Friday, January 9, 2015

Equanimity means Pure Peace (Buddhist and Christian versions)

Equanimity is Pure Peace
Goenka, the great Vipassana Meditation Teacher, emphasizes equanimity: “By learning to remain balanced in the face of everything experienced inside, one develops detachment towards all that one encounters. However, this detachment is not escapism or indifference to the problems of the world…One learns holy indifference—how to be fully committed, fully involved in helping others, while at the same time maintaining balance of mind. In this way, they remain peaceful and happy, while working for the peace and happiness of others.”
The Christian Version of Equanimity
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you.
All things are changing
God alone is changeless.
Patience attains the good.
One who has God lacks nothing.
God alone feels our needs.                                                                                                St. Teresa of Avila
I Am Filled with Confidence and a Sense of Security Ernest Holmes
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. –Psalm91:11
Deep within the consciousness of each of us there is a center of peace and security where trouble and accidents do not occur, where truth and love reign supreme, where good is the only power. It is to this center that we go in the silence of our own minds to commune daily with the Spirit that is both around us and within us. Truly this is the Most High within, always immediately responsive to us. In our meditation (and prayer – Ron) we seek to make this Presence more real to us and personal. And as we do, an inward sense of calm comes over the mind, a feeling of security and safety that every human being needs.
I know that all the Power there is and all the Presence there is, is Love, the Spirit Almighty. I know that Love protects me and that I am guided  and guarded into pathways of peace, of joy and of security. I know that this is true of all people. This is what I believe about everyone. This is what exists for the whole world. This is my prayer of acceptance today and everyday. I feel myself safe in the keeping of the Divine Love. I feel the soft enveloping Presence of the living Spirit.
I know there is no confusion or doubt in the Mind of God, and God’s Mind is the only mind there is. This Mind is my mind now, directing everything I do, guarding every movement I make. For all Thy ways are ways of blessedness, and all Thy paths are peace, I trust. I live and move and have my being in that which is completely perfect and wholly joyous.

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