Sunday, March 9, 2014

I Know I live in Changeless Reality

Neither the Will of God nor the Nature of God can change. Reality is the same "yesterday, today and forever." That which was is, and that which is will remain. As human beings, our nature is spiritual. The only thing that can change is that which ought not to be permanent (such as our bodies). We are changeless beings in a changing world. It is wonderful to know that something permanent, substantial and eternal stands in the midst of our being. To the Spirit, changes are merely variations of experience. Everything we now experience objectively will change, as it ought to, "but that which is with God (of good) abideth."
I know that I live in a changeless Reality. I am not disturbed by the passage of time, the movement around me, nor the variations of experience through which I go. Something within me remains immovable and says, BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. This is I AM, which is God within me, is substantial, changeless and perfect. Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes

The body is not the Real Man; neither is the mind, for the mind waxes and wanes. It is the Spirit beyond, which alone can live forever.

The body and mind are continually changing and are, in fact, only names of series of changeful phenomena, like rivers whose waters are in a constant state of flux, yet present the appearance of unbroken streams.
Every particle in this body is continually changing; no one has the same body for many minutes together, and yet we think of it as the same body. From the Times of India (Hindu?)

Appearances deceive, but can be changed. Reality is changeless. It does not deceive at all, and if you fail to see beyond appearances you ARE deceived. For everything you see will change, and yet you thought it real before, and now you think it real again. Reality is thus reduced to form, and capable of change. Reality is changeless. It is this that makes it real, and keeps it separate from ALL appearances. It must transcend all form to be itself. It CANNOT change. ACIM
John Halderman · 13 mutual friends
Indeed, when you know that you are a changeless part of the All that Is, you no longer feel the need to stop the changing world in order to feel good. :))
Richard Kent Matthews Things change whether I'm involved or not, but I like being involved. Makes me feel useful, valuable. Needed. So, participation is crucial to good health.

John Halderman Our involvement seems to provide us some influence. :))
Richard Kent Matthews The Butterfly Affect. We move, something else moves somewhere else. We have an affect, just like that star way over in that distant galaxy does. Don't count us out. We matter.
Ron Alexander Thanks for cogent comments  and Rev. Richard Kent Matthews!

Ron Alexander I believe in both reality and Reality - reality being this body, this personality/ego, this earth now, AND Reality is the Changeless Source, Divine Presence, Great Spirit Almighty, Great Mystery (I don't pretend to understand, and I am almost through with frustrating intellectual pursuits. I am happy with Great Mystery - not having to understand!

Seems the more we claim as true the more we have to defend, and the more we are closed to something different.
Consider entertaining and using ideas rather than owning and defending them. :))

Ron Alexander Sounds like a good idea John! In my defenselessness, my safety lies.

Obtaining knowledge is a wonderful thing, but owned ideas are treated like prized possessions in the mind. :))
Richard Kent Matthews Owned ideas, unless copyrighted or patented, crumble all too soon. And even when legalized, can be stolen. The grasp is less a tool than the release.

Ron Alexander That is why I like to stay in the middle in equanimity as much as possible, thanks gentlemen!

Richard Kent Matthews I like the edges, or can't you tell?? ha It's grittier out there...

Ron Alexander I really enjoy dialoguing with you Rev. Richard Kent Matthews, you inquiries are very deep and helpful!

Ron Alexander "the test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still maintain the ability to function." F. Scott Fitzgerald/ I am not sure about the "intelligence" part, however I think one seeking equanimity (peaceful balance) has to be able to take this "middle road". For me in spirituality, those two ideas are the ones we have been dialoguing about - reality here and now and the Reality of Eternal Absolutes!

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