Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Being Watched - Stranger in a Foreign Land

Being Watched or Being Watched Over?

I had a long journey filled dream last night. Involving traveling in a camper, a small boat, and even walking in strange indoor, outdoor corridors. There were strangers around, mostly indifferent, some even attempting to take advantage of my being from a foreign land. Interesting landscapes, valleys, canyons and big mountains in a distances. One significant image was of a surprisingly bridgeless river which me and at that time fellow passengers of the camper felt like we really had to cross. This one odd couple who were "trying" to help us told us it was impossible and they wanted to guide us to a nearby mountain community at a charge. One of my passengers (who had naval architect training) said he could design a log raft to float us across. I was all for that idea, however the couple was against it and the "wife' was even preparing us a bill to pay the next day. In the meanwhile, I got momentarily lost in one of those corridors, and had to bang on shut large-freezer type door that closed behind me(really made me paranoid).  The "husband" thankfully opened that door with a knowing look on his face. Then I woke up.
When I went back to sleep I had a long sea journey to make on a small outboard propelled boat. Somehow, I ended up going up these long steps and must have been towing the boat, as people were amazed that I was climbing there. I assured them that the wind was behind me, and that I "knew what I was doing." Now, I am back in one of those strange corridors, however with a lot of "interesting characters" traveling along. There were little shops and restaurants along the way, and as I felt hunger and ducked into one, a rather compassionate scholarly looking man questioned me. Hungry, eh? Are the police watching you?  I told him "no" (not that I knew of), and he replied, "good, call me, I am Legal (lawyer?) Jones, if you need me." Somehow, I felt comforted by that and realized I was being watched over, not just "watched."
Mary Rose Winkler Wow, oh yes, thank you so much Ron for reminding me that I am "watched over".... that is interesting as so many lately have mentioned this from here on in, I will remind them they are watched "OVER"

I have also recently changed my matrix language from
"letting go" to "LETTING OUT" gosh it makes so much more sense now, thank you bro, you are awesome and I thank you for blessing me with your friendship, your kindness & your heart Ron
Theda Parks Restaurants... food for thought. XOXO
Ron Alexander Thanks for reading this Mary Rose Winkler and Theda Parks - with you very cogent remarks. Most fb readers want fast food some just the images so I take a chance and relatively write a lot, however your quality feedback made it very worthwhile. Quality more important than quantity. "Letting out" - I will try that on for awhile - don't get it yet? 


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