Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Peace is dynamism.


Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty.


Monday, December 21, 2020

The darkest hour of the night comes...


It is said that the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn.


What do happy people have in common?


What do happy people have in common? They appreciate what they have.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Racism and "Whiteness" are killers...PLus video why so many poor women die in Labor (many rural areas do not have hospitals - HMOs closing them for lack of profit))

 The Greatest White Privilege Is Life Itself. Lastly, we can view White Privilege through the eyes of the accomplished Ibram X Kendi, author of the book How to be Antiracist, in the article “What Elijah Cummings’s Death Reveals about White Privilege” where he examines his own struggle to rectify his father’s health issues

White people are “dying of whiteness,” to use Jonathan Metzl’s term. Whiteness is concurrently a privilege and a deprivation. Racist whites are supporting Republican policies that are harming white Americans at growing rates, from loosening gun laws to protect against people of color, which are leading to white male gun-related suicides; to rebuffing life-saving and fortune-saving Affordable Care Act provisions in Republican states, so that nonwhites can’t get access. “White America’s investment,” Metzl explained, “in maintaining an imagined place atop a racial hierarchy harms the aggregate well-being of U.S. whites as a demographic group, thereby making whiteness itself a negative health indicator.” If white supremacy is a mass shooter, then it is killing us all.


Kelvin was a solution for my father, but personal trainers are not an anti-racist solution for black deprivation, to stop the premature death of black men like Cummings, to stop the premature deaths of black women, to stop the premature deaths of white people dying of whiteness. Ensuring all men, all Americans, have equal opportunities to make healthy choices is the framework for anti-racist solutions. That would mean total access to affordable, healthy food. Total access to affordable, high-quality health care. Healthy trust of medical providers across the board.

That would leave us free of toxic racism and toxic masculinity, free to be healthy. Racism would no longer deprive us of life itself.


IBRAM X. KENDI is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and the director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. He is the author of several books, including the National Book Award–winning Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America and How to Be an Antiracist.

Wanderer, there is no path...


Wanderer, there is no path, the path is made by walking.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

The words most highly valued...


Where I come from, the words most highly valued are those spoken from the heart, unpremeditated and unrehearsed.


Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Power of Connection (Starting over)

The Power of Connection

Be an agent of change

Deep and lasting peace comes when we renew and strengthen relationships of all kinds. Join us for 21 days as we focus on healing our relationship to ourselves and to others in order to bring peace to our communities and to the world we share.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. With our thoughts we make the world." – Gautama Buddha







The healing power of awareness.

Pure transparent awareness is my essential nature.

Give yourself the intention to heal.

My intention to heal sustains me through everything.

I invoke the archetype of a fully developed person.

Improving every relationship.

I can create positive change in my relationships.

I invoke the spirit of friendliness.

Making a good relationship better.

All my good relationships are turning into ideal relationships.

I invoke the archetype of beauty, gratitude, and 


The Joy of an Intimate Relationship

"into me see"

I am growing into a spiritual union with my true self.

The Wholeness of the Universe is my true nature.

The Art of Awareness

Everyday my awareness brings me more insight into my relationships.

My true self is pure intelligence.

Finding out what you truly need.

I connect to fulfil my true needs.

My awareness is aligned with the creative power of the universe.

The life at the center: the core of your relationships.

I relate to others from my strong core, my center.

My true nature is perfect and complete.

The mirror of relationship tells the truth.

I rejoice into what the mirror of relationship shows me.

My true self is wide awake.

Connecting to the World

Everyday I look for ways to live my vision. (Peace on Earth and may it begin with me.)

My consciousness is blessing.

Seva, the connection of joyful service.

Today, I embrace joyful service.

I am selfless service.

Walking the Joyful path

I am walking the path of expanding awareness.

My awareness is unlimited.

Finding joyful communion.

I am uplifted by communion with others.

Let us be together in harmony.

Repairing the big disconnects.

My path lead me to be connected with everyone.

I invoke the spirit of friendliness.

Peace is the deepest connection.

I am here to be in peace consciousness.

I radiate peace, Om Shanti Om

Let there be peace earth and may it begin with me.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.
With God as Creator, family all are we.
Let us walk with each other, in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.
With every step I take, let this be my joyous vow.
To take each moment, and live each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.





Personal reality mine to create and cherish.

I am the wholeness of universal existence.

Today’s meditation is about this core truth of our consciousness – that our awareness moving as our thoughts, desires, feelings, and senses generates an experiential reality or world around us.

 Day 22 – Living at the Center of the World 

To claim to live at the center of the world is clearly a delusional statement from the standpoint of the separate self, but from the perspective of your essential being, pure awareness, it is only stating a truth latent in every awakening soul.
Today’s meditation is about this core truth of our consciousness – that our awareness moving as our thoughts, desires, feelings, and senses generates an experiential reality or world around us. We are the authors of this world. 

