Thursday, October 3, 2013

Heaven is a State of Mind

This we do by looking for the good and praising it; blessing each other and ourselves; expecting the best for everyone; and suspending the need to criticize and condemn.

Heaven is a state of mind, which makes it no less real than if it were a physical destination, just more subjective than objective. Being within us, it travels with us. Saying that we experience it as we become conscious of it puts the ball in our court. We may choose to perceive the here and now differently, ’til it becomes more or less heavenly. This we do by looking for the good and praising it...; blessing each other and ourselves; expecting the best for everyone; and suspending the need to criticize and condemn. This sounds lovely, even saintly, and some may call it naïve, but in fact it works in healing people and improving situations. It is an ideal and not an impossibly high one.

Now, what of heaven’s antithesis? Reverse all the loveliness and live in a bitter, angry state, and our lives feel hellish. Most of us have been there or at least visit from time to time. Heaven and hell are states of mind and, in where our imaginations dwell, we hold the key to each.

From “Parsing Principle: A Tour Through What We Believe” by Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings, SOM Oct 2013.

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