We were at
war but it was not called that. Most citizens of this country did
not understand why we were in Viet
Nam, despite all the slick political
slogans. Three straight assassinations of our beloved (by most
citizens) leaders shocked us into complacency or reaction. I was in
the Army because of the former - just too afraid and confused to say no!
My brother was already flying copters over there. They could not send me
because of "no two brothers at the same time" law. I was sent
to Alaska
In late 1968, I was
finishing a half year of service in the medical corps. in Alaska. Nixon, who
had was elected largely because of campaign promise of a “secret plan to get us
out of Nam.” Then when elected, he talked about needing
“honorable peace” before we withdrew. Barry, my brother had refused to fly "gun
ships" helicopters anymore. He wrote me that he had “nothing against the
Vietnamess people, and most of them wanted us out of there (sound familiar?).
He would only fly "medivacs" and teach new pilots how to fly
them. He had less than a month to go and out of the thirteen month duty,
the chopper pilots were supposed to not have to fly combat the last
month. He was pressed into duty anyway and with only two weeks left, he
flew into a "booby trap". He came home in a body bag. My
beloved brother Barry was dead! I was confused, angry, afraid and filled
with pain. Later, found out it was called grief and survivors' guilt.
After finishing my time, going back
to school, and learning how to cruise - I sailed away in reaction. I
had been let go of my hospital lab job, because I refused to cut my beard off. A year later, most of the doctors. who had
claimed that my beard could spread germs, had beards. Possibly, besides
becoming politically correct, as a result of sailing away with the most
beautiful woman working there. Morever,
it was Watergate time, and I did not want to hear, see or read about any
political stuff. I was sick and tired still full of pain and anger.
After cruising for a few months, I came back for oral surgery after seeing
a sign on Crooked
Island saying
"Dentist - licensed to pull teeth only." After surgery, I
was sitting at a 7-11 waiting for a ride. I was looking at a newspaper
for the first time in six months. Shockingly to me, the headline
stated "President Ford". I missed the whole transition and was
relieved that I had.
What I have found out over the
years is that our country is not perfect by any means, but our founding fathers
had the best idea for a government that has ever been carried out and that
starts with the "Declaration for Independence."
We are a rare country in that we have freedom of religion - a separation of
church and state. In my cruising around the world (most of it anyway), I
have found almost all governments are much infested with the reigning religion
making it hard on nonbelievers.

I think spiritual freedom is the
only true freedom anyway, so I thank the Lord that I have the free will to
choose to live in this beloved United
States of America or elsewhere. I
choose freedom to sail and worship the way I want to! My wish is that
Sept. 11 has united us and given us the wisdom to really honor that freedom of
religion for everybody! Thomas Kinkade stayed up all night sketching the
flag and New York City
in the background after Sept. 11 and came up with LIGHT OF FREEDOM. Another
master artist, Cao Yong, a refugee from China, went into seclusion for 2
months after Sept. 11, and painted a similar theme called FREEDOM. After being jailed for painting “religious”
subjects, Cao really appreciates our wonderful liberty. Both Kinkade and Cao were inspired to paint
magnificent canvases.
around really helped, but watching a two hour documentary on Hitler, our
freedom really “came home” to me.
Thank God , we have two strong but very different
political parties. Unfortunately, the right has gone too extremely partisan as Bob Dole talked about today.
Although the truth is more likely in the middle of
both of them, at least, in this country, we have a choice. Just like God has given us a free will, so
has our country for the most part.
Beware of any politician trying to take away any of our precious
liberty. Just as a bird (Eagle here) as to have balanced right and left wings
to fly so does our country need that balance between conservatism and
liberalism. Possibly, even more
important is that an Eagle have a strong body (the middle, centrists,
independents, & moderates) to support the wings.
this article and the collages is good therapy. I recommend creative work/play
as a way of healing from guilt and survivors guilt. Don’t worry about the
outcome, just do it for your own sake. And maybe it can even help someone else
eventually? Without helping your own healing, you probably will not help anyone
Deep Sorrow can lead to Deep Joy
Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.