All medit

Friday, December 11, 2020

Today’s meditation tells us that this love is the driving force of all life.

  Day 21– Love Is the Eternal Connection Oprah and Chopra

As consciousness continues to grow and our hearts make more and more connections to other hearts, we find that we are indeed radiating peace from the inside out. Looking more closely, we discover that these waves of peace are also waves of unconditional love, and that pure love is the spiritual heartbeat that connects us all. 
Today’s meditation tells us that this love is the driving force of all life. To awaken to this truth within us is our purpose and our promise.



Sometimes our light goes out...


Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

If history has shown us anything, it is that we cannot attain peace by fighting for it

 Day 20 – Peace Is the Deepest Connection

If history has shown us anything, it is that we cannot attain peace by fighting for it. But struggle and opposition is all the separate self knows how to do, even in the name of peace. To find peace, we need to go beyond our restless mind to our silent source. In the stillness of our hearts, our awareness not only finds peace, but we also recognize that we are peace itself.
Today’s meditation is about knowing our true nature as peace and becoming a unit of peace consciousness for the world.

OM Shanti OM
I invoke the consciousness of peace.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

It takes a person of great heart to see…


It takes a person of great heart to see…the wisdom the elders have to offer, and so serve them out of gratitude for the life they have passed on to us.


Friday, December 4, 2020

The main truth to gain from the mirror of relationship is self-acceptance – that you are okay right now, just as you are.

 Day 14 – The Mirror of Relationship Tells the Truth

 Oprah and Deepok

Today’s meditation teaches us that the strong reactions we have in different aspects of our relationships can be an indispensable tool in understanding unconscious areas of our life that need work or healing. Relationships hold up a mirror for us to see what we usually ignore or deny. The main truth to gain from the mirror of relationship is self-acceptance – that you are okay right now, just as you are.

With gratitude, treasure deeply what we have now and live more fully into what we know really matters.


When we embrace the poignancy and vulnerability that come with gratefulness, we’re reminded that time is limited and experiences are fleeting, so we had better treasure deeply what we have now and live more fully into what we know really matters.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

ONE of the kindest things we can do....


Paying attention is one of the kindest things we can do—for ourselves, for others.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Reflections and Memories

 Thankful for all the - support from my spiritual communities, Unity Charleston, Indigo Sangha, Wakan (Tomas Pinkson) and my Veteran friends.

- for my teachers, Rev. Ed, Heather and Dave Mann, Byron Katie, Tomas Pinkson, Rev. Dixon and Jackie McCollough
- for the diversity of our communities.
- for the beautiful nature that surrounds us.
- for the equanimity of our new National Leaders.
- for the support of Veterans for Peace.
- for my own group VAP, name soon changed to Veterans Affirming PresidentB
- to my moderators and co-administrator of VAP
- to my inspirational blog Bless Your
- all my Sisters and Brothers, we are all teachers and students to each other.
- to my health.
- to the sunset of my life, which gets more beautiful each day.
- to the call I received from VA Residence in Napa Valley, who says 
   they want me out there early next year depending on the pandemic.
- to our local VA who saved my life three times in last 6 years.
- to all the courageous veterans I interviewed for the Library of Congress.
- to Dr. Jerry Jampolsky who gave me an internship, while in Grad. school
   which turned into the best job I ever had, working and playing with life-threatened 
    Young Adults. WHO WANTED TO LIVE while still alive!
- To International Field Studies, who allowed us to start a Marine Science under Sail
   program, out of their Marine Science Station in Andros Island, Bahamas
- To the stout Sail Boats, that always brought me home safely.
- Now, I am very thankful, for my purpose, of helping end the Civil War peacefully,
- to all my new Black Lives Matter friends! 
- For the childhood memories of my favorite holiday, THANKSGIVING.

Thank you for including me in this message.
I thank FB for our "meeting". I thank Vipassana 10 silent retreats, Goenkaji, for teaching me the magic, transformation of long periods of complete silence.
I thank the childlike Spirit within me that refused to Die.


We still have so very much to be thankful for.  I remember this delicious Thanksgiving meal in Vietnam in 1968.  


Stay safe everyone.


Sincerely, Wayne Larry Dandridge (My Brother Barry's Helicopter Pilot friend.)



Wednesday, November 25, 2020


I only feel a need to connect. We are already connected, as the wholeness of  Universal Experience.

Creating Peace from the Inside Out

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Creating Peace from the Inside Out. We are honored you’re joining us as we seek our true nature and discover our path to health and happiness. You can learn more about our daily mantras here.

