amazing,
and especially for being my teachers in so many special and wonderful ways.
Thank you for teaching me to LOVE myself, for I cannot overlook how amazing I must be,
to be allowed to walk amongst you and receive the gift of your unconditional LOVE.
The tears that are falling from my eyes right now are tears of GRATITUDE and LOVE.
You bring HOPE to humanity and you will change the world into a place where every BEING on this planet Earth will be able to experience a LIFE like I just experienced last week.
I honor you all for having the courage and determination to reCREATE our world in LOVE.
I have no words to express my LOVE for you, but I know you can feel me.
Thank you for showing me your divine nature god.
And thank you for BEING here in this time of change.\
Derek Stone
Control and manipulation of the Human Being that has been going on for a very long time is coming to an end. Vibrations are changing and we are all being given new opportunities to realize our divinity and to love each other. During the next 18 months we will all be affected by these changes depending upon our past and present life use of our free will and willingness to love. Change your mindset and give out love.
Derek:Vibrations are changing in our world in our lives and peoples true self are being revealed. It is now even more important than ever to realize who we really are and love one another. Present and coming Earth changes are a result of negative mass consciousness and we all have an opportunity to change this. Love yourself, others, Mother Earth our Universe and do it now from your Heart. Ye are Gods
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
From Experience to Innocence
Just when you've got it all figured out, you're too old to do much about it. I think we should all ask God to reverse it. Start off old and get wiser while you get younger. But how can you move from experience to innocence? ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Possibly "come as a child again to enter heaven" is what senility is all bout. I think losing memory can be a great thing. I am doing it alot these days. . Let's love and respect our elders with such silly diagnosed states as alzheimers. Have you ever read the NOTEBOOK by Nicholas Sparks?
Creativity and spirituality are not on the memory left side of the brain. The more creative and spiritual I am the less memory I have, and thats an awesome situation. A Mindless state with Love is an Awakened State in my book!
No One can take away my Joy!
No one can take away anything that truly belongs to me. Nothing belongs to me. Worldly things and people come and go and nothing can diminish the fullness of the Iam. ~Suchi Kumar
The best and most beautiful things are not things.
The same pain that can blemish our personality
can act as a creative force, burnishing it
into an object of delight.
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
A Hindu (and I assume also Buddhist) basic spiritual suggestion to welcome problems and challenges as the most effective time to learn and grow since during times of ease and comfort we tend not to do so.
· Eric Schneider - Yes, Gene - In Buddhism, as I've learned it, this is called "Transforming Adversity into The Path."
Fullmoon@sunrise this morning
Walking the dogs, so glad to be alive
Fullmoon to the west, as the sun rose
Out of the Ocean
Playful dogs, friendly beach walkers
...Canada geese honking above
Dogs pulling on leash
Hard to leave gorgeous sunrise
Full moon pulling me home.
So glad to be alive
I repeat while walking
With love, I walk in gratitude.
With love, I walk in gratitude.
For my increasingly beautiful life.
Sin is anything you do that separates you from love. Danny Dummit
Danny Dummitt
Just wrote this...hope you all like it...
The Basic ABC’s Of Gods Unconditional love
Accepts you as you are right here, right now
...Believes that you’re already perfect
Considers you an extension of divinity
Doesn’t see your limitation’s, because they are a myth
Encourages you ever so gently and tenderly
Forgets all your yesterdays and sees only your tomorrows
Gives endlessly without expecting anything in return
Hold’s you in the highest and in the purest light
Journey’s with you everywhere you go, or where ever you are
Keeps an endless guard of the health of your soul and essence
Laughs when you laugh and cries when you cry
Moves heaven and earth for your simplest desires
Never doubts for a second in your endless possibilities’
Operates in your best interest endlessly and tirelessly
Protects you from your self-doubt
Quiets your fears with assurances and understanding
Releases you from all blame and guilt
Supports you in all you dreams, goals and desires
Trust in you and your ability completely
Unconditional love means truly without any condition
Visualizes you only in happiness and Joy
Won’t ever leave you or forsake you
EXcites you to be alive here, and in the NOW
Your dreams are loves reality
Zealously encouraging in every moment
Ron Alexander: I think Suchi's post yesterday summarizes - Suchi Kumar:
"I see you ~ all of you...
