Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Cinque de Mayo at Senior Center near by night before last,  and I was thinking of the Mambo and Tango, which I can fake pretty well. However, there was mostly line dancing to country western music, which in only one of the dances, did they look like they were having a really good time. There was some partner dancing like the Shag, which I rebelled against, as a young hippie/sailor. I tried to learn it later but too many straight lines for me. I even took some lessons in "partner dancing" at this Senior Center, yet still, I don't enjoy dancing like that. I have always been a free dancer, to rock and roll and reggae! You know the seventies mostly - disliked the disco dancing period mostly! Love the Free Spirit Yoga Dancing like at Kripalu - where you just mostly let yourself go to Spirit and really feel IT!
Later the DJ played some old time rock and roll music, and I really let myself go with a few others joining me, while others stared with what looked like envy and disfavor. Can it be that nobody free dances much anymore? I really felt healing come in as I let Spirit take over - even if for just one dance! Gotta find others who like FREE SPIRIT DANCING

I enjoyed Zumba Gold (for the old and bold) today and notice reggae nights at the James I. park nearby, so getting my wishes fulfilled Cindy Gerald Weaks. I still think someone ought to get a movement therapy going - and Zumba is that - 2x per week, yea! Excellent instructor - Kelly!

Dancing in my dreams tonight - sweet dreams everyone!



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