Friday, July 6, 2012

Photo: Love doesn't hurt..
Pain is not in Love, it is in fear, it is in the resistence to Love. How do I know that? When I stop resisting what IS, pain disappears.. <3Love doesn't hurt.. (Christine Mj Lavoie)
Pain is not in Love, it is in fear, it is in the resistence to Love. How do I know that? When I stop resisting what IS, pain disappears.. ♥

Everytime you find yourself arguing, questioning, debating, resisting, imposing, ridiculing, insulting. It is fear that controls you.
Ron Alexander Love is letting go of fear. Jerry Jampolsky via ACIM
    • Ron Alexander And with a lot of anger underneath the fear I am letting go of and not trying to control.
    •  Bonnie Scrudato: I have been learning to embrace my anger and fear and redefine it as opportunity. Opportunity to be love. Opportunity to be peace. I have aslo change my view of fear to being excited about the opportunity

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