...the good, the bad, the bliss, the sad,
the light, the dark, the divine, & the malign too...
I still see Love when I see You."......~Heidi Sunshine Duering
We CANNOT Teach Anyone about LOVE. We can Only become LOVE and Allow others to Experience our Joy." ♥ ~ Eric Allen
Only a person who loves themselves for who they are can love another for who they are.
"Love yourself as much as you can and all of life will mirror this love back to you." - Louise L. Hay
Not loving others is really just a symptom of not loving yourself …
….danny dummitt
Margi Thomas: Yes and when you cannot love and accept yourself, when you are angry, spiteful, jealous, judgmental etc., you are an empty vessel and an empty vessel has nothing to give other than your fearful baggage, agendas and burdens. An empty vessel cannot receive love and abundance because you are in so much denial of accepting yourself or of trying to give everything to others that you ‘miss the boat’ — so to speak and ignore any opportunities that come your way to receive.
I know that Love is harmony and peace and joy. In it is all good, all that is true, all that is beautiful. It is perfect balance, perfect poise. I empty my mind and heart of all but Love. I let Love express in me and through me. I let Love flow out into my world and thought and action. I am Love. (God is Love). The Love in me shines forth as harmony, peace, joy, freedom, and wisdom. Love binds me to the whole of creation. I find fulfillment through loving. Ernest Holmes
"When you experience another you with an illness or 'challenge', understand that this is perfect for the soul entity manifesting the other ONE. Be LOVE for that is the strongest power in universe. Come from inside, be compassion and JOY, do not entertain your mind with fear, but use your heart to create the experience that is most JOYFUL and happy for all. LOVE can heal a world. You are LOVE"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Ron Alexander: BE LOVE NOW (by Ram Dass) book really helps you understand the Yoga of Devotion (to the Divine - Love) called Bhakti Yoga! Also, I attended a Oneness Conference on the same subject with 600 people in Tampa Fl. thanks, Bent, I think you practice Bhakti Yoga or better live LOVE! ron
"The LOVE inside you is pure magic. All beings know it and recognize it, it can heal any illness and is the only thing powerful enough to heal a world. ONE of the extraordinary qualities of LOVE is that you get more of it the more you give out. It means the same as god and LIFE, and it is the fabric of universe and of you. It is always FREE and when you trust it you heal your LIFE. You are LOVE"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Danny Dummitt
Just wrote this...hope you all like it...
The Basic ABC’s Of Gods Unconditional love
Accepts you as you are right here, right now
...Believes that you’re already perfect
Considers you an extension of divinity
Doesn’t see your limitation’s, because they are a myth
Encourages you ever so gently and tenderly
Forgets all your yesterdays and sees only your tomorrows
Gives endlessly without expecting anything in return
Hold’s you in the highest and in the purest light
Journey’s with you everywhere you go, or where ever you are
Keeps an endless guard of the health of your soul and essence
Laughs when you laugh and cries when you cry
Moves heaven and earth for your simplest desires
Never doubts for a second in your endless possibilities’
Operates in your best interest endlessly and tirelessly
Protects you from your self-doubt
Quiets your fears with assurances and understanding
Releases you from all blame and guilt
Supports you in all you dreams, goals and desires
Trust in you and your ability completely
Unconditional love means truly without any condition
Visualizes you only in happiness and Joy
Won’t ever leave you or forsake you
EXcites you to be alive here, and in the NOW
Your dreams are loves reality
Zealously encouraging in every moment
Ron Alexander: I think Suchi's post yesterday summarizes - Suchi Kumar:
"I see you ~ all of you...
...the good, the bad, the bliss, the sad,
the light, the dark, the divine, & the malign too...
