Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 6 – Self-Awareness Brings Belief to Light

Become What You Believe
Day 6 – Self-Awareness Brings Belief to Light
The impact our beliefs have upon our motivation to act is very powerful. If we believe we aren’t smart enough to do something, that limiting belief can make us feel the task is impossible or that failure is inevitable. Conversely, a self-affirming belief such as “I am capable of accomplishing the job” leads to confidence and action. Limiting beliefs are false messages about our self. They are like dark shadows hiding our true nature. When we dispel those shadows with the light of self-awareness in meditation, we are liberated from their grip and free to pursue the core beliefs that are expressions of our true self.

Our centering thought for today is:
Every day brings me closer to the light.

"A sincere seeker knows that belief is dynamic power, and he has this power as his very own." 
— Sri Chinmoy Jones


Om Hreem Namah
I open my awareness to the unity within diversity.

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