Thursday, August 7, 2014

Knowing that Death is inevitable, what is most Precious to You?

In being with dying, we arrive at a natural crucible of what it means to love and be loved. And we can ask ourselves this: Knowing that death is inevitable, what is most precious today?
Roshi Joan Halifax
Interview with Wild River Review
Ron Alexander Very important to me now, as I am still dealing with heart issues. I am reading all the Angel, Near Death Experiences books that I can get my hands on! So far ANGELS AT WORK by Vaughn Boone and AT PEACE IN THE LIGHT by Dannion Brinkley have been the most helpful!

    Ra Divakar Yes, I expect to rejoice at my "death" and cry at yours (with joy though) because there is LIFE after LIfe (Raymond Moody) - a scientific study of NDE's!

    Susan Boles May we focus on being vibrantly alive, whether in body or out.

  • Rodolfos Eleftheriadis Rejoice my friend Ron. Our mortal body is like a garment we take off all of us eventually, when the time comes for Re-Union with the eternal Light! Wish you for now health and joyful years still to come! 

  •  Theda Parks: Dannion Brinkley's first book was SAVED BY THE LIGHT.. they made a movie out of it. I've seen him on two occasions while still in MD. I had a dream about the Carolinas a long time ago, and when I read about him, I knew it had to do with his experiences. Imagine my surprise when I found out he was from Aiken, SC! He went through an enormous transformation during his near-death experiences, and the things the Light Beings said to him. He was told if he didn't change the way he thought and lived, that he would be a part of the things to come (not nice).. and this tells me we have some say over how we live our life and the importance of forgiveness.. even if we don't feel it, to say it anyway. I can thank him for contributing to the changes taken in my own life. XOXO

    Evelyn Leonard Wright There is no death...and unless whatever you pursue speaks to your heart and soul, it is as dust in the wind

    Tammy Priddy Bennett Most precious to me, all ways, in whatever manifestation, to experience myself. My understanding may be differing than many others, I do feel that at least at this moment my truth is that we are the all, remembering, as humans, in this focus (some call life), we are here to experience, that is all. We have been given choice, so much choice that we can make it as joyous or dire as we choose, we do that by defining each experience. It is an experience for the One or God or Goddess or Godhead or Creator. That is all and it is Vital and we get to do/be that......I Love It! Thank You Ron, as always, I Love You!
    Ron Alexander DEEP! love it Tammy Priddy Bennett and YOU! You own your precious Beloved Self!
    Vilma D. López I'm trying !


    Ron Alexander So glad to hear that Theda - have you read AT PEACE IN THE LIGHT - I read SAVED BY THE LIGHT a long time ago and went to a workshop of his in Sacramento with 300 others - I felt like he was a Brother, as we were both brought up to be big competitive macho bullies! I would like to find that movie though. He has inspired me to volunteer for Hospice.
  • Ron Alexander Thanks so much Susan Boles, Rodolfos Eleftheriadis, Evelyn Leonard Wright, Vilma D. López, Theda Parks and Ra Divakar - I appreciate your inspiration and support so much! And I will go to Virginia Drake's site now Evelyn!


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