I still see Love when I see You."......~Heidi Sunshine Duering
We CANNOT Teach Anyone about LOVE. We can Only become LOVE and Allow others to Experience our Joy." ♥ ~ Eric Allen
Only a person who loves themselves for who they are can love another for who they are.
"Love yourself as much as you can and all of life will mirror this love back to you." - Louise L. Hay
Not loving others is really just a symptom of not loving yourself …
….danny dummitt
Margi Thomas: Yes and when you cannot love and accept yourself, when you are angry, spiteful, jealous, judgmental etc., you are an empty vessel and an empty vessel has nothing to give other than your fearful baggage, agendas and burdens. An empty vessel cannot receive love and abundance because you are in so much denial of accepting yourself or of trying to give everything to others that you ‘miss the boat’ — so to speak and ignore any opportunities that come your way to receive.
I know that Love is harmony and peace and joy. In it is all good, all that is true, all that is beautiful. It is perfect balance, perfect poise. I empty my mind and heart of all but Love. I let Love express in me and through me. I let Love flow out into my world and thought and action. I am Love. (God is Love). The Love in me shines forth as harmony, peace, joy, freedom, and wisdom. Love binds me to the whole of creation. I find fulfillment through loving. Ernest Holmes
"When you experience another you with an illness or 'challenge', understand that this is perfect for the soul entity manifesting the other ONE. Be LOVE for that is the strongest power in universe. Come from inside, be compassion and JOY, do not entertain your mind with fear, but use your heart to create the experience that is most JOYFUL and happy for all. LOVE can heal a world. You are LOVE"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Ron Alexander: BE LOVE NOW (by Ram Dass) book really helps you understand the Yoga of Devotion (to the Divine - Love) called Bhakti Yoga! Also, I attended a Oneness Conference on the same subject with 600 people in Tampa Fl. thanks, Bent, I think you practice Bhakti Yoga or better live LOVE! ron
"The LOVE inside you is pure magic. All beings know it and recognize it, it can heal any illness and is the only thing powerful enough to heal a world. ONE of the extraordinary qualities of LOVE is that you get more of it the more you give out. It means the same as god and LIFE, and it is the fabric of universe and of you. It is always FREE and when you trust it you heal your LIFE. You are LOVE"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. 1 Corinthians 3:16
We CANNOT Teach Anyone about LOVE. We can Only become LOVE and Allow others to Experience our Joy." ♥ ~ Eric Allen
Behold, how good and pleasant it is to dwell together in unity. Psalms 133:1
Virginia Klein: how can I begin to even aspire at learning that?
Ron Alexander: I AM ONE WITH LOVE THAT LIFTS AND LIGHTS MY LIFE NOW is a decree, and can be said 7x several times a day. And along with prayer and meditation, it can really help feel better about life. Sometimes, if waking up at night after a nightmare or negative thinking, it helps to put your right hand over your heart and repeat that or if too sleepy - simplify to "God's love is right here, right now!" over and over till you go back to sleep. Thanks for question, Virginia! "We are created to love and be loved." Mother Teresa
Who is your best friend. If your answer is anything but yourself, you would be wise reconsidering. If you do not LOVE yourself just a tiny bit more than anything outside of you, you do not LOVE yourself fully. When you LOVE yourself fully you will be in the flow and you will LOVE all else. When your best friend meet a challenge, you know what to say. Treat yourself as your best friend"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Subodh Kumar Misra: The 'Self' is not 'inside me','inside you', etc. It is inside everything. A thing that is inside everything is everywhere. That which is everywhere includes even the person who tries to know it. That which is everywhere cannot be known unless the knower also becomes That. Knowing Self is being Self. Knowing Reality is being Reality. Thought and Reality coalesce and become Absolute Being.........AUM!..
Craig Moriarty
It is one thing to withdraw into the quit, realize our spiritual essence and know that all is one. Now is the opportunity to bring this with us into the manifest world and function out of our oneness with love as our motivation.
