Effective Prayer results in feeling of Oneness, less resistance & a more accepting, loving attitude.
Whither can I go from your spirit? Whither can I flee from your presence? Psalms 139-7
"Isn’t it interesting how YOUR attitude change changed him?" Linda
Ernest Holmes again explains this very well - During prayer (he calls it 'treatment'):"You need never wonder how your thought gets to the other person, because it does not have to go anywhere. Every person is already established in the Universal One Mind (Be as one, as my Father and I are one.), whose creative Law must manifest the ideas presented to it. So the whole action takes place in your own consciousness. Your treatment (prayer), working through the Law of Mind, produces results according to your faith and conviction.
And I like the affirmation that goes with it:
"Today I affirm that every person I meet will be helped, every situation I contact will be harmonized, every activity I am engaged in will be made prosperous and complete. In addition to my specific treatment, the silent affirmation of my whole thought will create a healing energy field that automatically reflects itself wherever I am, whatever I am doing. Consequently, I know that a blessing rests upon everyone I meet in my experience and goes out to the whole world to benefit all humanity."
"I was glad to hear about your breakthrough.
He was probably scared to death as to how you would react." Linda
I like your feedback about B.'s "being scared to death." Hmm, I had not thought of that.
These are verses that seems to really work for non-resistance: "I say unto ye that ye resist not evil. & Be still and know.." and here is some writing from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (3-22-09):
"All good things are possible to the person who can perfectly practice non-action. There is something (a healing energy field) flowing in, around, and through all things that nothing can resist. Too often our way is resistance, as we try to change the outer before changing the inner.
Disregarding (denying) everything that seems to contradict Reality in which I live, I affirm that Spirit is operating in my life.
Turning resolutely from everything that denies the good I wish to experience, I affirm the good. There is no situation or condition that resists this transcendent thought; for I proclaim the omnipotence of God, the guidance of Mind that proclaims all things, and the peace that is beyond any confusion."
From A Course in Miracles: "Need do nothing."
From Chinese philosophy: "The way to do is to be."
I am committing to be more of a human being than a human "doing."
I liked your commitment at the end. The most healing thing you can do is let this go. You are not in control of the outcome. It will play out as it will, no matter what you do. His mother's enabling of him is way beyond your intervention and, ultimately the consequences are hers to deal with. Years ago a business associate told Jim and me this and I have never forgotten it; "The three hardest things to do in life are:
Thanks, Linda.
I had a great prayer after church today, and realized the worst thing for me is when I force anyone out of my heart - so with the help of Spirit I put Barry, My Aunt, and all others involved back in my heart and I feel joyous again.
Olivia's prayed with me after church and her Wed. Night sound healing sessions have been so helpful! At two different sessions with her, two different people (who I did not know) said the saw angels with me. The first was Archangel Michael and then others were seen this past Wed. I am asking these angels to go to all involved for the highest good for all.
I agree with you, I let go and let God through the angels, while keeping them in my heart.
It hurts too much otherwise.
Thanks for being an angel friend, Ron
EXCELLENT!! The hurt and anger you have been feeling can only hurt you in the long run. At times the negative thoughts may try to come back, but remember what Gene Wall Cole said. Just say "Cancel/Clear". It works. It isn't that you devalue the thoughts, you just erase them for your own well being. Linda

Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Thursday, March 26, 2009
More on "There Is No Doubt in This Love"
No Doubt!
Is the New Testament Right? Is God Love?
I have had two traumatic situations in my life recently causing a lot of grief. My friends are divided between "Spirit is kicking your butt" and "You need to change your negative thoughts about the problems." I have definitely been confused between the two, and have recently decided to take Jesus for his words: "God is Love." And I think it would be duality to say "both are true."
I have been inspired by the presence of angels on this earth and from the Spirit World. The following quote is from ANGEL MIRACLES (Inspirational Stories of Heavenly Help) by Brad and Sherry Steiger. (p.63 - p. 64)
"The light within, around, or generated by the benevolent being became even brighter as he spoke. 'You are loved unconditionally," he said. "The Creator Spirit is not filled with wrath and vengeance as so many Earth religions have taught, but that which you call 'God' is pure love beyond comprehension. What you humans have mistaken as punishment from your fierce concept of God is nothing more than the effects of your own action.'
