~ Reflections in the Light

Blessing must arise from within your own mind. It is not something that comes from outside. When the positive qualities of your mind increase and the negativities decrease, that is what blessing means. The Tibetan word for blessing … means transforming into magnificent potential. Therefore, blessing refers to the development of virtuous qualities you did not previously have and the improvement of those good qualities you have already developed. ― Dalai Lama XIV
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Primary Relationship
... My primary Relationship is My relationship with Myself- All others Are Mirrors of it. As I Learn To Love Myself, I Automatically Receive The Love and Appreciation I Desire from Others. If I am Committed to Myself and to Living My Truth, I will Attract others with equal commitment. My willingness to Be Intimate with My Own Deep Feelings Creates the Space For Intimacy With Another. ~ Yasmin Zuvuya
~ Reflections in the Light
~ Reflections in the Light
The Dose of Medication - A Significant Meeting with Another Species
Very relevant to my choices right now:
The soul of the world has the blueprint for the connections that need to be made. These connections are not random, but follow a particular pattern and purpose. In our own lives we know the sudden potency of a meeting that seemed ‘meant to ...happen,’ whether with a teacher, a new love, or an old friend. There can be a shock of recognition, a feeling of wholeness, or the sense that something was given or received.
~Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Art © Lucy Campbell
♥ Rivers in the Ocean
~Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Art © Lucy Campbell
♥ Rivers in the Ocean
This appeared to be the case with the meeting with the Dove yesterday.
Getting off prepackaged foods

Children not addicted to junk foods naturally prefer fresh fruit and vegies!

Richard Kent Matthews
I just sat down and figured out how much it would cost me to, first, eat totally organic;
Monday, April 29, 2013
Claim Peace and Reflect it to Others
Ultimately, we have just one moral duty:
to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to
reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace
there will also be in our troubled world.
Etty Hillesum
An Interrupted Life(gratefulness.org)
Interestingly, having brunch after posting this, I heard the beautiful sound of a Mourning Dove, then it landed on the rail of my deck just a few feet away and kept pacing back and forth looking in the window of my sunroom apparently looking at me. It landed on a beautiful large palm plant right outside the door shaking the branches as it "mourned" again soon to fly off to nearbye Cedar tree still "mourning" that sadly beautiful sound.
Etty Hillesum
An Interrupted Life(gratefulness.org)
Interestingly, having brunch after posting this, I heard the beautiful sound of a Mourning Dove, then it landed on the rail of my deck just a few feet away and kept pacing back and forth looking in the window of my sunroom apparently looking at me. It landed on a beautiful large palm plant right outside the door shaking the branches as it "mourned" again soon to fly off to nearbye Cedar tree still "mourning" that sadly beautiful sound.

The Dove represents the feminine power of giving, prophecy, and
the hope a new beginning. She is the embodiment of the maternal instinct, and is
connected to Mother Earth and her creative abilities.
The Dove shows and reveals the veils between the spiritual and physical worlds. Her mournful call speaks to our deepest self and stirs both our emotions, and our imagination. The voice of the dove is a rain song and brings us hope of a new beginning.
The Dove shows and reveals the veils between the spiritual and physical worlds. Her mournful call speaks to our deepest self and stirs both our emotions, and our imagination. The voice of the dove is a rain song and brings us hope of a new beginning.
The dove is the totem of "Between Times" and shows us the time
of the thinning of the veils between the physical and the spiritual world.
Listen for her call with your soul.
Insecurity - the biggest problem in relationships
by Ron Alexander
Two insecure people in a relationship can make for a very stormy cruise, while one will make it a combination of days of calmness and stormy ones. Two secure partners can mean a very nice cruise with the only wavy days coming from exciting passion, and those types of waves are fun to surf in the relation-ship.