Ron Alexander: Hmm, back to the original quote - isn't Being more important than doing? A Human Being vs. a Human "doing"?.Craig Moriarty @ Ron, our fear based thoughts and corresponding emotions created the world we knew. How much more powerful are our love based thoughts and corresponding emotions. Being is doing. Now we have to ability to consciously focus our thoughts and emotions/ energy, for the greatest good. There is no limitation to what can be accomplished.
Ron Alexander: Thanks for the wise answer Craig. Glad your excellent post is back on point!
Bobby Hinkle:
Love is the language by which God communicates with us…and us with God.Andy Skadberg: Love is the Motivator, Manifester..
This morning, as I spent some time getting ready for the day, my one year old son came and layed on my chest. He fell asleep again. I was doing my breathing, and meditating. Then my mind was t...aken to a thought related to something my dear friend Desmond Green and I have been talking about.
Desmond is one of the most spiritually enlightened people that I have ever met. He seems to exist in two realities. But the point of this blog is to introduce his idea that we are physical spirit manifested from Source, or God. That is what we are. And our experiences are the point of us being here. Our experience manifests through all of the things that our bodies do to interact with this material creation, even the ones that do not appear to have physical form. The tangible "experiences", or interactions, occur with our five senses (seeing, touch, smell, hearing, and taste). The non-physical are through our thoughts and feelings. But the manifestation is from Spirit.
Now, what is so important, or why does this matter you ask? Well, from our conversations, and understand the Truth is really hard to grasp with our minds so this isn´t simple to relate, but what is happening to humanity at this time is that we are becoming conscious of this fact - "that we are physical spirit", that is that we are physical expression of the "Divine" (or God if you prefer) (this means the universe and all of “creation). This is another description for what is occurring that has been referred to in many different ways, but most commonly known as "ascension", the “second coming of Christ”, or the "new age".
Desmond is a very persistent messenger, and we have been discussing this idea in its various implications, but this morning, as I layed heart to heart with this beautiful soul, Benjamin, the idea came to me that Love, is the motivator of this process. It is Love that accomplishes the movement of Spirit into physical.
It is Love that performs this magic that physicists have been observing where, apparently, our molecules are zapping in and out of our universe. Laboratory experiments have proven that all matter disappears and reappears, faster than the speed of light, apparently going between two places. They can see our side, physical manifestation (the universe, matter, creation) but they don´t know where they go. But Spirit does.
Now I don´t know if this idea is right. I may never know. But as it came to me, I thought I should share it here. If I consider this idea, it does make sense. Love is ever present, whether my experience seems positive or negative. In fact, in my life experiences the most negative, or painful, have been the ones that pushed me to Love. Otherwise I would just stay in once place and just keep doing the same thing. I wouldn´t grow. I wouldn´t yearn and be in angst to express just one small portion of the Love the Jesus was able to demonstrate. I would continue to live in ignorance. But the troubled times, like my most recent traverse across the "valley of the shadow of death", really cause me to search for the Truth, for understanding, for how I can relate better to life, and my higher power.
I´m going to put this idea out there in hopes that it might help others. If I contemplate this, and I haven´t had but more than about 30 minutes, but if love is the motivator, and I make a connection or relationship with it, doesn´t it demonstrate that I must take action? Isn´t it really the light in the lantern? What brings my life, and all of creation out of the unmanifest to what we are blessed to experience on this side of the veil comes through action! This is a lesson for me.
Of course, talking, or writing about love is an action. But how can I do more. How can I each day seek the perfection that I know the ONE has created because I see it in the balance of nature and the cosmos. How can I continue to challenge myself to ascend this ladder, the one that love says, at least to me - Andy, is this the most loving that you can be in this moment? How do I do that day to day?
I do it by being present in each moment. By resisting the patterned, habituated reactions in my relationships with the people whom I love (who by the way see my worst behavior). I do it by persistently and patiently following through on the dreams and aspirations that I have to make a difference. The ones that I feel have come directly from my heart. By the way, these are usually the ones that ask me to take the biggest risks, or to challenge conventions.
