Monday, February 10, 2014

Our Power Created Intentionally


Patricia Arnold No such thing as disappointments. Good thing
Ron Alexander Not sure about what you mean about "diss..." Patricia Arnold?

Patricia Arnold Sorry for the sarcasm. Please let me explain:

If our intention creates our reality, then everyone's outcomes would be predictable and reliable: We would always, always get what we intend.

The fact that disappointments exist means that we don't always get what we intend. So does our power really lie in the intentions we create with our physical brain--or is that a catch phrase that people who have attempted to monetize spiritual law have thrust upon us with the hope that they can entice us to buy a book or attend a seminar in which they will tell us how to manipulate spiritual law with our physical brains?
Ron Alexander Good answer, I knew something was missing from that "intention image" and that was why I changed title. thanks Patricia Arnold Certainly, we need much more than intention - action, commitment, patience, energy, help from others sometimes and just plain good fortune! Being born to a privileged society, that can really help too! Since I have recently stepped "down" recently, I am looking hard at "privilege" and what "true privilege" is????

However there is such a thing as intention deficiency disorder! lol

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