Thursday, March 6, 2014

As thy thinketh in thy heart...

As thy thinketh in thy heart...Science has proven that the heart has more neurons than the brain, thanks Wayne Waller and Nassim Haramein
Why it makes sense to "follow your heart", literally...

"To be a good scientist you must think with your heart because that's where the information comes first"

- Nassim Haramein

HeartMath My Kids!Institute of HeartMathHeartMathT...hriveBarbara Marx Hubbard • UNIFICATION OF • The Mind UnleashedSpirit Science and MetaphysicsDrunvalo MelchizedekThe Institute of Noetic SciencesQuestion EverythingDr, Walter RussellBuckminster FullerScience Is AwesomeScience and Skepticism • (post by Jamie Janover)See More

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