I´m not sure where this idea the "Love is the Motivator" came from, Benjamin´s heart, my heart, my head? Well, it doesn´t matter really. But it is some food for thought.
With Great Love,
We CANNOT Teach Anyone about LOVE. We can Only become LOVE and Allow others to Experience our Joy." ♥ ~ Eric Allen
Behold, how good and pleasant it is to dwell together in unity. Psalms 133:1
Virginia Klein: how can I begin to even aspire at learning that?
Ron Alexander: I AM ONE WITH LOVE THAT LIFTS AND LIGHTS MY LIFE NOW is a decree, and can be said 7x several times a day. And along with prayer and meditation, it can really help feel better about life. Sometimes, if waking up at night after a nightmare or negative thinking, it helps to put your right hand over your heart and repeat that or if too sleepy - simplify to "God's love is right here, right now!" over and over till you go back to sleep. Thanks for question, Virginia! "We are created to love and be loved." Mother Teresa
Who is your best friend. If your answer is anything but yourself, you would be wise reconsidering. If you do not LOVE yourself just a tiny bit more than anything outside of you, you do not LOVE yourself fully. When you LOVE yourself fully you will be in the flow and you will LOVE all else. When your best friend meet a challenge, you know what to say. Treat yourself as your best friend"~Bent Kim Lundberg
Subodh Kumar Misra: The 'Self' is not 'inside me','inside you', etc. It is inside everything. A thing that is inside everything is everywhere. That which is everywhere includes even the person who tries to know it. That which is everywhere cannot be known unless the knower also becomes That. Knowing Self is being Self. Knowing Reality is being Reality. Thought and Reality coalesce and become Absolute Being.........AUM!..
Craig Moriarty
It is one thing to withdraw into the quit, realize our spiritual essence and know that all is one. Now is the opportunity to bring this with us into the manifest world and function out of our oneness with love as our motivation.
Ron Alexander: Hmm, back to the original quote - isn't Being more important than doing? A Human Being vs. a Human "doing"?.Craig Moriarty @ Ron, our fear based thoughts and corresponding emotions created the world we knew. How much more powerful are our love based thoughts and corresponding emotions. Being is doing. Now we have to ability to consciously focus our thoughts and emotions/ energy, for the greatest good. There is no limitation to what can be accomplished.
Ron Alexander: Thanks for the wise answer Craig. Glad your excellent post is back on point!
Bobby Hinkle:
Love is the language by which God communicates with us…and us with God.Andy Skadberg: Love is the Motivator, Manifester..
This morning, as I spent some time getting ready for the day, my one year old son came and layed on my chest. He fell asleep again. I was doing my breathing, and meditating. Then my mind was t...aken to a thought related to something my dear friend Desmond Green and I have been talking about.
Desmond is one of the most spiritually enlightened people that I have ever met. He seems to exist in two realities. But the point of this blog is to introduce his idea that we are physical spirit manifested from Source, or God. That is what we are. And our experiences are the point of us being here. Our experience manifests through all of the things that our bodies do to interact with this material creation, even the ones that do not appear to have physical form. The tangible "experiences", or interactions, occur with our five senses (seeing, touch, smell, hearing, and taste). The non-physical are through our thoughts and feelings. But the manifestation is from Spirit.
Now, what is so important, or why does this matter you ask? Well, from our conversations, and understand the Truth is really hard to grasp with our minds so this isn´t simple to relate, but what is happening to humanity at this time is that we are becoming conscious of this fact - "that we are physical spirit", that is that we are physical expression of the "Divine" (or God if you prefer) (this means the universe and all of “creation). This is another description for what is occurring that has been referred to in many different ways, but most commonly known as "ascension", the “second coming of Christ”, or the "new age".
Desmond is a very persistent messenger, and we have been discussing this idea in its various implications, but this morning, as I layed heart to heart with this beautiful soul, Benjamin, the idea came to me that Love, is the motivator of this process. It is Love that accomplishes the movement of Spirit into physical.
