Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Power of Purpose in Healing Grief

Theda Parks There is purpose in pain.. and may we all come out better instead of bitter. Much love, Ron. XOXO
"Pain is inevitable while suffering is optional."
Ron Alexander Nice response dear Theda Parks:
The Power of Having Purpose In the Healing of Grief

The purpose of life is to have a life of purpose. Robert Byrne
My two favorite veteran writers found purpose in their lives to help them heal from grief and PTSD. Daniel Rodriquez in RISE and John Wesley Fisher in ANGELS IN VIETNAM. Both were infantry front line soldiers in the worst heat of the wars. Daniel in Iraq and Afganistan with Fisher in Viet Nam. Both were in the worst heat of the wars. Daniel in Iraq and Afganistan with Fisher in Viet Nam. Daniel's purpose was his decision to play Major College Football, despite his small stature, and he accomplished his goal. He co-wrote a very successful book, which was purchased by Sony for a future movie. Now a graduate, he is an inspiration speaker on tour.

John’s purpose is healing and taking vets. Back to Viet Nam, where he helps out at Healing Centers, and re-introduces vets back to their former “enemies” for reconciliation. Often the veterans are taken them right into their homes and treated like Brothers.

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