Sunday, March 3, 2013

Healing with Dancing to Inner Music

                                                                                                                                     Ron Alexander
Pamela Pollard Arrington Before I got arthritis so bad I tried yoga. You have to have strength, balance and stamina. It is hard but looks so easy. Most people don't think of it as exercise.
Ron Alexander Thanks Ra and Pamela Pollard Arrington - The only kind of yoga I enjoy now is "restorative" with all the aches and pains I have now. However, when I dance, I forget my self, yet cannot overdo it like the first time at Kripa;u, ended up with vertigo and had to sit down, so I started going in late and leaving early with a chair ready in case I need it, which I did a few times. I am thnking of teaching my fellow elders and those with injuries even those in wheelchairs! As anybody I think is capable of finding their inner dancer!
Pamela Pollard Arrington Good idea. We need some sort of exercise for those of us who can't lift weights or run anymore.


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