Sunday, March 15, 2015


We cannot doubt that God is love, because love renews and invigorates while hate kills. Love is the lodestone of life, the great and supreme reality. Love is the highest gift of heaven the greatest good on earth, and the treasure of all our search. It is the end and aim of everything. People who love animals and understand them are not afraid of them, for love transmutes some subtle essence of life (energy) to everything it touches, awakening within all things and equal awareness and response. This is true also of human relationships. Love is the greatest healing power there is and no one feels whole without it.
Love is something not to be confined to a few persons; that love that we have for a few can be extended to more without losing the love of the few. And what a wonderful experience and realization it would be if we learned to love everyone as we loved the few. When we reach this point of this greater vision, our love will be more complete it will take in a larger territory and we will experience a greater degree of livingness.
Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for perfect love casts out all fear. There is no doubt in this love for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of everything that embraces all things. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings joy and gladness to everything, brings a sense of security and well-being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through, in and around me, and all things is one vast over-enveloping essence and force forever emanating from the living God.
Let us love not in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. --1 John 3:18
LOVE THY ENEMIES! I consider to be third Love Commandment!
Effie Aghili
You are love itself my dearest Ron <3 and="" beautiful="" beauty="" deep="" gratitude="" heart="" infinite="" love.="" love="" of="" sacredness="" span="" the="" to="" words="" you.="" your="">

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