Monday, March 29, 2010

Dialogue After Oneness Group & How Are you Aware of Divine Grace?

Comment by Ron Alexander
Dialogue on Group at Joanna's House Tonight:

C. S. comments:

Thank you for using my quote . . . lovely energy tonight . . . aren't we lucky . . .

Ron Alexander March 29 at 10:22pm
Yes, though I don't use the word "lucky". Divine Grace is pouring into us, because we know of it & accept it - we are ready. Thank you for being there - I feel a brother - sister type connection with you, Lesta, Wayne and the rest of the Givers! In the Spirit of One Love, ron

C. S. March 29 at 10:35pm
You are absolutely right . . . I am using old language to describe something that has been waiting for me to be ready . . . something always there that I was not mature enough to accept . . . Joanna sat beside me & told me that I was ready . . . just a huge responsibility . . .

Ron Alexander March 29 at 10:45pm
"responsibility" - the ability to respond! as opposed to reacting unconsciously! You, C. , are ready - you are responding consciously. thanks for being a clear mirror in oneness, ron

C. S. - March 29 at 10:48pm
Responding consciously . . . I am! & that makes all the difference in the world . . .

From another post however related to the above:

Oneness Blessing How are you aware that is Divine Grace present in your daily life . How do you experience that?

Aikya Param Reverend Elouise Oliver told her congregation at the East Bay Church of Religious Science, regarding breathing, that it is not under the individual's control. Breathing, which keeps the body alive happend "automatiocalle." Another way to look at it is that God is breathing me. Until it is time for this life to end, God is breathing me.

I know that God is even closer to me than that. I know that the consciousness out of which my thoughts arise and into which they resolve is the same ___ out of which the entire universe arises and resolves. That aweareness which is my very Self is the Self alos of all beings including God. It is the Oneness that I am.


Oneness Blessing Yes so True that divine breath of life in which the divine lives in you and experiences thru you ..Blessings and Love for you and always the Best of Grace Sister

HappyHappy Carol Everyday is a miracle by my Divine Grace, and I document the details of my Oneness Journey every few days in my Notes, and they will answer your Q about

How are you aware that is Divine Grace present in your daily life . How do you experience that?

This is such an amazing journey that I would not do it any other way.

Critical Mass - "The 100th Monkey" - Long Distance Healing

.Comment by The Ancient One on March 23, 2010 at 1:37pm Once you begin living a more spiritually fulfilling life, your sense of connection actually increases. Regardless of how others live their lives, your inner sense of connection and love for those with whom you interact increases. As you recognize the truth in you, so too will you begin to recognize that the same truth exists in all of your brothers and sisters. Others around you might still choose to experience fear and pain which they demonstrate through expressions of stress, anxiety, judgment and anger. You will have compassion for them, because you will understand where they think they are coming from. But you will not share in their thoughts about themselves, or be involved in their pain and suffering, for you will quickly recognize that it is an illusion they are experiencing.

- James Blanchard Cisneros, You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey From Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 52 Comment by Ron Alexande Critical Mass - "The 100th Monkey"
Scientists studied monkeys on different islands far apart from each other, with no way to communicate, When a certain amount of monkeys on one island learned to use a stick as a tool, mysteriously the monkeys on the other island started using sticks as a tool.
Long distance healing can take place in same way if enough of us get healed in our own lifes.
I like comment above, and I think our two ideas can be integrated. Any takers?
Should this be a "discussion"? .

Oneness Blessings Every Month - groups & training

Ron Alexander
Oneness Blessing (Group tonight and Wed. Night & Training (see below)

The Oneness Blessing results in growth in consciousness. It is the phenomenon behind the work of oneness. It is an act of energy transfer by touch or by the power of intent.

The Oneness Blessing is a non-denominational experience that transfers physica...l energy, awakening our connection with the oneness in everything, al...lowing each of us to deepen our relationship with those we love, with ourselves, with strangers and with our creator.

The Oneness Blessing initiates a neuro-biological change in the brain. There are 16 centres in the brain responsible for definitive experiences like sensory perception, emotions of jealousy, hatred, fear, compassion, love, joy, separation, connectedness, creativity, learning, etc. Oneness Blessing results in the activation of certain centres and the de-activation of certain other centres thus bringing about a shift in the perception and experience of life.
Namaste One,
Just a friendly reminder of the powerful Oneness Blessing event this coming Monday night at 6:45(Blessing Givers please be there by 6pm) at JoAnna's home. 144 Myrtle Grande Dr, Conway.
Reports of miraculous life changes are continuing to flow. Please join us for another magical evening of Oneness, limitless love and causeless joy.
See you Monday!

