Friday, March 8, 2013

Upon Awakening Remember What you Resist Persists

Photo: Today as you awaken to begin your day knowing whatever is showing for you is okay.  Do not try to resist or push away what you are feeling just know it is meant for you.  There is nothing to figure out or try to take care of.  We are taught to believe we are to figure every little thing out.  All this does is create stress, and pressure in our lives.  Instead of fighting what you’re feeling look at it as an opportunity.  Take this opportunity to free yourself of what you are trying to hold onto in your mind.  Let it go, let it all go allowing yourself to live like there is no tomorrow.

Today as you awaken to begin your day knowing whatever is showing for you is okay. Do not try to resist or push away what you are feeling just know it is meant for you. There is nothing to figure out or try to take care of. We are taught to believe we are to figure every little thing out. All this does is create stress, and pressure in our lives. Instead of fighting what you’re feeling look at it as an opportunity. Take this opportunity to free yourself of what you are trying to hold onto in your mind. Let it go, let it all go allowing yourself to live like there is no tomorrow.

I am still trying to figure out how to not figure things out - "We are taught to believe we are to figure every little thing out. All this does is create stress, and pressure in our lives." Ron????
Will Melies ive got a oar in that boat brother...

Every time you react, you are coming from your memories of the past. You are a prisoner of the past. When you choose not to react, you are changing your future and you are setting yourself free.
"I am sorry, please forgive me (you -we are one), thank you. I love you!"

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