Marissa said that the light being placed great importance on the needs for humans to begin to understand the relationship between cause and effect, because it was through this understanding that human spirit evolution will occur.'At this point,' Marissa said, ' the light coming from the celestial being went through me, and I experienced unconditional love for the first time in my life.It was searing and exquisite. It was as though I was being bathed in a light that entered every cell of my body and filled everything it passed through with love.'"
We cannot doubt that God is Love, because Love renews and re-invigorates while hate kills.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now, remain in my love. John 15:7
Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force forever animating from the living God.
Love is the lodestone of Life, the great and supreme Reality. Love is the highest gift of heaven. People who love animals and understand them are not afraid of them, for love transmits some subtle essence of life to everything it touches awakening within all things an equal awareness and response. This is also true of human relationships. Love is the greatest healing power there is and no one feels whole without it.
Love need not be confined to a few persons, It can be extended to more without losing the love of a few. What a wonderful experience to learn to love everyone as we do the few.Then we would have a larger territory, and we will experience a greater degree of livingness. (paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
Is the New Testament Right? Is God Love?
I have had two traumatic situations in my life recently causing a lot of grief. My friends are divided between "Spirit is kicking your butt" and "You need to change your negative thoughts about the problems." I have definitely been confused between the two, and have recently decided to take Jesus for his words: "God is Love." And I think it would be duality to say "both are true."
I have been inspired by the presence of angels on this earth and from the Spirit World. The following quote is from ANGEL MIRACLES (Inspirational Stories of Heavenly Help) by Brad and Sherry Steiger. (p.63 - p. 64)
"The light within, around, or generated by the benevolent being became even brighter as he spoke. 'You are loved unconditionally," he said. "The Creator Spirit is not filled with wrath and vengeance as so many Earth religions have taught, but that which you call 'God' is pure love beyond comprehension. What you humans have mistaken as punishment from your fierce concept of God is nothing more than the effects of your own action.'
Marissa said that the light being placed great importance on the needs for humans to begin to understand the relationship between cause and effect, because it was through this understanding that human spirit evolution will occur.'At this point,' Marissa said, ' the light coming from the celestial being went through me, and I experienced unconditional love for the first time in my life.It was searing and exquisite. It was as though I was being bathed in a light that entered every cell of my body and filled everything it passed through with love.'"
We cannot doubt that God is Love, because Love renews and re-invigorates while hate kills.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now, remain in my love. John 15:7
Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force forever animating from the living God.
Love is the lodestone of Life, the great and supreme Reality. Love is the highest gift of heaven. People who love animals and understand them are not afraid of them, for love transmits some subtle essence of life to everything it touches awakening within all things an equal awareness and response. This is also true of human relationships. Love is the greatest healing power there is and no one feels whole without it.
Love need not be confined to a few persons, It can be extended to more without losing the love of a few. What a wonderful experience to learn to love everyone as we do the few.Then we would have a larger territory, and we will experience a greater degree of livingness. (paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Abundant Living
Thou openest thou hand, and satisfieth the desire of every living thing. Psalm 145:16
Realizing our union with a Divine Source results in a feeling of abundance with everything we do, an abundance of friendship, of self expression, of everything. This abundant life contains all things whether we call them big or little.
I sense the flow into my consciousness of the Divine Intelligence, a feeling that the creative imagination of the whole universe is centered in me and flowing through me.
Today I expect a more abundant life. I am keeping my whole mind and expectations open to new experiences, to happier events, in a more complete self-expression. Giving out more love, I expect greater love in return. Sharing with others whatever good things I have, I expect all life to share with me the good it expresses. Seeing beauty everywhere, I expect a revelation of still more beauty. Seeing joy in everything, I expect more laughter. More deeply sensing the Divine tranquility in which all things exist, I expect deeper consciousness of peace and security. Through it all, I feel that I am in the embrace of a warm, loving Presence forever seeking an outlet through me. (paraphrased fom Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
Friday, March 20, 2009
The greatest of these is...
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love...but the greatest of these is love. Cor. 13:13
Love all God's creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of God's light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in all things. Once you have perceived it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Love is here, love is there. Love is everywhere.
Be loved, beloved!
Love matters most. Galatians 5:6b
The one who has learned to love all people will find plenty of people who will return that love. Ernest Holmes
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love...but the greatest of these is love. Cor. 13:13
Love all God's creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of God's light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in all things. Once you have perceived it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Love is here, love is there. Love is everywhere.
Be loved, beloved!