Blessings of OneSpirit,

We ARE peace. Let us remember.

And Ron adds: "Oneness Blessings Every Moment" I just sent you a blessing!
''WORD FOR THE DAY Friday, Mar. 26 Give thanks for
unknown blessings already on their way.
Native American prayer''

C. S. adds:
Thank you . . . I am beginning to feel as if the blessings are surrounding me every moment of the day . . . I think it is the Oneness Blessing . . .
Also, join us at the beautilul Isle of Light at Jackie's warm old family home at 7 on Wed. Call ron at 249-5723 (leave message) for directions.
In addition, become a Oneness Blessing Hugger with Beth's workshop at the Yoga Room on April 24th and 25th.
One way that I measure my progress in experiencing Oneness is by the increase of joy in my life. "Joy is the realization of the truth of Oneness..." Rabindroth Tagore

C. S. March 29 at 9:28pm
Thank you for using my quote . . . lovely energy tonight . . . aren't we lucky . . .
Ron Alexander March 29 at 10:22pm
Yes, though I don't use the word "lucky". Divine Grace is pouring into us, because we know of it & accept it - we are ready. Thank you for being there - I feel a brother - sister type connection with you, Lesta, Wayne and the rest of the Givers! In the Spirit of One Love, ron
C. S. March 29 at 10:35pm
You are absolutely right . . . I am using old language to describe something that has been waiting for me to be ready . . . something always there that I was not mature enough to accept . . . Joanna sat beside me & told me that I was ready . . . just a huge responsibility . . . Ron Alexander March 29 at 10:45pm
"responsibililty" - the ability to respond! as opposed to reacting unconsciously! You, C. , are ready - you are responding consciously. thanks for being a clear mirror in oneness, ron

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nothing (even death) in Life is to be Feared - Now, Love All, Serve All

Nothing in life is to be feared,

it is only to be understood.

Now is the time to understand more,

so that we may fear less.

Madame Marie Curie

Charlene Heaton and Tomaca Govan like this.

Christi L Spivey "Very wise woman & very smart!"

Sunday, Mar. 28

Death can come at any minute, in any way.
We do not know what is in store tomorrow,
or, whether there is a tomorrow, or even a tonight!
But still, we have the golden present. Now we are
alive and kicking. What should we do now?
Love all, serve all.

Sri Swami Satchidananda

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Teacher of Awareness & ?

I have learned so much from ACIM, Eckhart (I do think it is rather disingeneuos that he does not give credit to the ACIM as a big part of his roots), Williamson, and Dyer both of whom give alot of credit to ACIM Especially, they really quote the Course on how "bad the ego is." I could quote several times where Eckhart talks about the need for "losing the ego", and even in his last paragraph - summary of The New Earth. One point I am trying to make is that an ego is a necessity, and we need it to be balanced - not too strong or too weak, and like Eckhart says we do need to be conscious of it to know.
whether it is balanced or not?
The main point is that we should not be fundamentalists! There are many people who think every word of these writings are sacrosant, and when it comes to their ego, they create an dichotomy within themselves which hurts them in the world.
And I have learned so much from this mostly magnificent writings. I have learned that "this too shall pass" (& the Buddhists), and have followed Tolle's advice to create a piece of jewelry with the words on it - mine is a cedar heart necklace. I have learned about the magic of "being here now" as much as possible, along with the quote from the Course that the "closest we can get to eternity, is by being in the moment." And how amazingly wonderful this case is
"There is a silence into which the world cannot intrude.
There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost.
There is a sense of holiness in you that the thought of sin has never touched.
All this today you will remember." A Course in Miracles
The Essence is what is important - we are all One in Love Now, ron
"Just tear out those pages(of duality)",,,Bill Thetford told us.
Alexander I agree with Eckhart and Jesus on this one - "Love your enemies." Martin Luther King wrote the best about this in Courage to Love

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blessings On Their Way - Oneness Blessings Already Here

Friday, Mar. 26

Give thanks for unknown
blessings already on their way.

Native American prayer

Christi L Spivey
Thank you . . . I am beginning to feel as if the blessings
are surrounding me every moment of the day . . .
I think it is the Oneness Blessing . . .

Thanks Christi, Please join us a Joanna's group at 7 on Monday and/or join us at the beautilul Isle of Light at Jackie's warm old family home at 7 on Wed.
In addition, become a Oneness Blessing Hugger with Beth's workshop at the Yoga Room on April 24th and 25th.

