Saturday, September 12, 2015

The open and fearless heart is the key.

More and more it comes to me that we will not -- cannot -- solve the problems of war, of discord, of hatred or prejudice by protest, retribution, authoritarian...ism, religious organization; and not by negotiation, by activism or by revolution. These are mere band-aids over fundamentally deeper, festering wounds of the human heart.
You see, the masses are starved for Love. And by this I mean deep love, personal love, familial love, parental love, filial love, romantic love, selfless and deeply committed love, our pure and natural sexual expression of love, which are all the offshoots of the most Holy ONE LOVE in which we live and move and have our being.
We talk about our beliefs and we have our philosophies and doctrines. And often in this we think we are being loving and spiritual. But these are just words and concepts.
The open and fearless heart is the key. The closed and fearful heart is at the very core of ALL problems seen to be oppressing humanity in general. Those outer problems are merely symptoms of a deeper root, which is that we do not, in general, rush full bore, headlong, into total immersion of being love to one another, intimately, transparently, unguardedly, fearlessly. Let it begin with me.
Let us learn to be still and contact the LOVE core within us. And let us live out from this, thereby unfolding from our inner spirit core -- at last -- Love's kingdom on earth.

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