Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations for Today

I am strong and secure
I have inner resources
I have the power to realize my goals I take charge of my life...
I am valuable
I stand firmly in my belief in myself
People respect me
People like me
I am a true friend
I care for people
I am confident of my capabilities, expertise, and know-how

Posted by Positive Balance
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  • Bhaskar Sen Sharma We can gain so many things, achieve so much, be triumphant once we are positive justifiably
    Charles Filhiol I would rather be dead. I would rather have never even existed, than to have to hypnotize myself into some false "complacency" in a nightmarish "reality".

    Until we actually quit playing this foolish game of our flawed "god", and actually stand and scr
    eam in one unified voice, "NO!!! THIS SUCKS!!! WE WILL NOT PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE!!!" it will never get better.

    Screw those "affirmations" I refuse to affirm this bullshit existence. Not for one instant.

    All this bullshit does is reaffirm that somehow we can fuck it up on this end. Call it "original sin" or "saying the affirmations wrong" or "living out of the Divine" or whatever...it still all boils down to letting a flawed Creator get away with being incompetent by blaming us for His mistakes. It's two-faced doublespeak. I refuse to participate.
    Dean A. Banks @Charles: It is what it is for you. It is not a false reality. It is a true reality when the blinders come off. Your well-being is ALWAYS present. It is you who choose to recognize bullshit and give it value more than Divine love. Flawed Creator? The only thing that is flawed is the ego of anyone who sees the dark side and lives in it. Peace, and may the light of Divine love bless your life!
  • Brenda Revet Thankyou Dean. I was in dark until I swore it out and away.. Was the start for me... when I refused to accept it anymore.
    Ra Divakar Good Answer Dean A. Banks, except for the "ego" part - could say instead "flawed is the THINKING of anyone who sees the dark..." You know what I mean?

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