One way that I measure my progress in experiencing Oneness is by the increase of joy in my life. "Joy is the realization of the truth of Oneness..." Rabindroth Tagore
My affirmation for this day:I rejoice in the simple realization that I am One with all the Love of God, Life and people. "This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it." Micah 7:8

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bridges to Oneness (a Holy Relationship)

1. "Holy Relationship with yourself, that is a bridge I am looking for. thank you, De.
1a. by De. All starts with knowing thyself...

Having the fullest integrity with thyself.... aligning all aspects of our higher spirit, our beliefs and our actions.

From there finding the authentic relationships within our life.

Be well and enjoy! Blessings always!

Dear De., Thanks for such a quick and wise response:

"When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are,

experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance,

and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering,

the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth!"

Sri Bhagavan

"Love must begin with loving yourself."

I have been blessed to be a Oneness Blessing Giver with the Oneness Movement. I have never felt closer to anybody than my fellow Blessing Givers and Receivers, and it keeps getting better. Try googling if you like, committed to One Love, ron

2. Meditation (Vipassana is my favorite, but anything that will quieten your mind will help.

3. Oneness Blessings

4. Humor - taking yourself lightly, that is a bridge I am looking for. thank you, D.M.

5. thank you, Sc. "Body has nothing to do!" - a bridge to a Holy Relationship, thank you - bridges are what I am looking for. ron

6. Hi Sa., thanks for your thoughtful post: "But we both had trust - in each other and the Divine gift we had been given, and our marriage was fertile soil. We both grew in a nurtured environment, became more complete within ourselves and with each other." Trust in each other and the Divine Gift is definitely a bridge that I am asking for...
I have come very close to Holy Relationships with some fellow Oneness Blessing Givers and Receivers: However, my close Ones there are mostly married, and I think the acid test is in a "romantic" committed relationship. And I have never felt closer to anyone as these Oneness friends. committed to One Loving, ron

7. Love that quote and could that be a bridge to a Holy Relationship?
Dear Ron
first of all let's do remember a quote Carlos recently added here

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing. Love is knowing I am everything and between the two, my life moves"
-Nisargadatta Maharaj

Human relationships cannot involve god "as a third party"
We are created in love by love for love.
we are part of the love of the univers but every single link between us humans is weaker confronted to the deeper interplanetary love that is embracing us.
Also one people left alone could experiment this love by the gift of himself everyday life.

Hello Lo,, thanks for your thoughtful post: And you may be right?
I have come very close to Holy Relationships with some fellow Oneness Blessing Givers and Receivers: However, my close Ones there are mostly married, and I think the acid test is in a "romantic" committed relationship. And I have never felt closer to anyone as these Oneness friends. committed to One Loving, ron
Try googling This is as close to "Holy Relationships" and it keeps getting better!

It is one of those question that might surprise someoone into realizing that they have surrendered to a Higher Self,threrfore when they let Go, that TwinFlame Walked into their Life.... R.M.

9. Ho'Oponopono Prayer for forgiveness: "I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you, i love you, thank you." Do it for yourself with "enemy" in your mind, but it works anyway as we are all One.

10. Byron Katy's Turnaround Work: when we judge another we judge ourselves at least part of ourselves so turn that pointing finger back at yourself.

11. Unity Spirituality - after all Unity means Oneness.

12 Ernest Holmes - Science of Mind Mystical philosopher.

13. Brother David Steindle-rast -

14. Essence of ACIM & Attitudinal Healing - "God is love and anyone "attacking" is calling for loving help.

Monday, March 22, 2010

When Love is Present Healing Begins (Ho'Oponopono clarified)

Thanks for the Ho'oponopono Prayer. I need to pray this prayer day & nite. I have suffered with Addiction most of my life. I am now in Recovery for the past 3-4yrs now! I have so much past emotions built up inside. I am working on being a better person everyday with Prayer and forgiveness and spirituality.

A new way of praying Ho'Oponopono prayer:
Comment by Michel Green
The wonderful thing about this mantra is that there is no time attached as to when it will manifest. This afternoon I started saying it with regard to my grandson who had gone to stay overnight at "my friend's" without saying which friend or leaving a phone number. within a matter of minutes, my daughter phoned to say he was home - safe and well - although his ears might be sore from the scolding...
I always start with "Thank you" because it puts me in a state of gratitude and in alignment with receiving something de-Light-full.
I then say "I'm sorry" to acknowledge that as a creator of my own Life experience, if something is out of alignment, I must take responsibility for it and own up to my part in its appearance.
Then comes "Please forgive me" which sets me free because forgiveness is for - giving [to me].
And I always end with "And I love you" because that re-establishes my awareness of the flow of Divine Love in my life. And I love you fills be with our loving joy-full-ness with and for each other.