"Love one another, but make not a bond of love; let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your soul." Kahlil Gibran
It takes two secure people to accomplish allowing "love to be a moving sea between" you two. How can one become more secure, less fearful, well, it is an inside job. First it must become conscious. Are you causing problems for yourself and the relationship, because of your insecurity? It is a long, but glorious road to becoming fearless, and it would behoove you to get some help probably, Or increase your times of meditation/prayer (may need some coaching here too?), and live more in mindfulness. "Any amount of meditation on it is always beneficial." Dalai Lama. Everything you do can be in mindfulness/integrity. Living here is being here in the moment with impeccability. When you make the bed, when you wash the dishes, when you go to the bathroom, anytime you can be completely present is a gift to yourself and to the relationship. "Be Here Now, Be Love Now." Ram Dass
Two insecure people in a relationship can make for a very stormy cruise, while one will make it a combination of days of calmness and stormy ones. Two secure partners can mean a very nice cruise with the only wavy days coming from exciting passion, and those types of waves are fun to surf in the relation-ship.
"Love one another, but make not a bond of love; let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your soul." Kahlil Gibran
It takes two secure people to accomplish allowing "love to be a moving sea between" you two. How can one become more secure, less fearful, well, it is an inside job. First it must become conscious. Are you causing problems for yourself and the relationship, because of your insecurity? It is a long, but glorious road to becoming fearless, and it would behoove you to get some help probably, Or increase your times of meditation/prayer (may need some coaching here too?), and live more in mindfulness. "Any amount of meditation on it is always beneficial." Dalai Lama. Everything you do can be in mindfulness/integrity. Living here is being here in the moment with impeccability. When you make the bed, when you wash the dishes, when you go to the bathroom, anytime you can be completely present is a gift to yourself and to the relationship. "Be Here Now, Be Love Now." Ram Dass
Ron Alexander "...When you make the bed, when you wash the dishes, when you go to the bathroom, anytime you can be completely present is a gift to yourself and to the relationship. "Be Here Now, Be Love Now." Ram Dass. (Ron Alexander)
Zen Gardens Dominica I read his "Be Here Now" years ago and just finished reading Bhagavan Dass' "It's Here Now (Are You?). I finished the books with the feeling that we're all just scared monkeys trying to figure things out, including Ram Das and Bhagavan Dass and the Dalai Lama and even BUddha.
Ron Alexander Yes, Zen Gardens Dominica thanks for your insight! Especially "It's all good though!" Teach only Love is another book beside Love is Letting Go of Fear by Dr. Jampolsky. I had the privilege of doing my internship under Dr. Jampolsky years ago in Tiburon, Ca. He admitted his writing was to help himself figure out how to get out of fear. And I saw him and his beautiful much younger new bride fight like cats and dogs in the beginning of their relationship.
Zen Gardens Dominica There ya go friend. We're ALL in the same boat....and noone really knows any more about how to navigate these waters than anyone esle.
Ron Alexander Well, Zen Gardens Dominica, I admit I write for clarity - to clarify my own thinking, and if it can help others along the way, maybe it can make a calmer cruise in a safer boat? I know that the more I meditate, the more I am in mindfulness, the more calmer the sea is for me and my relationship!
Ron Alexander Well, Zen Gardens Dominica, I admit I write for clarity - to clarify my own thinking, and if it can help others along the way, maybe it can make a calmer cruise in a safer boat? I know that the more I meditate, the more I am in mindfulness, the more calmer the sea is for me and my relationship!
Ron Alexander Elena Salvador: (edited my post, thanks Elena
personal note.....It takes TWO SECURE PEOPLE to accomplish allowing "love to be a moving sea between" you two.
Ron Alexander: Elena Salvador I'm not editing it...I just highlighted that part...love those lines.....thank you, Ron, for sharing your wonderful thoughts...
Ron Alexander: Oh, I have not even had a chance to go back - see where assumptions can take you, and I really appreciate your HIGHLIGHTING!
personal note.....It takes TWO SECURE PEOPLE to accomplish allowing "love to be a moving sea between" you two.
Ron Alexander: Elena Salvador I'm not editing it...I just highlighted that part...love those lines.....thank you, Ron, for sharing your wonderful thoughts...
Ron Alexander: Oh, I have not even had a chance to go back - see where assumptions can take you, and I really appreciate your HIGHLIGHTING!
Ron Alexander: Well, Linda Raenelle Mahoney, I can understand that, however when two secure people are together or helping each other become more secure in themselves and in each other, it can be a smooth cruise in paradise.
