he New Birth, Revelation in Stormy Times
Does it feel like “end times”? Storms, earthquakes, floods, wildfires. Even The NYtimes had a headline stating “it feels apocalyptic?”.
The book of Revelation, or the Apocalypse as many call it, it not a book about the end of the world. It was written as a Code, with symbols, when the writer was exiled and threatened with persecution. It is actually a book about the new birth of human consciousness, individually and on a collective level. He had to use symbols in case his writings were confiscated. The Hebrews back then used a lot of symbology.
Apocalyptic LITERALLY means uncovering hidden truths, not the end of the world.
The book of Revelation is a book about the New Birth, of what? Of human consciousness.
Everything happening right now is to purge and tease out the truth, the hidden message, the deeper messages, for all of us to see. I believe one of the deepest messages that is coming to light, and no longer to be hidden in an apocalyptic shroud, is compassion. All these tragedies can’t help but bring us to care for one another and forget politics, ideology, money, things. Just look at Houston and every other storm. Politically, it is causing the parties to come together. The people traveling down to help, the outpouring of support and rescues and money. People respond and we respond in big compassionate ways. Unity teaches people are basically good and the compassion that flows after these events is one of the biggest examples.
Another one of the biggest messages for me: People are more important than things/money or ideologies. These storms and wildfires etc. are bringing people together and helping us get our perspective right about what’s important. Our unity as a people, our helping one another.
Another message: God is not doing any of this. God as an energy force of good love and intelligence is in all the mess but not causing it. God as energetic good is there waiting for us to tap into it.
More to the point, we are divine as we teach in Unity and we are responsible to respond to all these weather related events, and other tragedies, from a place of love and wisdom. How we respond is more the issue than blaming God, or others. For sure, I reject the notion that Katrina is punishment for NoLa’s decadence, or SF earthquakes because it is a “gay” city.
God’s not doing it for us, we have to do it. EB says, God can do no more for us than God can do through us!
If anything, science tells us that we are responsible for creating some of this. I believe that, you all don’t have to believe what I believe. So for me, our responsibility also includes not putting out anymore greenhouse emissions, etc.
Also, I also don’t anthropomorphize God or mother nature by saying mother nature is mad at us. I believe nature is trying to find a balance with some of the things we are doing to it. And to find balance, nature is doing some pretty rough things to get into balance. But It’s not out of anger.
Angels to be called upon during stormy times
Perhaps the deepest meaning of all for me is this: We are experiencing the birth of a new human consciousness. And understandably and even makes sense that we have to go through birth pangs like the pain of storms, floods, etc. to get to the newer and more evolved level of consciousness of deeper compassion, people are the priority.
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