We can choose to be or not to be. To be free or to be enslaved to negativity.
To choose life, love, joy or peace. or choose anxiety and oppositiivity. Sometimes we may be feeling so physically ill, that we aren't even conscious of choice. How do you change your mind, your heart? Do you know you can? Do you have and use the tools of pra...yer, meditation, asking for support, reading inspirational literature, yoga, nature walking, creativity or just sometimes breathing consciously. What does it take to get out of your own way and into the Loving Peaceful Now? Be Free, Be Love,ron
"So much of modern life is a feverish anticipation of future activity and excitement. We have to learn to step back from this into the freedom and possibility of the present."Fr. Bede Griffiths(Gratefulness.org)
Rob Jackson: "Peace comes from within, do not seek it without." ~ Buddha
Orandon Marie: Well I, for one, love that your posts are always up-beat and, supportive & nurturing, Ron! Thanks for that!! ((♥))
Ron Alexander: Thank you Rob & Orandon - supportive affirmative comments are so welcome here!
Ron Alexander: Oh, Orandon, you remind me not to take ourselves so seriously, nobody else does - Does the Universe have a sense of humor?
Trust that life can do perfectly well without your interference. Life is simple,... unless we complicate it. We only need to BE in our heart and focus on our heart´s vision and love will do the rest. Sounds too easy... well it is. If something inside you objects to this, you can be sure it is not love, but ego. Ego tends to complicate things and put stones in our way. Love knows no limitation, no cannot´s. only soulutions. ~ Grace Elohim
By: Grace Al-Isha
Personally, I don't see the "ego" as a problem unless it is unbalanced - too weak or too strong (both strong and weak indicate poor self image.) Otherwise, this is an excellent post. Ron
Barb Walker: I think there are various definitions of Ego afoot. The Course in Miracles talks about Ego as being that part of the being that believes that it is separate from God. That seems to be fairly close to what is addressed here.
Ron Alexander: I understand Barb. and that has become a fairly standardized definition of it. However, Freud invented the term as the Conscious Mediator between the id (instinctual self) and the Super Ego (the Higher Self). We all need a healthy ego, and Obama demonstrated that with brilliance last night at the Press Dinner. Did you see it?

Hope is the deep orientation of the human soul
that can be held at the darkest times.Vaclav Havel(gratitude.org)