It is Love that performs this magic that physicists have been observing where, apparently, our molecules are zapping in and out of our universe. Laboratory experiments have proven that all matter disappears and reappears, faster than the speed of light, apparently going between two places. They can see our side, physical manifestation (the universe, matter, creation) but they don´t know where they go. But Spirit does.
Now I don´t know if this idea is right. I may never know. But as it came to me, I thought I should share it here. If I consider this idea, it does make sense. Love is ever present, whether my experience seems positive or negative. In fact, in my life experiences the most negative, or painful, have been the ones that pushed me to Love. Otherwise I would just stay in once place and just keep doing the same thing. I wouldn´t grow. I wouldn´t yearn and be in angst to express just one small portion of the Love the Jesus was able to demonstrate. I would continue to live in ignorance. But the troubled times, like my most recent traverse across the "valley of the shadow of death", really cause me to search for the Truth, for understanding, for how I can relate better to life, and my higher power.
I´m going to put this idea out there in hopes that it might help others. If I contemplate this, and I haven´t had but more than about 30 minutes, but if love is the motivator, and I make a connection or relationship with it, doesn´t it demonstrate that I must take action? Isn´t it really the light in the lantern? What brings my life, and all of creation out of the unmanifest to what we are blessed to experience on this side of the veil comes through action! This is a lesson for me.
Of course, talking, or writing about love is an action. But how can I do more. How can I each day seek the perfection that I know the ONE has created because I see it in the balance of nature and the cosmos. How can I continue to challenge myself to ascend this ladder, the one that love says, at least to me - Andy, is this the most loving that you can be in this moment? How do I do that day to day?
I do it by being present in each moment. By resisting the patterned, habituated reactions in my relationships with the people whom I love (who by the way see my worst behavior). I do it by persistently and patiently following through on the dreams and aspirations that I have to make a difference. The ones that I feel have come directly from my heart. By the way, these are usually the ones that ask me to take the biggest risks, or to challenge conventions.
I´m not sure where this idea the "Love is the Motivator" came from, Benjamin´s heart, my heart, my head? Well, it doesn´t matter really. But it is some food for thought.
With Great Love,
Monday, February 7, 2011
No Mistake Certainty - Do you know what I mean? Have your eyes really seen?
Craig Moriarty
It is no mistake that I am here. I chose to come here for this experience. I am intent on evolving in this experience and mastering it. No teaching, doctrine, opinion or any antitheses of any sort can dissuade me from what I know I am here for. I am grateful for the opportunity to cooperate will All that are here like wise.
Ron Alexander: Thanks Craig, "no mistake" equals "nemaste" in my book!
When every situation which life can offer is turned
to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation
can really be a bad one.
Paul Brunton
Bobby Hinkle
A mind engaged in the continuing belief in a biological Jesus coming back, body and soul, to the earth, creates an unnatural division with the heart; for the heart cannot relate to biological time and space doctrine; the heart relates only to the spirit, and the heart naturally clings to God like a child to her father's hand.
Also, we must free our thinking from the religious expectation of a biological return of Jesus Christ. The heart, housed and anointed by the spirit, is the Christ. Christ appearing through the clouds is a mythological reflection of what clouds represent. Clouds are created by a mind focused on duality, and influenced by ego. What appears through the clouds is the realization of our true identity...the son of God. There is only one son of God, and we are all perfectly united within the one son.
Ron: The realization of God's Love in our heart is the 'return of Christ", and did Love go anywhere anyway? "Praying without ceasing" is the continual knowing of God's Love in our heart. I wish I could say I was there, but certainty is increasing.
Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
(Elton John's Tumbleweed Connection album - thanks Jeanne for finding)
Love Song - all the lyrics
The words I have to say
May well be simple but they're true
Until you give your love
There's nothing more that we can do
Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one could offer you more
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
You say it's very hard
To leave behind the life we knew
But there's no other way
And now it's really up to you
Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
It is no mistake that I am here. I chose to come here for this experience. I am intent on evolving in this experience and mastering it. No teaching, doctrine, opinion or any antitheses of any sort can dissuade me from what I know I am here for. I am grateful for the opportunity to cooperate will All that are here like wise.
Ron Alexander: Thanks Craig, "no mistake" equals "nemaste" in my book!
When every situation which life can offer is turned
to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation
can really be a bad one.
Paul Brunton
Bobby Hinkle
A mind engaged in the continuing belief in a biological Jesus coming back, body and soul, to the earth, creates an unnatural division with the heart; for the heart cannot relate to biological time and space doctrine; the heart relates only to the spirit, and the heart naturally clings to God like a child to her father's hand.
Also, we must free our thinking from the religious expectation of a biological return of Jesus Christ. The heart, housed and anointed by the spirit, is the Christ. Christ appearing through the clouds is a mythological reflection of what clouds represent. Clouds are created by a mind focused on duality, and influenced by ego. What appears through the clouds is the realization of our true identity...the son of God. There is only one son of God, and we are all perfectly united within the one son.
Ron: The realization of God's Love in our heart is the 'return of Christ", and did Love go anywhere anyway? "Praying without ceasing" is the continual knowing of God's Love in our heart. I wish I could say I was there, but certainty is increasing.
Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
(Elton John's Tumbleweed Connection album - thanks Jeanne for finding)
Love Song - all the lyrics
The words I have to say
May well be simple but they're true
Until you give your love
There's nothing more that we can do
Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one could offer you more
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
You say it's very hard
To leave behind the life we knew
But there's no other way
And now it's really up to you
Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen
Friday, February 4, 2011
Oneness with the Power of God (The Secret of Life).
The God of love and peace shall be with you. 11 Corinthians 13:11
The Divine Presence is a living and dynamic reality. A direct experience of a conscious contact with the Divine is required to harnass the Power of God.
The secret of life is to know that there is a Real You, which lives in a Real God, and the two are one. A Power that can meet every need is to realize the Law of God is written in your mind.
Right now I feel a flow of Energy, Light , and Love filling my entire being. I know I am one with an infinite Presence that fills my life with peace, harmony and joy. I let go of all negative beliefs and affirm that Love is transforming my life today.
above is paraphrased from Ernest Holmes - A Year of Daily Wisdom
God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and wisdom.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Ego Made Me Do It;
Just as religion made up the devil to keep people under control, now some people have to make the ego a satan. The ego is not the problem, a healthy ego is just as important as a healthy body. Being egotistic or an egoist or even a weak ego... is having the ego out of balance & is hurtful. If you are going to "kill" the ego, you might as well drop the body or have alot of support - you will need someone to drive for you, cook for you, bath you, and feed you. Freud's definition of ego which he devised in the 30's was to be the CONSCIOUS mediator between the id (survival instincts) & superego (our Self). Gary Zukav has a great definition of ego - our earth guide. And he says "Love" is the only Reality!
Bronagh Fitzgerald: you cant kill the ego if you have a pulse you have a ego its a psychological necessity though if you didnt have one youd put up with all kinds of shit lol brona
Benjamin Smythe: Ego is the felt sense that the one who is writing this is different from the one who is reading it.about an hour ago
Ron Alexander: And thank goodness for the senses that help keep us in the moment. And yes in this dimension, we are in seperate bodies and seperate egos. The self in the Self - and according to Ramana Maharish: "God, Guru and Self are the same."
James Oneill: " The felt Sense "
Ron Alexander: Yes, the "felt sense" - sensory awareness as well as ego awareness is essential to awakening to non-duality. Buddha's meditation to enlightenment is based largely on the "felt senses" , and being aware of their passing through - the impermanence as Christians call "this too shall pass." Transcendence of the ego and the senses is not so much of leaving the body as to deeply going into "our temple of the Spirit" to experience our true Self.