Evelyn Leonard Wright Remember, many relationships are mirrors...mirrors of what we lack within ourselves, mirrors of what we cherish within ourselves, mirrors of what we dislike about ourselves. The question is...what mirror are you holding up in this relationship? The mirror of insecurity? or the mirror of a mutual understanding and level of balance within...it is all about learning and soul evolution on the earth plane. My worst relationships have sometimes been some of my best teachers on my path...But my best relationships have lifted me higher than I could have ever imagined I could get on my own...but then again, once again, I am reminded that I am but a mirror--and what I celebrate within me has always been there...sometimes, hiding in plain sight...<3 span="">
Ron Alexander Thanks Evelyn Leonard Wright - I would say all of them are mirrors, and I agree that the "worst" can be the best teachers. Thanks for your as usual cogent comment!
Ron Alexander I think this is relevant to the dialogue: Therefore, love your solitude and try to sing out with the pain it causes you. For those who are near you are far away… and this shows that the space around you is beginning to grow vast…. be happy about your growth, in which of course you can’t take anyone with you, and be gentle with those who stay behind; be confident and calm in front of them and don’t torment them with your doubt and don’t frighten them with your faith or joy, which they wouldn’t be able to comprehend. Seek out some simple and true feeling of what you have in common with them, which doesn’t necessarily have to alter when you yourself change again and again; when you see them, love life in a form that is not your own and be indulgent toward those who are growing old, who are afraid of the aloneness that you trust…. and don’t expect any understanding; but believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Rainer Maria Rilke
This one has really helped me do what I like, which includes a lot of solitary meditation - this brings me bliss - however some my closest ''friends'' act as if I am abandoning them and living a ''boring'' life. One has even accused me of not having enough ''excitement'' in my life. More mindfulness (being present) results from more meditation! This brings me more enthusiasm, which is calmer and longer lasting than "excitement". She is looking for things to "distract" her like going out to movies and out to eat, and thinks that I am missing the "excitement" of doing them, while I like to create my own meals or juice at home!

Sunday, April 28, 2013
How gently silent can one be?
Perhaps the most important thing we bring to another person is the silence in us, not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal. The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, o...f acceptance of someone as they are. We are all hungry for this other silence. It is hard to find. In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life. Silence is a place of great power and healing.
~ Rachel Naomi Remen
~ Rachel Naomi Remen
I have just returned from meditating, and reflecting on gentleness and silence - just how gentle can one be bringing "bringing silence that does not have unspoken criticism and hard withdrawal"
Ra: That is wonderful Brother Ron: LIKE:"...The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are. We are all hungry for this other silence. It is hard to find. In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life.."
Ra: That is wonderful Brother Ron: LIKE:"...The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are. We are all hungry for this other silence. It is hard to find. In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life.."
MIriam StJohn "... not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal. The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are." Amazing!
Ron Alexander Yes, I agree Miriam StJohn, I had the blessing of meeting Naomi Rachel Remen in California. She developed a retreat for people with life-threatening diseases, where they could come and dialogue about their issues with their disease and life itself. Many were healed just by being able to communicate about their problems. And of course, Ms. Remen learned alot about listening in Silence! And "silence is a place of great power and healing!"

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Dr. Phil: 6 Steps to Self-Assurance
Dr. Phil: 6 Steps to Self-Assurance
Dr. Phil points you in the direction of a deeper, stronger faith in yourself.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Dr-Phils-Advice-for-Believing-in-Yourself#ixzz2Rih1IrHf
Few of us feel totally invincible all the time—including me. If you throw me into a social setting where I'm forced to make small talk, my normally solid self-assurance can waver. Fortunately, confidence doesn't come in fixed quantities. And if you're brimming with it in one part of your life, you're well positioned to boost it in others.
Follow these strategies to expand the confidence you've got into something even greater.
It's human nature to think negatively. Studies show that negative thoughts and emotions are quicker to form, attract more of our focus, and are more likely to be recalled than positive ones. Confident people aren't immune to pessimistic self-talk, but they also recognize and value their strengths—and you should, too. If you have trouble pinpointing your positive attributes, start by thinking about one trait that has served you well in life. (Perhaps your perseverance helped you land your job.) Then get your loved ones involved. Try this approach:
1. Open with telling them what you like most about yourself.
Your perspective will provide a jumping-off point for your loved ones—and help them brainstorm their favorite things about you.