Ron Alexander
My horoscope for today - I usually don't pay much attention unless they give good advice like this one: "Forgiveness is about not letting negative feelings spoil your life. If you feel mistreated you can become bitter and angry." No kiddiing!

When Love Is Present, Healing Begins
by Colleen O'Rourke
.Some of you may have looked at the title of that "Ho'oponopono" video I have posted and thought..."Ho....ooooooo....whaaaaat?" Did you think that just because you can't pronounce it and certainly not spell it without 100 repetitions that you can't do it, my friends? OH Ho' Oh yes you can! And once you start, you won't be able to stop...because it feels so good!

Ho'oponopono is an ancient method of healing which originated in Hawaii. How long ago? I don't remember! Doesn't matter....this is what it is and how you do it. It starts with this most important phrase: I LOVE YOU. Simply put, when love is present, healing begins.

Ok, you say, how do I do this? Let's suppose (lol) you've got an issue with someone and you can't seem to resolve it...does this happen to anyone but me? Ah ha, thought so. Try this method. Think of this person and this issue you can't seem to resolve, or clear. If you have more than one issue, then repeat this method until you have covered them all. (This is common, by the way.) Say out loud or to yourself (note: if you are on a crowded bus, it might be best to think it to yourself):

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

I thank you, and

I love you.

The magic of healing begins to work. Think about this...doesn't it always take "two to tango?" You can't argue with yourself, so if you are having an issue with someone, it's not only their are to blame as well. We need to take responsibility for the origination of the issue. We are, after all, only mirrors of the reflection of our own souls in the eyes of our brothers, sisters, children, parents, friends, community...all of Creation. If you have anger, resentment, jealousy...whatever in your heart, well then, those feelings are going to be felt by the object ( might be a better word) of your emotions.

To put it simply, Ho'oponopono means 'to make it right' or 'to rectify an error.' Erroneous thoughts, or negative emotions, are caused by painful memories from the past. This past can be five minutes ago, or 50 years ago. It does not matter. If you release the negative emotions associated with the thoughts, guess what happens? You heal, the other heals, and the situation gets resolved...forever if you really mean it.

So, to do this Ho'oponopono healing, first you express your own repentance for your part in the issue by saying (or thinking) and feeling truly that you are, indeed, sorry. Second, you ask for forgiveness from that person for any part that you played in the issue. Third, you thank that person for forgiving you and anything else you wish to thank them for. Some examples might be that they taught you a lesson, or they helped you in some way by lighting up this shadow of darkness within you. Finally...and most importantly, you say: I LOVE YOU. As you do this process, forgive and love yourself at the deepest level as well!

LOVE first goes to work neutralizing the negative emotions that caused the problem in the first place. Next, LOVE releases these neutralized emotions, leaving a space of emptiness where the negative emotions once resided. And for the grand finale, LOVE then fills up the empty space with guess what? Yes, you've got it:

LOVE fills up the empty space left by the now neutralized emotions with PURE LOVE. What is left but hugs?

Love and joy,


(Note: Special thanks and credit to authors Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D for helping me to explain this wonderful ancient healing method of Ho'oponopono to you through their book, ZERO LIMITS. I highly recommend their book!)

A message from Michel Green to all members of Ho'Oponopono on Playing with the Universe!

During the channelling sessions I do, I hear the Archangels recommending the use of this Mantra over and over. They encourage a calm state when focussing on the scenario you desire to resolve; and especially by simply identifying the person or condition you release yourself from telling the Beloved Divine what you want done and leave the process up to that much Higher Wisdom.

I recently used the Ho'oponopono Mantra with "abundance" as the focus. Surprisingly two things happened - one I had expected and the other I had not even considered but it certainly is a result/behaviour I needed.

The first is that the number of people interested in my service or referred to me increased markedly. I had already decided to include a card with this Mantra on it for their use so that went well with the Angels also recommending it. Many of these people are first-time clients but they are already interested in further sessions for themselves and are also referring their friends! Thank you very much, God!

The second result of doing this Mantra was that I found myself following up with slow or missing compensation much more quickly [formerly I would follow-up after about 3 to 6 months] and much, much more comfortably [follow-up always terrified me]. And no one was insulted or upset with me!

When you let go of your own opinion of what needs to be done and let the Universe look after the details, you can experience greater
benefits and greater results than your limited point of view might allow you.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

True Wealth

Sunday, Mar. 21

Wealth consists not in having
great possessions but
in having few wants.