I make true connections when

 I make true connections when my heart touches another heart.

My true self

 My true self is the source of peace and love.

My Relationships begin within...

 My relationships begin within with love and caring for myself.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

"...we need the ego to brush our teeth and cross the street safely but it is not who we are so don’t give it the power to drive the car! "

 i agree with what you say, we need the ego to brush our teeth and cross the street safely but it is not who we are so don’t give it the power to drive the car!  Tom Pinkson

Your answer is similar to a Zen Koan. However, I think I get it. Don't give your power to your ego (immature energy)? Ron Alexander

Subject: Re: My question tonight was if one is driven by an "egoic mind", can there be a higher "egoic Soul"? I know I am on to my Soul's purpose, however the ego appears to still be there.

yup! Tom Pinkson

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Fully Alert Now, so will write about my truth about the "ego".


When we are fully alert in spirit, mind, and body, we are more than we imagine and can accomplish more than we suppose.


My truth about the Ego:

Freud invented the term, and he called it the conscious  connection between the  id (Serpentine brain) and the superego (higher self).

When I stayed in Ashrams with Gurus who supposedly had no ego, I would hear them shouting for their servants (which they would need in lieu of ego) and occasionally get angry with them.

In unity church, i met a member, who said she worked really hard to get rid of her ego, and found herself being taken advantage of all the time. her minister advised her to pray and ask for help in getting her ego back.

Meher BAba, in his discourses, say we need an ego as we grow in spirit, until we do not need it anymore.

Byron katy says it is like an inner child continuously looking for identity

Heather mann says it can by overriden by being mindful (awareness)

My truth that the "ego" should be loved like a young child, which means constANT AWARENESS OF THE YOUTH, KEEPING IT SAFE,  AND WITH  tough love as in discipline. a BALANCED, MATURE "EGO" CAN BE HELPFUL NOT A HINDRANCE.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Soul's Purpose NOW


Subject: Re: Marlena Davis 10h · Battery Charleston SC 11/15/20. Because I'm Black 24/7. Sometimes you just gotta stand alone. Thanks Zac Vappa (aka Ron Alexander)

Wow. Thank you, Ron, for modeling courage and decency for all of us. I honor your soul’s message and am doing my part, granted, a small part, to promote racial justice. It all counts. Thank you for your service to this country and to its citizens.
Kathy Maher

Subject: Re: Marlena Davis 10h · Battery Charleston SC 11/15/20. Because I'm Black 24/7. Sometimes you just gotta stand alone. Thanks Zac Vappa (aka Ron Alexander)

Wow. Thank you, Ron, for modeling courage and decency for all of us. I honor your soul’s message and am doing my part, granted, a small part, to promote racial justice. It all counts. Thank you for your service to this country and to its citizens.
Kathy Maher

"soul's message" brought tears to my eyes, and it feels accurate, thank you very much Kathy!
, and it feels accurate, thank you very much Kathy!

The Birth of Wisdom


A quiet mind married to integrity of heart is the birth of wisdom.


Sunday, November 15, 2020


Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.


Veterans against putintrumpism will be changed to veterans affirming presidentBiden

                                                                                              Pathetic, however so much better than the violent ones. I feel a lot of compassion for him, he looks like a sincere true, though misled, believer.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Heart Break can lead to an Opening of the Heart


When you feel yourself breaking down, may you break open instead. May every experience in life be a door that opens your heart, expands your understanding, and leads you to freedom.


5 Reasons Why You NEVER Trespass the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

"Perhaps when we're grounded in the present moment and not adding to harm with our words we actually are more safe?

 Thanks dear Heather, for such a thoughtful profound answer. I consider "Perhaps when we're grounded in the present moment and not adding to harm with our words we actually are more safe?" the answer to my inquiry. When I am in "Noble Silence", I am not defending my position with words, which I have been prone to do in the past, I am more safe in this situation. If I told the Confederates what I was thinking, they would not of allowed me to stay on their side of the street, so they too, felt more safe with me." That is what I mean by "defenselessness". It is from ACIM (A Course In MIracles) "In defenselessness my safety lies."

Michelle had to go across the street, however,  
:I had every intention to walk in silence and peace. And no intentions of them taking away Your path. Sometimes our plans are sidelined for a greater good! I got to tell the CPD just what I thought along with the racist confederates on the monument."  (So Michelle was ordered to go across the street to join BLM. as I was able to stay on the middle way, as Confederates did not feel threatened by me.)

Ahhhh. Thanks for re-asking your question. 