Love matters most. Galatians 5:6b
The one who has learned to love all people will find plenty of people who will return that love. Ernest Holmes
And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all fiath, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Everybody loves you,
some may not know it yet. This quote goes along with one of my favorite "Katyisms" below:
"Everybody loves me, some people may not know it yet." (Byron Katy).
I am committed to growing into Katy's loving attitude.
Love God by loving those around you. Meher Baba
Above all, clothe yourself with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14
Love should grow...Lord may I be faithful to become one who loves more and more. 1 Thessaloninans 4:9-10 (May I love more and more.)
Love need not be confined to a few persons, It can be extended to more without losing the l0ve of a few. What a wonderful experience to learn to love everyone as we do the few.Then we would have a larger territory, and we will experience a greater degree of livingness.
(Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
Love never faileth...
Love never gives up; its faith, hope and patience never fails. 1 Cor. 13:4-7
"Everybody loves me, some people may not know it yet." (Byron Katy).
I am committed to growing into Katy's loving attitude.
Love God by loving those around you. Meher Baba
Above all, clothe yourself with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14
Love should grow...Lord may I be faithful to become one who loves more and more. 1 Thessaloninans 4:9-10 (May I love more and more.)
Love need not be confined to a few persons, It can be extended to more without losing the l0ve of a few. What a wonderful experience to learn to love everyone as we do the few.Then we would have a larger territory, and we will experience a greater degree of livingness.
(Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
Love never faileth...
Love never gives up; its faith, hope and patience never fails. 1 Cor. 13:4-7
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I Am God's Beloved!
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. Ephesians 5:1-2
When toxic painful thoughts crank back up, I find a comfortable place to sit, place my right(...your victorious right hand...) hand over my heart. If in bed, I do the same thing. I make sure my right arm is placed on cushion or pillow to keep it comfortable. I repeat "God's love is right here, right now while breathing into my heart." Another type of meditation I do is to concentrate on my breathing, counting 1 for the in breath and 2 for the longer out breath while listening to soothing music or spiritual chants. Sometimes I combine the two. Other times if I am having a hard time forgiving I repeat (Pray without ceasing.) Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. And I may add on "Please God, help me put this person back into my heart." The latter is especially effective when holding right hand over your heart.
I am conscious of ...God is love... and my capacity of my heart of to contain God's love is expanded.
I am beloved of God - not for what I do, not what I own. I am beloved because I am a child of God. (The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children of God. Romans 6-18)
There are no conditions placed on divine love. The more unconditional respect I have for myself shows my appreciation for all I've been given - life, health and abundant supply.
Caring for myself, I have more to offer others. So I may follow a time for me by spending time with another, which brings us both a greater awareness of God's love. (Unity's Daily Word paraphrased)
I respond lovingly to all persons. He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother (anyone) is in darkness. He that loveth his brother (everyone) abideth in the light. 1john 2:9-10.
Recognizing that the spiritual life is the real life (Hereby know that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his spirit. 1John 4:13),
I surround myself with love, the key to joyous living. (Ernest Holmes's Daily Wisdom paraphrase.)
When toxic painful thoughts crank back up, I find a comfortable place to sit, place my right(...your victorious right hand...) hand over my heart. If in bed, I do the same thing. I make sure my right arm is placed on cushion or pillow to keep it comfortable. I repeat "God's love is right here, right now while breathing into my heart." Another type of meditation I do is to concentrate on my breathing, counting 1 for the in breath and 2 for the longer out breath while listening to soothing music or spiritual chants. Sometimes I combine the two. Other times if I am having a hard time forgiving I repeat (Pray without ceasing.) Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. And I may add on "Please God, help me put this person back into my heart." The latter is especially effective when holding right hand over your heart.
I am conscious of ...God is love... and my capacity of my heart of to contain God's love is expanded.
I am beloved of God - not for what I do, not what I own. I am beloved because I am a child of God. (The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children of God. Romans 6-18)
There are no conditions placed on divine love. The more unconditional respect I have for myself shows my appreciation for all I've been given - life, health and abundant supply.
Caring for myself, I have more to offer others. So I may follow a time for me by spending time with another, which brings us both a greater awareness of God's love. (Unity's Daily Word paraphrased)
I respond lovingly to all persons. He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother (anyone) is in darkness. He that loveth his brother (everyone) abideth in the light. 1john 2:9-10.