Esther De Wall

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Feeling of Oneness - Accepting Ourselves - Creating Holy Relationships

"Joy, bliss, peace, naturally high, a sense of well-being, feeling loved," are some of the descriptions by my fellow Oneness Blessing givers and receivers. What are some of the main stimulants for these benefits? One friend, in my eyes, has changed radically.
Joy, bliss, peace, naturally high, a sense of well-being, feeling loved," are some of the descriptions by my fellow Oneness Blessing givers and receivers. What are some of the main stimulants for these benefits? One friend, in my eyes, has changed radically.
Z. and I have had a rather rocky, in and out relationship for years. She is highly accomplished and successfully married, as most of my Oneness friends. I respect Z. and have considered her a teacher at times, yet other times I felt judged and invalidated. To use Byron Katy's essential "Turnaround Work", I have to own those judgements myself - I judged and invalidated Z. also. So the feeling of unconditional regard between us really warmed my heart. It is not a romantic or lustful feeling, better it is a higher, purer wholesome type of feeling.


It reminds me of how A Course in Miracles described a "Holy Relationship" - how two fully fulfilled people can get together without needs- "Each one has looked within and seen no lack. Accepting his completion, he would extend it
by joining another, whole as himself. He sees no difference between these selves, for differences are only of the body...therefore he looks on nothing he would take...
Think what difference a holy relationship can teach! Here is the belief in differences undone. Here is the faith in differences undone
shifted to sameness (Oneness, I would say). And here is a sight of differences shifted to vision."

I asked Z. why she thought that did not seem to be a sense of separation between us anymore? She replied it was because she has fully accepted herself now.

When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are,

experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance,

and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering,

the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth!

Sri Bhagavan

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oneness Blessers

I have just returned from Jackie's where the Divine Light was pouring healing soothing energy into us during the Oneness Blessing Group.
Thanks for continuing the blessings. committed to Oneness, ron

What is Oneness Blessing?

Oneness Blessing is the Divine Grace of God, Infinite Intelligence that flows aboundingly caressing the heart and soul of the one receiving the blessings. It awakens the one to remember their own direct divine connection to their source, heals hurts, and shifts the perception of one to see God in each other and realize one's own true beauty, self acceptance and wholeness. It is an experience of Oneness with all of Creation and with the Divine Presence that becomes a tangible reality and way of living in reverence to life.

It is a direct transference of an intelligent sacred energy which causes the heart to flower and initiates a neurobiological change in the brain. This brings a shift in perception and the realization that the sense of a separate self is an illusion.

Oneness Blessing frees the senses from the constant chatter of the mind resulting in clarity of perception and spontaneous feelings of love, joy, peace, and inner silence. It dissolves negative life patterns, memories, releases traumas stored at the cellular and energetic levels, and facilitates deep emotional and physical healing. Eventually the process brings a permanent end to personal suffering and Full Awakening to the very highest states of consciousness.

Oneness Blessing is may be transferred by the Blessing Giver by a look, a touch, a word or the heartfelt will and intention of the one offering the blessing. This may be done from a long distance away in meditation, over the phone or the internet. Experiences vary and may be strong, subtle or even delayed until days later. One may experience a tingling sensation in the head, blissful feelings running through the whole body or perhaps nothing at all. Whatever the experience, it is certain that the process of Awakening has begun, a process custom designed for each individual which will lead gradually (or sometimes suddenly) to Full Awakening into Oneness.

Oneness Blessing is dogma-free and does not belong to any particular religion, philosophy or belief-system. It helps each of us to discover and fully Experience the Reality of our own unique relationship with the Divine.

Awaken to Oneness! book by Arjuna Ardagh is excellent!
Jeanne commented on Ron Alexander's blog post 'Oneness Blessing Group'Capt. Ron, your path is strewn with many beautiful gems...

Mereana Taki commented on her link:
Sweet Day of Oneness Love in expansion. Smiles*:.."

An answer to several compliments to this post:
Thank you, Jeanne, Celeste, Lesta, Christi, Pat, et al,
I consider most to be part of my Divine Inheritance. If Mom had not virtually left me out of her will last year, I don't think I would have learned the Ho'Oponopono prayer, gone to Vipassana ten day silent retreat (time for another), been fitted with "Spiritual Gloves" by Flavio a "'shaman" healer from Ecquador Amazonia (his tribe not discovered until 1992) has lost most of its territory to military/business complexes.
Then sailed by the winds of Divine Grace to a 2 day retreat in Florida and unexpectedly being initiated as a Oneness Blessing Giver. I don't think I could have had one without the other in that Divine Ord
er. no mistake, ron

L. i've been feeling that natural high all day. I got so much done at work - it was/is amazing... i feel clearer than i've felt in quite a while. And it keeps getting better everyday!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God...

