Friday, April 10, 2015

Staying Young in Spirit

Staying Young in Spirit

                                          The Vital Role of Faith                            Ernest Holmes/Ron Alexander
The person who grows older in years without the inward expectation and assurance that he is going to live somewhere forever, will find the last part of his life burdened with thoughts of yesterday. Let us make up our minds that yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not arrived. But today can be filled with wonder, if we know that we stand on the threshold of that which is wonderful and new.(Ernest Holmes)
A sense of wonder is essential to feeling young. Staying active with a sense of purpose are two other necessary ingredients for a youthful attitude. However, without the knowledge, that we are going to live forever somewhere, while being at one with a Power greater than ourselves, we cannot remain young and enthusiastic.
We have to have faith in that a powerful internal Spirit is the Essence of our being, and that IT never dies. I like to call this Spirit LOVE and we are one with God’s LOVE. And LOVE is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and  omnipresent (everywhere). Some like to call Spirit – omniparent (Parent Mind – God as our Parent). We are all beloved children of God.
Simply to reassure myself when having doubt, I place my hand over my heart and say “God’s Love is right here, right now.”

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