Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Whereever I look for the Divine, there it is....

Wherever I look for the Divine, there it is. A miracle? Heavens no! In all ways we find exactly what we seek. The doors we knock on with our hearts and minds, open wide. Hmmm, that sounds familiar, doesn't it?

The choice is ours!

Infinite places for me to see God today: furry ones, family, friends, strangers, trees, flowers, ocean waves, -- Kroger, Dr. Office, PO, along the road to Charleston.....

And where will you experience Light, Love, Life and Laughter today?
  Susan Boles
LIKE: "facebook, for starters"! lol and I saw it in the office secy. where I pay rent and at the chick-filets employees where I had my breakfast...school kids waiting for bus...man who picks up litter on side of road, Chinese couple who use computers near me, who turns off bright fluorescent light, because they know my eyes are bothered by them. Divine is everywhere. May All Beings Be Happy! thanks Susan!

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