Monday, March 31, 2014

Be Gentle Starting with Yourself

  All Directions,

Yes, be merciful, compassionate with yourself and you will be the same with others...
Photo: Yes, be merciful, compassionate with yourself and you will be the same with others...Good Night, soft, sweet dreams!


Miraculous Gifts to Understand

Photo: Ah what a miraculous gift it is to be ALIVE!
Ra Divakar I understand this! "Stand under" - to be humble in gratitude!

I Surrender to all the Experiences of my Life

Science of Mind magazine's photo.
I even surrender to the non-magnificent moments as without them I would not be here now - whole and happy!


Good Morning!

"Skill and compassion means to take care with our speech. When a thought arises that is not supportive of wisdom and skill, replace it with the ideal. Cultivate the voice of invitation, the voice of actualization."

- VDY Wisdom class
Tammy Priddy Bennett Wonderful to wake up to Ron, Thank You for being You!
Ron Alexander Ah, good morning Dear Tammy Priddy Bennett! What an inspirational supportive Friend you are! Thank You!
Photo: "Skill and compassion means to take care with our speech. When a thought arises that is not supportive of wisdom and skill, replace it with the ideal.  Cultivate the voice of invitation, the voice of actualization."

- VDY Wisdom class



One Drop, One Ocean, One Love

Photo: <3 <3 <3 <3


Magical to Be In the Moment

A worthwhile repeat
Photo: There is something magical about just being in the moment.

We May Need Dark Glasses?

Photo: <3 Good morning joy <3

Everyone is doing their best...

May Awareness come to those who hurt others!
Photo: It's not always easy, but it's a good reminder.  Breathe.

Gratitude Can Bring Incredible Lightness of Being

Gratefulness is that fullness of life for which we are all thirsting.
David Steindl-Rast( - founder)
Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer
Especially when we can bring gratefulness to those we have considered our enemies. When we can thank those that have hurt us, knowing we could be where we are in "fullness of life" without them.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Sparkling Illumined Mind

To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light.
Ralph Waldo Emerson(

Photo: The Sparkling Illumined Mind 

To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light.

Ralph Waldo Emerson(


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Complaining is Madness


Ordeal or Adventure?

Photo: <3
Daily Transformations

Your Brilliant Birthright

Photo: You embody luminous potential and infinite possibilities. 

Come and be uplifted with me at the I Can Do It! conference in Denver this weekend. 

I can't wait to see ALL of YOU!

YOU embody all of the gifts, potential, magnificence and brilliance that is the

 YOU embody all of the gifts, potential, magnificence and brilliance that is the Divine!
Photo: YOU embody all of the gifts, potential, magnificence and brilliance that is the Divine!

thanks new friend Kelly Diehl Berg and old teacher Panache (not really old -ancient WISDOM) of same Brilliant Mind!



Come to the Full Realisation of the Imperishable Self

 May all who come here in search of Truth and whose hearts and minds beat only to realise the Real, come to the full realisation of the imperishable Self inside their hearts and be timelessly happy and content.
Know, that the true Heart and the illumined mind are one. God and Truth are, similarly, One.
Know and acknowledge this with your entire Being.
Go in peace.
And may all those who meet you along the way
be touched and inspired by your light, your loving kindness and compassion, your wisdom and silent Presence and so come to discover Truth through this sacred encounter.
For blessed is the One whose life is the evidence of Truth.
May the power of Truth prevail in all it’s glory and perfectness in the hearts of those who love and honour the Supreme Being.
That is my Heart's blessing for you, that you will always recognise the ever present Grace that is your Heart's divine activity.
And may your presence be a true introduction to the Face, Light and Love of the living God.



May all who come here in search of Truth and whose hearts and minds beat only to realise the Real, come to the full realisation of the imperishable Self inside their hearts and be timelessly happy and content.
Know, that the true Heart and the illumined mind are one. God and Truth are, similarly, One.
Know and acknowledge this with your entire Being.
Go in peace.
And may all those who meet you along the way
be touched and inspired by your light, your loving kindness and compassion, your wisdom and silent Presence and so come to discover Truth through this sacred encounter.
For blessed is the One whose life is the evidence of Truth.
May the power of Truth prevail in all it’s glory and perfectness in the hearts of those who love and honour the Supreme Being.
That is my Heart's blessing for you, that you will always recognise the ever present Grace that is your Heart's divine activity.
And may your presence be a true introduction to the Face, Light and Love of the living God.

Unlike · ·

Big Hearts instead of Big Weapons

"One day we will realize that big hearts will bring us more peace than big weapons." ~ A.D. Williams
"One day we will realize that big hearts will bring us more peace than big weapons." ~ A.D. Williams

To Part the Invisible Curtain Between Us

My wish, indeed my continuing passion, would be not to point the finger in judgment but to part a curtain, that invisible shadow that falls between people, the veil of indifference to each other’s presence, each other’s wonder, each other’s human plight.
Eudora Welty(

Friday, March 28, 2014

4 Lies you need to stop telling yourself - Gary Zukav is very good!

1. "I'm just the way I am."