Recognizing that the spiritual life is the real life (Hereby know that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his spirit. 1John 4:13),
I surround myself with love, the key to joyous living. (Ernest Holmes's Daily Wisdom paraphrase.)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
No doubt that God is Love!
We cannot doubt that God is Love, because Love renews and re-invigorates while hate kills.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now, remain in my love. John 15:7
Love is the lodestone of Life, the great and supreme Reality. Love is the highest gift of heaven. People who love animals and understand them are not afraid of them, for love transmits some subtle essence of life to everything it touches awakening within all things an equal awareness and response. This is also true of human relationships. Love is the greatest healing power there is and no one feels whole without it.
Love need not be confined to a few persons, It can be extended to more without losing the l0ve of a few. What a wonderful experience to learn to love everyone as we do the few.
Then we would have a larger territory, and we will experience a greater degree of livingness.
Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force forever animating from the living God.
Let me not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now, remain in my love. John 15:7
Love is the lodestone of Life, the great and supreme Reality. Love is the highest gift of heaven. People who love animals and understand them are not afraid of them, for love transmits some subtle essence of life to everything it touches awakening within all things an equal awareness and response. This is also true of human relationships. Love is the greatest healing power there is and no one feels whole without it.
Love need not be confined to a few persons, It can be extended to more without losing the l0ve of a few. What a wonderful experience to learn to love everyone as we do the few.
Then we would have a larger territory, and we will experience a greater degree of livingness.
Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force forever animating from the living God.
Let me not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
Since God is Love, and God is All-in-All, Love must be the underlying principle of life and therefore in All. This Life is my life. This Love is me. It is the very essence of my being. It is my Life Force. Love heals everything, every imperfection of mind or body or environment. Love alone may overcome hatred, anger, envy, and criticism. Where Love is, there is no room for any negative emotions. Love is the great adjustor.
I know that Love is harmony, peace and joy. In it is all good, all that is true, all that is beautiful. It is perfect balance, perfect poise. I empty my mind, and heart of all but Love.
I let Love express in me and through me. I let love flow out into my world of thought and action. I am Love. The Love in me shines forth as harmony, peace, joy freedom and wisdom. Love binds me to the whole of creation. I find fulfillment through loving.
If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. 1John 4:17
God's Presence in Me is Love
The Divine Presence within me is everlasting Love. If petty emotions seem to trouble me, I immediately turn to the Source within me or strength and peace. God in me does the loving, and I have no fear.
God in me is never troubled. Nothing can take love from me or keep it out of my heart. Love enters freely, and there is no restriction to it. I came into this world to love, and I am loving. I express my love for God, a boundless gratitude, because I live. God rejoices for me, because of and by means of me.
And thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might, and thy neighbors as thyself. Mark 12:30-31
Love is the all-conquering Power of the Holy Spirit
Every heart responds to the warmth of love. Every mind yearns for its embrace and no life is complete without it. Love alone can heal the world and enable people to live together in unity and in peace.
I believe that Love is at the center of everything; therefore I accept Love as the healing power of life. I permit Love to reach out from me to every person I meet. I believe that Love is returned to me from every person I meet. I trust the guidance of Love because I believe it is the power of Good in the universe. I feel that Love is flowing through me to heal every situation I meet, to help every person I contact. Love opens the way before me and makes it perfect, straight and glad.
Love forgives everything unlike itself; it purifies everything. Love converts everything that seems commonplace into that which is wonderful. Love converts weakness into strength, fear into faith. Love is the all-conquering power of the Holy Spirit. As a child walks in confidence with its parents, so I walk in confidence with Life. As a child, through love, trusts its parents, so I put my whole trust in Love, which I feel to be everywhere present, within, around and through me - within, around and through all people. In that Love, I am safe , secure and cared for. (All italics paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' "Daily Wisdom")
My love for others begins with the realization of unconditional regard of Love for myself and then extends outwards to All. Loving others has to start with loving myself.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Is the New Testament Right? Is God Love?
I have had two traumatic situations in my life recently causing a lot of grief. My friends are divided between "Spirit is kicking your butt" and "You need to change your negative thoughts about the problems." I have definitely been confused between the two, and have recently decided to take Jesus for his words: "God is Love."
