Sunday, May 3, 2015


James R. Taylor's photo.
James R. Taylor's photo.
James R. Taylor's photo.
In Beaufort today settling VA business I met Benny who landed here in '67 after his stint in the Viet Nam war. He tells me he's the sole survivor of his outfit. Bless him, he is a survivor...

Ron Alexander Bless Benny's courageous heart!

William Vogel He's a hero for not going to Canada and for serving.
Ron Alexander It took a lot of courage to lose everything to keep a high moral ground to migrate to Canada instead of serving in an unjust war. Of course, there were unaware draftees who went without understanding the consequences. I work with vets with PTSD and as 18 years old, they still have nightmares of having to kill children and Mothers, as they did not know who was their enemy. And not to even mention Agent Orange which was a known poison that hurt alot of our troops and was not cleaned up by Nixon, as he promised. There are still infants born with defects over there. I have a friend Dr. John Wesley Fisher, one of the most decorated vets. in that misguided venture, who takes group back every year to work in Agent Orange clinlcs and for reconciliation therapy. Guilt is just one crippling emotion that vets have to work with. And our leaders know how to dehumanize the enemy calling them "gooks", "savages" "ragtops" and "chinks" to help the soldier to feel no remorse in killing them. And now Iraq and Afghanistan, the vets coming home with even worse PTSD. At least, they are being welcomed home. Soldiers and vets are not to be blamed - it is our insane "leaders" who get us into those terrible no-win situations! I am not anti-war, as I know WW11 had to be fought, however I am pro-peace. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to say my piece William Vogel. My dear Brother Barry was killed there and being in the Army at the same time left me with grief and highly toxic survivor's guilt. Peace through sanity is what this nation needs - quit sending young men places where we cannot win - only create more terrorists that hate our nation.
Ron Alexander Help me help heal the wounds of war: Only 3.5 min.
Hi, Ron:
I watched this video several times over 2 days, trying to fully
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This video making (digital story-telling) has been...
Pamela Arrington This man would be a good one to talk to Ron. I bet he has a story or two to tell
    William Vogel I concur with all of your political points, Ron. Barry didn't consider the morality of issues, I'm sure. It was fight or flight for him. He went and endured so much, as did so many others, and, many, like your brother, didn't return. Barry could have run but he remained ... and endured. For that, lots of pats on the back from me. I have friends with PTSD selling kites on a beach, MS from Agent Orange, etc., all tragedies of that conflict. To call them anything less than "heroes" would be to minimize their sacrifices. If there's a more appropriate label I've got an open and receptive mind. My fervent prayers are for people to accept others' cultures and beliefs and to give me the heart to love and be compassionate towards them.
  • THANK YOU AGAIN DEAR WILLIAM William Vogel AND Pamela Arrington - yes! More to mine and Barry's story - I was in training to be an infantry officer over there, and Barry warned me against that. He ended up flying medevac helicopters because he 'wanted to help not hurt". I was fortunate enough to have lab. training and ended up in charge of a lab. for the Army in Alaska. I put all my heart into my work and was offered a commendation medal. Part of my guilt is not living up to my conviction and deserting to a church or Canada, and wishing I had be aware of that choice before Barry went to war, and convinced him to go to Canada with me. Alas, both of us were well into the Army training before we realized what a "dirty" war it was, and like they all have been since then and now unfortunately. And yes, that vet. above would be a fascinating story. I will try to find out if he comes up to this VA or not? I am PRO-PEACE FOR ALL! Peace of mind for me and helping others to find theirs!
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