My Divine Inheritance

One of my favorite and helpful verses is "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all things shall be added." This has proven true after shockingly being virtually left out of my Mom's will last year. I felt so rejected that I was either going to commit suicide or surrender to God. Thankfully, it was logical and emotionally sensible to do the latter. Unity Christianity has been very helpful plus Science of Mind (Ernest Holmes) readings. A Vipassana ten day silent retreat has helped me to turn more to Silence and disciplined meditation for more profound realizations.

I was also blessed with learning the Ho'Oponopono prayer from Hawaii: "I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you, I love you." Since we are all one, pray for yourself and keeping the image of your "enemy" in my mind has produced miraculous results.

Recently, I experienced a "cleansing" by a young humble "shaman", who I really felt "seen" by. During the cleansing ritual, Flavio spent a lot of time ritualistically "putting spiritual gloves on me". A day later, the winds of Divine Grace mercifully sailed me to Oneness Blessing Training in Florida, which has been one of the best spiritual assists in my life. I don't think I could have become a hands-on Oneness Blessing Giver without the "spiritual gloves ritual."
I have a easy time gauging my spiritual growth with a gradual but obvious increase in joy in my life. "Joy is the realization of the truth of Oneness...Tagore

" . . . the kingdom of heaven is not a place, instead it is a state of consciousness. It is the mystical experience of union with God."

from Do Greater Things - Searcy
Thanks to Christi Spivey for this quote

Oneness Blessers are taught that "spiritual awakening is primarily a neurobiological event". Anandagiri one of the first teachers for Amma/Bhagavan stated after reading the research of several scientists who studied the Oneness Blessings at Bhagavan's request: "If all of this is governed by the state of the brain, what does it matter which teaching you subscribe to, or which faith you follow. It is totally immaterial."
Bhagavan, like the Dalai Lama, enjoys studying neuroscience, and working with the brain experts, states: "the parietal lobes operate at about three times the activity needed to perform their healthy functions. As a result, in addition to being able to negotiate space, the parietal lobes create a strong sense of separation: of a me and a not me. In this sense, Bhagavan suggests that overactive parietal lobes are the biological seat of the ego: their overactivity creates the illusion of a deficient separate self that constantly needs to do something to solve a problem. Bhagavan explains that when most people arrive at the Oneness U., the dasas get intuitive readings of between 56 and 60. They try to bring the readings down to below 30 on the left and 25 on the right. Once the readings come below these levels, they claim that the sense of separation naturally dissolves."
Also reported in Awakening to Oneness by Arjuna Ardagh: "Dr. Wagstaff feels that the Blessings causes changes in the distribution of energy within the brain, which affects the hormonal system, regulating all of the body's vital functions. He suggests that as the amount of neurotransmitter activity shifts out of the reptilian brain, as overactivity in the parietal lobes is reduced, and as more energy comes into the frontal lobes, there is an immediate effect on the limbic system. He reports a reduction in both adrenalin and cortisol, widely accepted as our "fight or flight" hormones, and that as those hormones decrease, there is a corresponding increase in the production of oxytocin, sometimes known as the 'love and cuddle' hormone."

Reading above, we are taught to use pranayama and chakra mantras/sutras to quiet the brain before we give the Oneness Blessings. However, we are also taught that whatever works will do - Christian prayer and meditation, Buddhist chanting, etc. Personally, Vipassana (Insight) meditation works best for me, but since I am not a teacher of Buddha's meditation, I will utilize the CD's the Oneness Movement provides on a powerful Pranayama meditation (Ananda Mandala), the beautiful Chakra Dyana. plus the chanting Moola Mantra. CD's are accompanied by soothing music, which I think is important as a background as we give the blessings.

Today, I received a very unexpected letter from a person who has been sending out anti-Obama messages since he was a candidate. I would usually respond: "If you had just gone after Osama like you did Obama" and "healthcare -yes, wealthcare - too much already." Here is what she wrote: "Dear Ron,
am leaving today to go to Las Vegas back on 22of March it is for Arbonne if you are on Face book we can be friends Carole Wilson

--------- Ron Alexander wrote ------------(over a year ago during the campaign)
Here is paragraph from novel I am co-writing with writing group:

“Div is the most passionate person I have ever met about his spiritual beliefs and says they go beyond labels like liberal or conservative. He is strongly part of a world-wide ‘Oneness Movement’....

Another Key to Feeling Free

" choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's way."
Victor Frankl in his brilliant profound book MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING.

Here are the two paragraphs that sandwich this quote:
We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human's freedom-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's way.
There are were always choices to make. Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to those powers which threatened to rob you of your self, your inner freedom; which determined whether or not you would become the plaything of circumstance, renouncing freedom and dignity to become molded into the form of a typical inmate.

