Sunday, November 16, 2014

Practice the Presence of Love

"The heart is like a mirror. When we dust it off, we're able to see ourselves. The dust is all our stuff – guilt, anger – this stuff is reflected back to us. Practice removes the dust from the mirror of our hearts."

~Krishna Das
"The heart is like a mirror. When we dust it off, we're able to see ourselves. The dust is all our stuff – guilt, anger – this stuff is reflected back to us. Practice removes the dust from the mirror of our hearts."
~Krishna Das
Richard Kent Matthews Key word: Practice. We often get it wrong, but with practice, we improve.
Ron Alexander Yes, thanks Rev. Richard Kent Matthews - that has been the theme of Rev. Edwin D Kosak's sermons lately at Unity Charleston SC!

  • Richard Kent Matthews It's not easy to love. We've been programmed otherwise. It takes courage, determination, and a choice. But once made, parts slip into place.
  • Ron Alexander "Practice the Presence of Love starting with your self!"

    Richard Kent Matthews As ACIM suggests, you give but to yourself. I agree. It's like the oxygen mask on the plane. Always put yours on before you try to help others with theirs.

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