Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I Turned Against The Vietnam War Too, But There are Heroes!

A Reply to Mr. Sale’s Vietnam War Column

 There are Heroes!

Ron Alexander

Yes, I agree the war was a “major miscalculation”.  And “yes the vicious use of Agent Orange killed and maimed millions and proved ultimately futile, and ended in a humiliating defeat for the U. S the first military defeat in our history.”

And yes, “we might have had a public confrontation with Robert McNamara and William Westmoreland, the principle leaders, or Johnson himself, putting them through the kind of humiliation that they deserved for their blood-drenched stupidity.” And I add to that, the name Nixon, as he was elected largely because he promised to end the war, yet he expanded it, and the vast majority of the 58, 000 plus of those combat casualties from our side happened under his watch. The “humiliating” withdrawal of our troops happened well into his second term. To add insult to injury, Nixon reneged on sending 3 Billion dollars to Vietnam to help clean-up the highly toxic Agent Orange, breaking a signed promise at the Paris Peace accord”. To this day there are many victims of this poisonous blunder, including birth defects.

And I agree “then a mythology grew up that the only reason we didn’t win in Vietnam was that we weren’t allowed to bomb them back to the Stone Age because the American people were too timid and fearful, in a kind of “Top Gun” image of good guys always beating bad guys if they had enough firepower.”

Again, I agree “That was the image that Ronald Reagan always sought to project, and after his City-on-the-Hill treatment no true lessons from Vietnam could possibly survive. Even the Pentagon could no longer learn from that war and had no compunction in doing it again- twice, at least.” And I would add there are some political leaders wanting us to “
put troops on the ground” in Syria – which would be a third mistake. Also, some politicians and other hawks are making the same analogy of we didn’t win in Iraq “because American people were too timid and fearful” – lost our “national will”?

 Sales’ editorial goes on to blame the soldiers, like McCain, and other “Rambo”, “Top Gun”, “Hamburger Hill”, “Full Metal Jacket” – “Hollywood heightened versions of these heroes never seen before”. This is where I disagree with Mr. Sales. He continues the scapegoating of our soldiers and veterans of that “conflict” (it was never a declared war).  The truth is that every “war” has its heroes, no matter how misguided the political strategy. And many of our combat troops at that time did not even want to be there – drafted against their will. Many of these soldiers were put on the frontline, where they had to kill or be killed.

My dear brother Barry, was not drafted, wanted to learn how to pilot aircraft, and since the Air Force would only accept college grads., he turned to helicopter pilot training. Only after he got there, did he realize his mistake, yet even then, he decided to fly unarmed medevac helicopters as “he wanted to help not hurt”. Unfortunately, with only two weeks left, his rescue effort failed and his chopper was downed, with “no survivors” we were told by the U.S. Army. This turned out to be a lie. I consider Barry to be a hero!

One of the most decorated soldiers of Vietnam, Dr. John Wesley Fisher is absolutely a hero. He has written several books about it, including NOT WELCOME HOME, WAR AFTER THE WAR, and ANGELS IN VIETNAM.  He was drafted shockingly (to him and his family) as he was a world-class surfer preparing to represent the U.S. in the world championship at 18 years old, when he received his “walking papers”. Placed on the frontline, he found the need that he had to kill or be killed, and to protect his comrades in arms. Dr. John was one of the soldiers spit on and called a baby-killer when he returned, he quickly withdrew back to his surfing days and buddies, and found he had terrible PTSD. However, he has been to a lot of treatment, after years, he felt well enough to help other veterans with PTSD. Now, and for years, he has taken Vietnam vets. back to Vietnam to help in the Agent Orange clinics some of which he, his wife and other vets helped set up.  He calls this reconciliation therapy and operates out of Murrells Inlet, S. C. There are several other groups of vets. that do this sort of thing, including Newberry, S. C. based “Vets with a Mission”, which recently sent healers (including local Ashley Meyers PA-C) back to help with the problems still going on with agent orange. There are Vietnam vets. who have moved there permanently and help in the clinics and with the many orphans and children of orphan those with birth defects, and some disowned because of mixed heritage. These veterans and their supporters are all heroes in my mistake. McCain is considered by most a hero, as is Chris of AMERICAN SNIPER.

Soldiers and veterans should never be scapegoated for the mistakes of our political leaders to this day! Read Dr. John’s books, and for present day American Hero of Iraq and Afghanistan – read Daniel Rodriquez’s book RISE!  There were “Angels in Vietnam” and in every war, like Dr. John, Barry and Daniel Rodriquez - his courageous actions in combat saved many of his comrades, and he has shown other vets. that a strong purpose – to become a major college football player (Clemson) can help with overcoming PTSD. Please don’t blame the soldiers and veterans!

 I am a vet. happily volunteering at the VA Hosp. where I have, as a patient, have had my life saved twice in the last 3 years. My Father, a former Marine, also had his life saved here at the V.A. in 1982! Support us please.



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