Comment by Jeanne ( "everything can be taken from a man but one thing"... brought to mind the scene in Braveheart where William Wallace is being put to death; refusing to surrender, his last act of defiance... he shouted, "Freedom!" ...just before the hooded axeman removed his head from his body.

I was reminded of this post, and I needed to read it, as I get upset often at American's actions, and consider moving to Costa Rica, New Zealand, Canada, & I did sail away for several years after my dear brother Barry was killed in Viet Nam:

Written by an Australian Dentist

To Kill an American
You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper, an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.

So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!!)

'An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish , Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.

An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian , or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.

An American is also free to believe in no religion.. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.
The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence , which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.

An American is generous.. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.

When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!

As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan ..
The national symbol of America , The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America

Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11 , 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.
So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo , and Stalin , and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world.. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself . Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Miracles of the Moment

Another day... another abundance of opportunities to observe the miracles of the moment. I could prattle on about how I have experienced similar moments millions of times before... but I haven't. There is never... never! any time like this moment. It is always the most important time... and the only one you can create in - just that little bit of power is our key to fulfillment. Learning to live the moment... is to become fully alive. Be here now. Comment by Jeanne (

Comment by Ron Alexander, Thanks Jeanne, you are inspiring Light of the World, ron
Google above link on you tube and watch an angel on Earth - Allison Croft sing "Make me a Living Prayer"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Oneness is the heart's deepest longing, the song of the ages."

The ultimate potential of the Oneness Blessing is much more that it's effect on the individual. The Blessing can precipitate a shift toward a completely different state of consciousness, where the sense of "me" as a separate entity dissolves. What remains is a simple and direct realization of Oneness, unclouded by the conceptual mind. The Oneness Blessing has been able to catalyze this shift for thousands of people, both in India and in the rest of the world. This is something so profoundly simple and glorious that it defies logical description. Oneness is the heart's deepest longing, the song of the ages. AWAKENING INTO ONENESS by Arjuna Ardagh

AWAKENING INTO ONENESS offers an engaging, thorough, and illuminating look at the phenomenon called the Oneness Blessing. If you care about the planet and about the quality of your own life, this book is a must read. Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times BestSelling Co-author, CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE WOMAN'S SOUL & CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE MOTHER'S SOUL.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oneness with yourself = Wholeness

After experiencing a extraordinary yin Oneness Blessing group:


I agree the energy was very yin. To me yin energy has many different forms, tenderness, understanding, unconditional love, nurturing just to name a few. However, I have noticed that more males are embracing a lot of these traits; just as the females have embrace a lot of the yang energy. That leaves me to believe we are all embracing that part of ourselves which have been ignored or out of balance bringing us into Oneness within ourselves.
Many Blessings, N.

Just thought i'd touch base and say - i have had some powerful energy running through me this week - i don't know if it is because we have had 5 Blessing Givers recently or the energy is simply more more more. The first time i had the Blessing and then the several there after was powerful and wonderful - but these Blessings recently - this is totally different - i can feel it all the time - i feel almost 'high' - and like i'm going through a cleansing of a sort. I feel peaceful and happy for no other reason than just being.

love and blessings to you all - and a great big THANK YOU.

Namaste, L.

C. Reply
L. I feel the same. Total bliss.

J. Reply
Thank you, thank you, thank you, L., for sharing these words of bliss and inspiration. And thank you Spirit for the Grace that is flowing ever so abundantly now. Deeksha will continue to be sent to you daily, dear One. See you Monday night.

Ron Alexander
Hi dear L., C., J., O., N., V., C., J., et al. I have this feeling of real Unity like I have never felt in my life - a joyous joining beyond description, I AM SO GRATEFUL, ron

J. Reply
I shared deeksha (oneness blessing) with nine 14 year olds in a Catholic church and I'm still floating with joy! One girl reported seeing her grandpa (who had recently left his body) while receiving deeksha. They were all as blown away as we are! STILL SMILIN'......

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Laugh, Dance - Life is too short to live with regrets

I am grateful for this realization (below, but it goes with above) this morning while meditating:

Key to Freedom: Forgiveness - dismiss any defensive, judgemental thoughts, resist taking offense.

If the negative thoughts come through anyway repeat the Ho'oponopono prayer. "I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you, I love you." The uplifting results of this prayer along with meditation, and I feel lighter, more loving and more liberated.

Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati please forgive me cause
I am not enough free to see your light
thank you for giving me everyday breath and even if I am your truth-enemy
I love you even if my hearth is so small and greedy to be part of the infinite love

An old Chinese quote: "When we live with resentment, we dig two graves."
Lorenzo, I appreciate your response, I do not see you as a "truth-enemy", One Love, ron .

