Thursday, May 8, 2014

Do you really really love yourself really?(Work in Progress)

Do you still play those old tapes that says you are not enough? Were you told that by your parents,  siblings, teachers, and classmates while growing up? Did others projects their feelings of lack of self-worth onto you? What can you do to erase these old tapes? These painful memories that still may hurt?  Do you believe in a Loving God, yet possibly you can't feel the love? I still have these unresolved feeling of lack of self-worth, and this is what has helped me the most so far -
Forgiveness of myself and the perpetrators: How?
1. Seeing  innocence - seeing the inner child in myself and them: With forgiving the innocent is "Forgive them for they know not what they do."
2. Being Grateful for all that happened and all those who helped you be who you are and especially all parts of yourself -
That is  "nerdy" me with glasses between Mom and my star athletic older bro.
That is "self-assured" Capt. Ron at his brother's wedding! "Arrogant" is what my brother thought of me I found out later. I think that egotism is a compensating tool for feel weak inside.
3. Realize our oneness and use honoOponOpono Prayer: I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you! Forgiving all starting with yourself.
You are a holy vessel, a one-of-a-kind creation. The more you love yourself, the more energy you will have to offer our planet. You may think you have been denied opportunities or squandered chances. But, in this present moment, your breath is holy, and streams of creative energy await your cue. Still, you may believe that you are not enough, or don't have everything it takes. These conventional and habitual beliefs keep you separate from your true nature and the genius, power, and love that you have to give us. That is why self-love is the ultimate spiritual practice.  From Loving Who You Are, The Ultimate Spiritual Practice  Tama J. Kieves (Science of Mind Magazine)
Theda Parks It takes a brave soul to bare themselves in a public format. I love the picture of the little boy (you) in the sand. There's a certain freedom no one can take away from you when you are a child. You can build castles. You can fly. You can be any hero you want to be. It's one thing to patch up the adult.. it's another to patch up the child. God didn't send you into this Earth plane without resources. With prayer, focus and genuine intent, the layers are peeled away, and we are reminded how we came in with a perfect blueprint. Everything else was learned. You matter. It matters. It all makes a difference.. XOXO
Ron Alexander I am very grateful for your very thoughtful reply, Theda Parks. Gaining self-worth has been one of the defining challenges of my life. The boy in the sand with the dog is a photo I took of my nephew Barry playing with Honey, my amazing companion for 13 years.

Ron Alexander LIKE: But, in this present moment, your breath is holy, and streams of creative energy await your cue.

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