Noble Silence is a mindfulness practice that supports deep looking and understanding. In silence we can be confident that we are doing no harm with our words. Also, in silence, it's easier to notice and name our habit energies as they arise, see how our habitual responses move to the tip of our tongue. It's easier to feel our inner urgency to express our "point of view" and easier too to stop ourselves with the humility of understanding that ours is only one possible point of view out of many. Walking in Noble Silence, we feel our footsteps on the earth, connect our mind with our body, and stay grounded in the present moment and this helps us keep our attention to the here and now even as our thoughts try to carry us away. 

In Noble Silence we may feel safe or we may feel unsafe--depending on the reality of what's happening the moment. Either way, silence helps us identify our feelings. Our silence doesn't shape our feelings, our perceptions, or the reality of our safety, it simply helps us notice these things so we can keep showing up to the reality of now.  (But perhaps when we're not carried away by our feelings and perceptions we have more capacity to see that we indeed are still safe in this moment? Perhaps when we're grounded in the present moment and not adding to harm with our words we actually are more safe? Ultimately, the safety or non-safety of the present moment is dependent upon the deep currents of causes and conditions at work in the moment. With Noble Silence plus mindfulness, when our mind and body is uncluttered by feelings and miss-perceptions, we are metabolizing sensations of overwhelm moment-to-moment. This helps us more accurately understand what's happening so we know better what to do moment-to-moment.)

Defenseless-ness is not a Buddhist term that I'm familiar with. But I think it has resonance with a brave commitment to deep listening (to what's said and unsaid) and allowing ourselves to be emotionally and intellectually open to those who hold a different point of view. 

I will close with this: we mustn't be stupid in our degree of openness or vulnerability. If we find ourselves in the company of a snake, then we must be excellent snake handlers so we don't get bit. 

Does all this make sense? 

Thank you for the beauty of your practice.

Heather Lyn Mann
Chân Liên An
 hola hermano - good talking with you and thank you for your sharing about the powerful medicine of "Noble Silence”. much appreciated. it holds true wisdom.  i invite you to share some of your experiences with LiveLoveNow relatives via our facebook page.  your work is so powerful and inspirational.  keep on keeping on. love, t. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A way I celebrated Biden's victory


😍Great way to celebrate Biden/Harris victory. On my mindful walk around the Confederate Monument. I received cheers from BLM counter protestors across the street. The BLM gal who took this video courageously walked with me around a couple of times with big BLM flag which really upset the rebels. They had the police stop us to try to convince us to move to other side of street, although they admitted that they has seen me walking for months/ . MIchelle finally agreed graciously, after loudly telling off the cops, (uh oh!), to move over, if I got to stay. The police Officer went over to ask complaining Con. if that would be agreeable. This is same rebel who gave me a hard time several times. However, he told the cop that it would be alright, as "he has never caused us any trouble." HURRAH FOR NOBLE SILENCE. As there is a lot of times I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, I just gave him a peace sign, or a sign to keep his mask on, as the police had warned him before to not yell at me with mask off. ALL IS IS WELL THAT ENDS WEL
Flag and signs I took to Monument
I admire your courage; wearing a Biden sign, however, would not be my choice. As the saying goes, “A good loser says little;
 a good winner says nothing at all”.
It is time to bring down the Confederate statues and flags, but not to rub it in; we must be good winners. I know that when I would see a Trump bumper sticker or such after he won, I would become enraged. This only serves to widen the divide. We must try to speak to our opponents and try to bring on reconciliation and find common ground, while stressing that we are all Americans and that we all want the same thing, we just disagree on how to attain our goals. Be safe out there. You may get a vaccine in a few months. God bless you

Good point, however I carried the sign primarily for BLM friends who were all in celebration mode as myself, as if not for People of Color Biden would not have won...fair?  Ron 

When the cops stopped us, I volunteered to put sign back in the car, however they said that was not bothering the Confederates, but the big BLM flag carried by my friend.
Being forced off the public sidewalk to other side of street is like being forced to going to back of bus. I am glad they did not force me, because the Confederates said "I was not causing any trouble."

I had every intention to walk in silence and peace. And no intentions of them taking away Your path. Sometimes our plans are sidelined for a greater good! I got to tell the CPD just what I thought along with the racist confederates on the monument. ☮️
  • Care
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  • 23h
  • Michelle Melton
     thanks Michelle, for your honorable intention. "Noble Silence" is a Buddhist concept, as well as defenselessness, which I find ironically keeps me safe.
    • Like
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    • 3h
  • That Bible verse from Mark that you sent me, when I told you I was disinherited for my views, meant a lot to me. Could you repeat it here?
    • Like
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    • 3h
  • For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
    • Love
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    • 3h
  • Michelle Melton
     Yes! I plan to share this everywhere😇
    • Like
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    • 2h
  • Michelle Melton
     It describes the whole GOP!
    • Like
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    • 2h
  • Zac Vappa
     sadly it truly does
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