I have been inspired by the presence of angels on this earth and from the Spirit World. The following quote is from ANGEL MIRACLES (Inspirational Stories of Heavenly Help) by Brad and Sherry Steiger. (p.63 - p. 64)
"The light within, around, or generated by the benevolent being became even brighter as he spoke. 'You are loved unconditionally," he said. "The Creator Spirit is not filled with wrath and vengeance as so many Earth religions have taught, but that which you call 'God' is pure love beyond comprehension. What you humans have mistaken as punishment from your fierce concept of God is nothing more than the effects of your own action.'
Marissa said that the light being placed great importance on the needs for humans to begin to understand the relationship between cause and effect, because it was through this understanding that human spirit evolution will occur.
'At this point,' Marissa said, ' the light coming from the celestial being went through me, and I experienced unconditional love for the first time in my life.
It was searing and exquisite. It was as though I was being bathed in a light that entered every cell of my body and filled everything it passed through with love.'"
I have been inspired by the presence of angels on this earth and from the Spirit World. The following quote is from ANGEL MIRACLES (Inspirational Stories of Heavenly Help) by Brad and Sherry Steiger. (p.63 - p. 64)
"The light within, around, or generated by the benevolent being became even brighter as he spoke. 'You are loved unconditionally," he said. "The Creator Spirit is not filled with wrath and vengeance as so many Earth religions have taught, but that which you call 'God' is pure love beyond comprehension. What you humans have mistaken as punishment from your fierce concept of God is nothing more than the effects of your own action.'
Marissa said that the light being placed great importance on the needs for humans to begin to understand the relationship between cause and effect, because it was through this understanding that human spirit evolution will occur.
'At this point,' Marissa said, ' the light coming from the celestial being went through me, and I experienced unconditional love for the first time in my life.
It was searing and exquisite. It was as though I was being bathed in a light that entered every cell of my body and filled everything it passed through with love.'"
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Impress Your Number One Critic
March 12, 2009
The Sun, ruler of the human ego, lines up with the planet Uranus, ruler of sudden surprises. It is one thing to impress a friend or lover. It is another thing to impress yourself. Can you imagine impressing your number one critic this afternoon?
Yes, I am my number one critic. How can I impress myself today or better yet how can I love myself unconditionally everyday? How can I still the voice of the inner critic?
Love begins with loving yourself. Sri Bhagavan
First, I lift my thought above the confusion (Byron Katy maintains that confusion is the source of all misery) of the material world through prayer and meditation. There I realize, accept and free the imprisoned Splendor of the Inner Christ. Then, with gratitude, I share with others this realization of this indwelling Presence with everyone.
Today and everyday it is my desire that what Life has given me so abundantly shall be shared with others. I desire to share this realization of the indwelling Presence with everyone. In this consciousness I say bless you my friend. I desire for you to free your imprisoned Splendor - peace, love and joy. I desire for you the benediction of the Kingdom of God here upon earth.
(Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
And for you to accept my willingness to serve, I am so deeply blessed and grateful!
The Sun, ruler of the human ego, lines up with the planet Uranus, ruler of sudden surprises. It is one thing to impress a friend or lover. It is another thing to impress yourself. Can you imagine impressing your number one critic this afternoon?
Yes, I am my number one critic. How can I impress myself today or better yet how can I love myself unconditionally everyday? How can I still the voice of the inner critic?
Love begins with loving yourself. Sri Bhagavan
First, I lift my thought above the confusion (Byron Katy maintains that confusion is the source of all misery) of the material world through prayer and meditation. There I realize, accept and free the imprisoned Splendor of the Inner Christ. Then, with gratitude, I share with others this realization of this indwelling Presence with everyone.
Today and everyday it is my desire that what Life has given me so abundantly shall be shared with others. I desire to share this realization of the indwelling Presence with everyone. In this consciousness I say bless you my friend. I desire for you to free your imprisoned Splendor - peace, love and joy. I desire for you the benediction of the Kingdom of God here upon earth.
(Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
And for you to accept my willingness to serve, I am so deeply blessed and grateful!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Our Right to Enjoy Life - Freeing the Imprisoned Splendor
I have come that they might have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
In the unity of humankind with Spirit, there can be no lack or limitation - each of us is entitled to all that God has. The realization that God is an Infinite Source is dawning upon our awakened thought, expanding on acceptance of greater abundance and dispelling all lack.
We have a right to free the imprisoned splendor - to be filled with joy, to desire the good things of life, to expect "manna from heaven" and good from every source. At the same time, we must know the good is for all of us.