Comment by Michael Gllikopantis also when someone does you wrong, as bad as it is, as hard as it can be to forgive someone but by not only forgiving them but also wish them well!!!! .

Nice add, thank you, Michael. It is so difficult to "Love your Enemies' even harder to realize they are part of ourSelves. One Love, ron .

Sunday, March 7, 2010

All is One

Ron Alexander Lakota Golden Rule: "All things are our relatives;
what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One." Black Elk

Tomaca Govan, Christi L Spivey and 2 others like this.

Bonnie Scrudato We all know this ..... but forgot ..... as each one of us remembers, our actions encourage others to remember as well. Thank you Ron for reminding us.
Tomaca Govan I reposted this line. It's great to remind everyone of this. Thank you.
Ron Alexander Thanks Bonnie & Tomaca, I am grateful to you for helping remind us to realize the truth of Oneness moment to moment, ron

Tomaca Govan Ah Ron you are the leader in such matters!!!

Tomaca, did I write to you about Flavio, an extraordinary young shaman from the Amazonian Ecquador? He is traveling around with an interpreter supporter from a great organizatilon called Be Present. He is garnering support for his tribe not discovered until 1992. One way he raises money
is by giving clearings by ritual using tobacco, feathers, sage, trees. He spent a lot of time putting spiritual gloves on me.
The next weekend I spent in training to be a Oneness Blessing Giver which is hands on. I have been given great feedback about the healing energy going through my hands.
I am committed to spreading the truth of Oneness. One in Love

Beautiful quotes. I'm so impressed with your
energy since Flavio's healing initiation and your Oneness work. All your hard
work is starting to pay off. Jackie

Ron you probably don't realize the massive amount of energy that flows through your hands. Those Spirit Gloves are oh so powerful! We are so blessed to have you in our midst.
Love and Light


We are so happy that you were able to be with us last night! What a powerful Being you are!!!! Never doubt that.
Until next time.....


Hi Magic Hands! Didn't know if you knew, but Black Elk will be at Spring Bank (in Kingstree) next month. I will be there for that and also the night before for drum making.
Check out


Tuesday, Mar. 9

Lâ ilâha illâ Allâh.
(There is nothing other than the One.)

Qur'ân 37:35 and 47:19

gratefulness for life in all its fullness

Saturday, Mar. 6

What brings fulfillment is gratefulness,
the simple response of our heart
to this life in all its fullness.

David Steindl-Rast
Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer

"Abide ever as the Self. Reflection on truth heard is a hundred times
more potent than hearing it, and
abiding in it is a hundred
thousand times more potent than
reflection on it."
- Unknown

"All matter originates and
exists only by virtue of a force
which brings the particles of
an atom to vibration and hold
this most minute solar system
of the atom together."
>~ Max Planck

Friday, March 5, 2010

One Spirit Incarnated in Everyone

The One Who Loves the Most Will Live the Most

There is One Spirit incarnated in everyone, an immortal Presence.
We are so used to thinking ourselves as separate from one another that we suspect the very feeling and emotion that causes us to embrace everything in love. I endeavour to see the Divine Presence in everything, to see and sense and feel the One Life that flows through all things. I affirm this Presence and accept It's beneficent action because It already is. (thanks to Ernest Holmes who is paraphrased here)

We are all One in Love, lets live Onederfully in the Power that is back of everything.

That they all may be one; as thou Father, are one with me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us. -John 17:21

Committed to helping spread the realization of the truth of Oneness, ron

Lakota Golden Rule:

"All things are our relatives; what we do

to everything,

we do to ourselves. All is really One."

Black Elk

Joy is the realization of the truth of oneness... Tagore

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sometimes I go about pitying myself


Wednesday, Mar. 3

Sometimes I go about pitying myself,

and all the time I am being carried on

great winds across the sky.

Chippewa, translated by Robert Bly

Monday, March 1, 2010

Deeper Truths - Accept Yourself as Yourself

March 1, 2010
Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Pisces, the zodiac sign of understanding the deeper truths.
As I wrote before I don't pay much attention to astrology, unless it is positive and gets my attention like above.

S. replies:
I know how good it feels to mend relationships. According to what we heard in FL. Only as I accept myself as I am, can I accept all others as they are. That's a major teaching for me to put into practice. (I thought I accepted myself!!!) Yes! Yes! - great reflection/experience of our learning! Thank you thank you, we are One in Love. ron

"Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature." ~ Thich Nanh Han

~ "We have to continue to learn. We have to be open. And we have to be ready to release our knowledge in order to come to a higher understanding of reality." ~ Thich Nanh Han