This is a whopper. You are not "just the way you are" in a moment of fear, for example, any more than you are "just the way you are" in a moment of joy. "You" is not a single thing, like a rock. "You" are a powerful, complex, dynamic collection of parts. Every personality, including yours, has many different parts. Some of them are painful and destructive—such as anger, resentment and jealousy—and some of them are blissful and constructive—such as gratitude, appreciation and caring. You experience different emotions as different parts of your personality come and go. Sometimes, the part of your personality that is activated is anger. At other times, the part that is jealousy is activated, and at still other times, the part that is contentment is activated. When you are not aware of these parts, they control you, and you think, "This is just the way I am." When you are aware of these different parts, you can choose not to act on those that are painful and destructive, and instead to act on those that are healthy and constructive. For example, when you are angry, you can choose to act with patience. This is not easy to do, but how easy is it to live a life of isolation and loneliness caused by your anger?

2. "I am unlucky."

This is a way of saying to yourself, "Things happen in my life that do not serve me." If you were able to tell yourself the truth, you would say to yourself, each time something happens that you do not want, "Everything that happens in my life happens for a reason, and that reason has to do with my spiritual development." Nothing in my life is random or by chance. All my experiences give me the opportunity to choose differently than I did before, to choose anew instead of recreating what I have created in the past with my choices. There is no "luck" involved in your life. There is only, and always, the compassion and wisdom of the Universe.

3. "This world is too much for me."

This sentence prevents you from realizing that your experiences are always perfect for you, given the wisdom of the choices you have made. Every circumstance and interaction requires you to choose to act in fear (as you have done unconsciously before) or to act in love, consciously (acts of love are always conscious).

You will have opportunities to act in love and to create a world of love with your choices until you die and your soul returns home. Each time you say, "This world is too much for me," you squander one. You will always have others, but why wait to begin using them?

4. "I don't have a reason for living."

This may be the biggest lie of all. Your soul has gifts to give, and you were born to give them. They may include raising a family, creating a business that incorporates the power of the heart, teaching children how to recognize love and fear in themselves and to choose love instead of fear. Giving the gifts that your soul wants to give always requires learning how to do that yourself. You have a sacred contract with the Universe, and no one can fulfill it except you. When you do, meaning and purpose flow into your life like a river flows into the ocean. Joy replaces fear, gratitude replaces jealousy, appreciation replaces anger and you bloom like a flower in the spring. That spring is always now, even when you feel that you are enveloped in an unending winter. Your life has a purpose, and everything in it serves that purpose. That purpose is to align your personality with your soul and to give the gifts that your soul longs to give.

You do not disappoint the Universe when you tell yourself these lies and other lies that keep you limited. You keep yourself limited, and you live in the painful experiences of fear. When you recognize these lies, you can begin to replace them with truths. Here are some truths you can replace them with:

All my experiences are perfect for my spiritual growth.
I was born to create authentic power.

I am a powerful and creative, compassionate and loving spirit.

Ron Alexander LIKE: When you are aware of these different parts, you can choose not to act on those that are painful and destructive, and instead to act on those that are healthy and constructive.
Ron Alexander LIKE: Nothing in my life is random or by chance. All my experiences give me the opportunity to choose differently than I did before, to choose anew instead of recreating what I have created in the past with my choices. There is no "luck" involved in your life. There is only, and always, the compassion and wisdom of the Universe.
Ron Alexander LIKE:You will have opportunities to act in love and to create a world of love with your choices until you die and your soul returns home. Each time you say, "This world is too much for me," you squander one. You will always have others, but why wait to begin using them?

Ron Alexander LIKE: For: "I don't have a reason to live." Your life has a purpose, and everything in it serves that purpose. That purpose is to align your personality with your soul and to give the gifts that your soul longs to give.


How to Take a Compliment

Ron Alexander: Happy for your humble self Bro! Hard to take compliments and it is hard to comprehend that actually PRIDE not humbleness is the main culprit!
Ra Divakar: Yea, that is hard to comprehend, that is why I was using "humble" , thanks for further explanation Ron Alexander!
Good Morning, today - I will
Photo: Good Morning, today - I will

Jesus and Buddha say virtually the same Wisdom

Ra Divakar: You know this goes hand in hand with Jesus's Love thy neighbor as THYSELF. If you cannot love thyself, you can't really love your neighbor!
Like this, Jesus and Buddha virtually stating virtually the same Wisdom! Listen up Christians! thank you Ra! Ron Alexander

Photo: You could never hurt anyone if you truly loved yourself!

A new St. Francis?

Politics I can live with - thanks Susan Boles, President Obama and the Pope of course!
"I think the theme that stitched our conversation together was a belief that in politics and in life, the quality of empathy, the ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes and to care for someone even if they don't look like you or talk like you or share your philosophy…that's critical." —President Obama on his meeting with Pope Francis
Photo: "I think the theme that stitched our conversation together was a belief that in politics and in life, the quality of empathy, the ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes and to care for someone even if they don't look like you or talk like you or share your philosophy…that's critical." —President Obama on his meeting with Pope Francis

Talk about Blessings

Blessed with every breath! Ron Alexander



Photo: Describe Your Life In One, Then Share!

Akasha Desa

Miriam StJohn Exciting.

Gaille Robertson Miraculous


Ron Alexander Enthused




Denise Langlois Smith Evolutionary