Thursday, December 17, 2015

Buffet endorses Hillary (sorry Bernie). He calls Repubs a vaudeville act.

Huh, oh, Sorry but Bye Bye Bernie - I hope that Hillary will give you great position (I am a big fan)- even vice-president, and then Elizabeth Warren as "Sec. ot Finance".
"Millionaires should pay at least 30% - Hiliary says that is the Buffet Rule." Warren compared the Republican Debates to watching "Abbot and Costello". He talked about that when Romney was talking about 47 % not paying taxes, he did not include PAYROLL TAXES, which the poor pay a much bigger percentage of than the rich. Warren you just won this election for Hillary.


Billionaire Warren Buffett pitched his support behind Hillary Clinton during a campaign stop on Wednesday in Omaha, Nebraska, saying that he and the Democratic presidential candidate share a commitment to helping the less affluent.
Introducing Clinton
at the rally, Buffett recited statistics about how incomes for the wealthiest people in the U.S. have gone up seven-fold during the last two decades, as their tax rates have fallen. While Buffett said he doesn't condemn the rich, he said the odds were stacked in their favor.

"That's a primary reason -- there's a lot of other reasons, but it's a primary reason -- why I'm going to be so delighted when Secretary Clinton takes the oath of office," Buffett said. "She will never forget the people who haven't shared the same way" in the nation's prosperity

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