Monday, August 3, 2015

Love Is My Gift to the World

God loves each and every one of us. Why? Because we exist. Love is the expression of Divine stillness into the perceived dualistic reality that we believe exists.
When we let go of our beliefs and come to know God, we come to know the true reality of spirit. We are the expression of Divine love everlasting and it is up to us to share that love with all of life. If we don’t, we are sowing the seeds of selfishness, apathy or mediocrity.
When you realize that how you experience life is a direct result of whether or not you are sharing Divine love, you will come to know that you CAN co-create beauty, peace and love simply by allowing Divine love to flow through you into your world.
Be ye therefore perfect in living in Divine love everlasting! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.
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The Spirituality Post – A weekly online news-magazine featuring spiritual teachers. (
The Spirituality Guidance Channel – An online Spirituality Web-TV Channel featuring videos, books, art, music, teachers and resources. (
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