Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The truth can only be pointed at - to experience it is to realize!


Richard Kent Matthews I do not think there are two realities. Just one. It's all in perspective. In my 'faith' system, there is only One Power, One Presence, and One Life. Nothing exists outside or apart from The One. We are, in this 'reality,' this 'illusion,' Spirit Expressing. We are, if you will, Spirit's Experience. So is everything else in the cosmos. As the old saying goes, There is no spot where god is not. Call me crazy. ha

Richard Kent Matthews But I am always open to new info. If I'm wrong, I'll find out...eventually. In the mean time, Yeeeeehaaaaawwww! Life is grand.

    Ron Alexander I listened to Andrew Harvey the other day, and he says we need to get away from the "out of body" transformative type of Spirituality and return to the Embodied Sacred Spirituality as taught by the Shamanic and Tantric Spiritual Traditions, and "Sacred Activism" to help correct the wrongs done here on Earth by ideology of ungrounded Religions!

    Richard Kent Matthews Yes. Andrew is big on being 'grounded.' I agree. I see no reason to be anywhere else but here, now. I can be of more use than off in some disembodied state. Ectoplasm never fed a hungry child.

    Richard Kent Matthews Besides, I will die. Then, I can see if it helps to be disembodied. ha

    Ron Alexander This is where we differ Rev. Richard Kent Matthews. I have had some Wondrous experience with Spirit in the Life after Life, and know that LOVE is forever!

    Richard Kent Matthews That's good. And we must each go by our own experiences. I believe you believe what you share. I do, really. It's just not my experience. In fact, those kinds of experiences I consciously choose to avoid. I have my reasons. But it does not mean I am not spiritually in touch with the universe, with Spirit, with compassion.

    Richard Kent Matthews My friend Buddha allegedly said that we each must go with what resonates. That's why humans are so diverse. I like that.

    Ron Alexander yes the "truth" can only be pointed at - Experiencing is only way to KNOW!

    Richard Kent Matthews And still, the only way to know for the individual. Not for everyone. I would not change my life's experiences for the world. And, I am sure, neither would you.

    Ron Alexander Fun meaningful dialogue for me, thanks Rev. Richard Kent Matthews!

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