Today I free the imprisoned splendor, I express myself with joy and enthusiasm. I accept more abundance and I live more abundantly. I look more deeply into the heart of all people and find there the pulsation of the Heart of the Universe. I penetrate all externals and reveal the Divine Presence hidden there. I know in my self-expression of the abundance of the Whole, there is nothing mean or little, nothing separate from the All-Good. As I lift high the chalice of my hope and faith I know it will overflow, that everything I do will be blessed, and every good I seek will be blessed through me. Everyone I meet will proclaim that God is expressing through all humanity and is rejoicing in that which Spirit does.
(Paraphrased from Enest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
You shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. Leviticus 26:5
In the unity of humankind with Spirit, there can be no lack or limitation - each of us is entitled to all that God has. The realization that God is an Infinite Source is dawning upon our awakened thought, expanding on acceptance of greater abundance and dispelling all lack.
We have a right to free the imprisoned splendor - to be filled with joy, to desire the good things of life, to expect "manna from heaven" and good from every source. At the same time, we must know the good is for all of us.
Today I free the imprisoned splendor, I express myself with joy and enthusiasm. I accept more abundance and I live more abundantly. I look more deeply into the heart of all people and find there the pulsation of the Heart of the Universe. I penetrate all externals and reveal the Divine Presence hidden there. I know in my self-expression of the abundance of the Whole, there is nothing mean or little, nothing separate from the All-Good. As I lift high the chalice of my hope and faith I know it will overflow, that everything I do will be blessed, and every good I seek will be blessed through me. Everyone I meet will proclaim that God is expressing through all humanity and is rejoicing in that which Spirit does.
(Paraphrased from Enest Holmes' Daily Wisdom)
You shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. Leviticus 26:5
Blue Knighted Healing - Archangel Michael at Work!
Dear Ron,
I was impressed to hold you in prayer early this morning - around 5 AM.
I see you surrounded by the Light of God, held in the embrace of love, peace, and an understanding heart.
I see you forgiving and forgiven, whole and free, wise and centered.
GREAT Love and Blessings,
Thank you, dear Rev. Margaret One, you are such a wise supportive friend. I have had wonderful healing epiphanies at church. At Olivia's sound healing last Wed., Ramona saw me being knighted by Archangel Michael during my time up on chair.
Several people have seen me with turquoise, blue or purple light around me, which confirms St. Michael's energy. This Sunday I found myself in a healing fire around me while listening to the cymbals (please tell Rev. David that his words were just as important as the gongs during the service - a wonderful healing balance.) Please ask David of his version of Michael' s functions and characteristics, as I know he has studied angels deeply. At the Oneness meditation, Beth saw me with turquoise light around me.
lots of appreciation, Ron
Archangel Michael's Characteristics and Functions:
1. Commitment & dedication to One's beliefs
2. Courage (bravery - from French word for heart)
3. Direction
4. Energy & vitality
5. Life's purpose (all aspects)
6. Motivation
7. Protection
8. Space Clearing
9. Spirit releasement
10. Worthiness and increased self-esteem.
Archangel Micheal's name means "he who is like God." He is a leader among archangels. He increases the lightworker's life's purpose. Michael's main function is to rid the earth of toxins associated with ffear. He carries a sword which he uses to cut the snares of fear. When he is around, you may see sparkles/flashes of bright blue or purple light. His presence may make you sweat.
He guides and directs those who feel lost or stuck with life's purpose or career path. He also guides us on next step to take.
I was impressed to hold you in prayer early this morning - around 5 AM.
I see you surrounded by the Light of God, held in the embrace of love, peace, and an understanding heart.
I see you forgiving and forgiven, whole and free, wise and centered.
GREAT Love and Blessings,
Thank you, dear Rev. Margaret One, you are such a wise supportive friend. I have had wonderful healing epiphanies at church. At Olivia's sound healing last Wed., Ramona saw me being knighted by Archangel Michael during my time up on chair.
