Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Body Hears Thoughts and Loves healthy juices!

I am so grateful for the healing that I have accomplished and for the healers who have supported me! Here are the benefits of the 16 day juice cleansing fast supervised by Joanna Ducey . I still juice one meal per day, and thankfully the excellent results continue:
1. Increased energy - Life Force (Prana or Chi) not hyper caffienated or manic energy.
2. No pain and no pain pills.
3. Better breathing.
4. Better sleeping
5. Calmer
6. More flexible
7. More stamina
8. 6 inches off my waist
9. More clarity
10. More smiles both ways
I also benefit greatly from increased consistent meditation, conscious breathing, restorative yoga, and gentle aerobic exercise. Thank you all for your support.

My favorite juice!  
I think I could mono-drink this all day every day until the end of time.
Tomato~celery~bell pepper~garlic~lemon~BLiSS!
My favorite juice!
I think I could mono-drink this all day every day until the end of time.
Tomato~celery~bell pepper~garlic~lemon~BLiSS!

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