Ron Alexander: Thanks James for this deep dialogue. It is wonderful that we can do this in a civil intelligent manner. I believe in getting past our ego, as St. Francis said "it is in dying to our self, that we are born to eternal life."
However, one had b...etter be ready to leave the body to completely get past our "ego". Yesterday, I saw a video called "The Ego is Evil". I saw these series of grim faced psychologiststheologians blasting the
ego. It reminded me of a series of preachers denouncing "satan". That is a basis of duality in my opinion. If we blame the devil or the ego, we are not taking responsibility for our actions. What do you think?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
God, Guru and Self are the same. Ramana Marharshi
We exist in this universe in two worlds of reality. Led by our self, we perceive a dualistic reality of right/wrong, good/bad, or past/future. Led by our SELF, we experience the peace, freedom and liberty of Oneness. An awareness of the Oneness of SELF does not negate our awareness of the dualism of self. It accepts it, embraces it and uses it to manifest the higher qualities of peace and love into the world of self. The perceptions of our existence are dependent upon which reality we choose to live from, and in. Therefore, live from an awareness of SELF and lead your dualistic self into an experience of health, wealth, prosperity and abundance. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
We exist in this universe in two worlds of reality. Led by our self, we perceive a dualistic reality of right/wrong, good/bad, or past/future. Led by our SELF, we experience the peace, freedom and liberty of Oneness. An awareness of the Oneness of SELF does not negate our awareness of the dualism of self. It accepts it, embraces it and uses it to manifest the higher qualities of peace and love into the world of self. The perceptions of our existence are dependent upon which reality we choose to live from, and in. Therefore, live from an awareness of SELF and lead your dualistic self into an experience of health, wealth, prosperity and abundance. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
We exist in this universe in two worlds of reality. Led by our self, we perceive a dualistic reality of right/wrong, good/bad, or past/future. Led by our SELF, we experience the peace, freedom and liberty of Oneness. An awareness of the Oneness of SELF does not negate our awareness of the dualism of self. It accepts it, embraces it and uses it to manifest the higher qualities of peace and love into the world of self. The perceptions of our existence are dependent upon which reality we choose to live from, and in. Therefore, live from an awareness of SELF and lead your dualistic self into an experience of health, wealth, prosperity and abundance. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Love is a fire -- Fiery Feb.
Love is a fire and I am wood. Rumi
Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness ...the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discoved fire. Pierre Tielhard De Chardin
Love is the central flame of the Universe, nay, the very fire itself. Ernest Holmes
We may think of the Divine as a fire whose outgoing warmth pervades the Universe. Plotinus.
Just as religion made up the devil to keep people under control, now some people have to make the ego a satan. The ego is not the problem, a healthy ego is just as important as a healthy body. Being egotistic or an egoist or even a weak ego is having the ego out of balance & is hurtful. If you are going to "kill" the ego, you might as well drop the body or have alot of support - you will need someone to drive for you, cook for you, bath you, and feed you. Freud's definition of ego which he devised in the 30's was to be the CONSCIOUS mediator between the id (survival instincts) & superego (our Self). Gary Zukav has a great definition of ego - our earth guide. And he says "Love" is the only Reality! ron
Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness ...the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discoved fire. Pierre Tielhard De Chardin
Love is the central flame of the Universe, nay, the very fire itself. Ernest Holmes
We may think of the Divine as a fire whose outgoing warmth pervades the Universe. Plotinus.
Just as religion made up the devil to keep people under control, now some people have to make the ego a satan. The ego is not the problem, a healthy ego is just as important as a healthy body. Being egotistic or an egoist or even a weak ego is having the ego out of balance & is hurtful. If you are going to "kill" the ego, you might as well drop the body or have alot of support - you will need someone to drive for you, cook for you, bath you, and feed you. Freud's definition of ego which he devised in the 30's was to be the CONSCIOUS mediator between the id (survival instincts) & superego (our Self). Gary Zukav has a great definition of ego - our earth guide. And he says "Love" is the only Reality! ron
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