Friday, September 11, 2015

94 yr.old Vet teaches me how to live long, graceful life

I was in the VA Hospice today with a 94 year old WW 11 vet. Dan is going on the Honor Freedom flight tomorrow to see the WW 11 Memorial in Washington, D.C. He is very lucid and calm. I asked him if he was excited about tomorrow. He replied that he had been through too much to be "excited." I asked him if he had been calm, cool and collected throughout his life and if that was a key to aging so gracefully? Dan reflected a minute and then he told me, "I think so and helping people out. When I was young there was no electricity, and we had to use wood for heat and cooking, so I cut alot of wood for people too old or sick." Low anxiety and service helping him get out of himself - what a man! I hope to be like him at 94 and even now. I am blessed again at VA Hospice! thanks for your service guys!

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