Several people have seen me with turquoise, blue or purple light around me, which confirms St. Michael's energy. This Sunday I found myself in a healing fire around me while listening to the cymbals (please tell Rev. David that his words were just as important as the gongs during the service - a wonderful healing balance.) Please ask David of his version of Michael' s functions and characteristics, as I know he has studied angels deeply. At the Oneness meditation, Beth saw me with turquoise light around me.
lots of appreciation, Ron
Archangel Michael's Characteristics and Functions:
1. Commitment & dedication to One's beliefs
2. Courage (bravery - from French word for heart)
3. Direction
4. Energy & vitality
5. Life's purpose (all aspects)
6. Motivation
7. Protection
8. Space Clearing
9. Spirit releasement
10. Worthiness and increased self-esteem.
Archangel Micheal's name means "he who is like God." He is a leader among archangels. He increases the lightworker's life's purpose. Michael's main function is to rid the earth of toxins associated with ffear. He carries a sword which he uses to cut the snares of fear. When he is around, you may see sparkles/flashes of bright blue or purple light. His presence may make you sweat.
He guides and directs those who feel lost or stuck with life's purpose or career path. He also guides us on next step to take.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
An End of Privilege
Ron Alexander
Growing up in the privileged class – assuming that I would inherit my rightful share
Of the family’s estate, I had a certain amount of security that many others don’t have.
I was a young adventurer, when most people were trying to get a good job
Or start a lucrative business.
I was sailing over most of the world exploring wild islands and countries..
I was doing most things that I heard older people say they wanted to do
When they retired.
I didn’t have to worry about building a nest egg.
That would come with ancestral land and estate.
Mom had sold off much of the Dad’s accumulation.
Living a shop-alcoholic life and making terrible business decisions.
I saved three family houses than had been condemned.
However, Mom saw this as an attempt to take control,
And power struggles convened over the houses and contents.
In 2007, Mom had congestive heart failure and almost died.
After then she became much less obsessed with things,
And we became much closer.
I spent a lot of time creating a poem, a scrapbook and a digital frame that Christmas.
And considering that I thought our relationship was healed,
I did not even think of the will, as I became
My nephew’s caregiver after he overdosed in the fall.
Mom said “I did not think you would be the one.”
I replied, “that is because you have been angry with me all these years.”
She and my aunt set up a caregiver’s account for my nephew and
The trouble is she became ill a few weeks later,
And was never to speak again
And left her body on Christmas Eve.
I was shocked to find out
A few weeks later that I was pretty much left out
Of the will written in 2006,
And I am convinced in my own
Mind that she would have changed it,
Based on my becoming my nephew’s caregiver.
However, I have found out that
She could have left it to her cats,
And still I could not have had the will changed.
I see it as as my duty to prove to the family
That the true treasures in this life,
Are the “fruits of the Spirit”.
Oops, there goes my trip to Fiji.
Oops, there goes my new diesel V.W.
Yea, there go my attachments, and
my guilt from my privileged position -
the surviving son of five.
The loss of privilege is humbling,
I am grateful for being spared.
Growing up in the privileged class – assuming that I would inherit my rightful share
Of the family’s estate, I had a certain amount of security that many others don’t have.
I was a young adventurer, when most people were trying to get a good job
Or start a lucrative business.
I was sailing over most of the world exploring wild islands and countries..
I was doing most things that I heard older people say they wanted to do
When they retired.
I didn’t have to worry about building a nest egg.
That would come with ancestral land and estate.
Mom had sold off much of the Dad’s accumulation.
Living a shop-alcoholic life and making terrible business decisions.
I saved three family houses than had been condemned.
However, Mom saw this as an attempt to take control,
And power struggles convened over the houses and contents.
In 2007, Mom had congestive heart failure and almost died.
After then she became much less obsessed with things,
And we became much closer.
I spent a lot of time creating a poem, a scrapbook and a digital frame that Christmas.
And considering that I thought our relationship was healed,
I did not even think of the will, as I became
My nephew’s caregiver after he overdosed in the fall.
Mom said “I did not think you would be the one.”
I replied, “that is because you have been angry with me all these years.”
She and my aunt set up a caregiver’s account for my nephew and
The trouble is she became ill a few weeks later,
And was never to speak again
And left her body on Christmas Eve.
I was shocked to find out
A few weeks later that I was pretty much left out
Of the will written in 2006,
And I am convinced in my own
Mind that she would have changed it,
Based on my becoming my nephew’s caregiver.
However, I have found out that
She could have left it to her cats,
And still I could not have had the will changed.
I see it as as my duty to prove to the family
That the true treasures in this life,
Are the “fruits of the Spirit”.
Oops, there goes my trip to Fiji.
Oops, there goes my new diesel V.W.
Yea, there go my attachments, and
my guilt from my privileged position -
the surviving son of five.
The loss of privilege is humbling,
I am grateful for being spared.
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