Ron Alexander: ambivalent about this post Tracey, but welcome to it of course, ron'
Tracey Vilain: thanks.".. i don't believe that detective work belongs in a relationship... but ultimately might come down to one's own level of self trust..."
Ron Alexander: "self-trust" or better "Self-trust" - upon reflection, Tracey Vilain, that is all the trust we really need no matter the actions ot the other
Above revelation is big one for me - "Self - trust" that is a big one for me - trusting MYSELF or Divine within me leaves me with no reason to distrust any one! I am so grateful for this Self revelation!
When having problems in a relationship, trust and say silently or if appropriate out loud to partner:
I'm sorry, please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that has created this. (Ho'Oponopono Prayer). No blame process, this makes relationships alot easier. It does not mean one does not stand up for oneself, it means one does it calmly, thoughtfully and non-defensively. It is a very effectiv
way to live life more peacefully with more integrity. And because are brains are so busy - so many thoughts, memories per moment, that we need to keep this forgiveness prayer in our mind moment by moment! I call it Pray without Ceasing or Meditating Moment by Moment - actually it is a combo - Prayer/Meditation Without Ceasing.
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