2. Prepare to be surprised.You might think your calm demeanor is your strongest attribute, but others may value your spontaneity.
3. Ask your loved ones for more details.
Encourage them to cite specific examples of your most appealing traits in action.
4. Once you identify your best qualities, share them.
The more you project your strengths, the more powerful they can become. By repeatedly putting yourself in a position where you feel you're at your best, you build trust in your abilities and assets.
Know thyself.Once you're aware of your strengths, you need to identify your weaknesses—and with good reason. The mere fact that we understand who we are, for better or for worse, has been found to improve self-esteem. Though it's in our nature to self-criticize, we also sometimes lie to ourselves about our talents, the real price of certain less-than-ideal aspects of our lives, and our true character traits. Facing your flaws means looking at patterns in your life. Are you often accused of, say, stubbornness, indecision, or hot-temperedness? Do you end up in the same old conflicts with partners, friends, or coworkers? Figure out how you're contributing to those situations, and you'll likely identify what traits you need to address.
Hiding the truth requires a lot of energy.
It can be emotionally, spiritually, and even physically taxing to convince yourself an issue doesn't exist or will resolve itself on its own. Think back to when you were a kid playing in a swimming pool and you tried to hold a beach ball underwater. You'd get worn out pushing the ball down as its buoyancy forced it to the surface.
Likewise, any imperfection you try to hide—whether it's a character flaw or a part of your past you'd rather not acknowledge—will most likely pop up again. Confidence takes commitment. You can't spend 50 percent of your time projecting your best assets and 50 percent obscuring the truth and still expect to strengthen your self-esteem.
It always drives me crazy when someone comes up with a brilliant idea or does a great job on a project—then discounts any acknowledgment of her achievement by saying, "Oh, it was nothing." It wasn't nothing! And if you act like you don't deserve praise, then who are other people to disagree with you?
Your confidence can be affected by the way that people you respect salute who you are and what you do. (There's a reason we call it "a vote of confidence" when others give us a pat on the back.) I'm not suggesting you let everyone else determine how you feel about yourself, but it sure doesn't hurt if someone you care about thinks you have a commendable trait. Being able to receive constructive, positive feedback can help counteract negative thoughts and build confidence. Besides, if you respect someone enough to take their criticism to heart, it's only fair to also accept their praise. If you can't stop yourself from brushing off compliments, practice saying this in front of your bathroom mirror:
"Thanks. I appreciate your saying that. I worked really hard, and the fact that you noticed means a lot."
When you don't know where you're going, it's easy to question yourself and what lies ahead. That's a surefire way to derail your confidence, because most of us are linear thinkers: We travel from A to Z, taking comfort that if we're standing on corner C, we can see D ahead and know that E is just up the road. The human psyche likes a map, and we often get emotionally lost if we don't have one.
Whatever your objective, you must define it, create a plan for achieving it, and set up a timeline for its completion in small, measurable steps. Charting these achievements can boost self-esteem as much as attaining your ultimate goal, because, to put it simply, a success is a success, and the more of them you have, the more favorably you're likely to view yourself. When you take deliberate measures toward a goal, you'll have the fortitude to think—and do—big.
Let's say you're a decent cook, but you don't venture beyond making quick meals for your family. Now, what if you were to invite friends over for an elaborate, six-course dinner? Sure, you've never done that before, but you wouldn't be starting from scratch; you'd be building on skills you already have—taking what I call a reasonable risk. Controlled leaps of faith give us a chance to feel proud of ourselves for having the guts to try something new.
Keep in mind...
Taking reasonable risks sets us up for success not just once but repeatedly. No matter the outcome (maybe one of your dishes didn't turn out as expected), the attempt itself represents an accomplishment that can be built upon. Next time you'll aim even higher, think even bigger—and before long making bold moves will start to feel like second nature.
feel like second nature.
We set out on adventures as children not only to express our independence but also to understand our capabilities. We have the opportunity to take a similar approach as adults. You've heard me say that the only person you control is you. By reaching, stretching, and trying new things, you'll expand your life experiences and, in turn, your confidence.
Having a passionate group of supporters fosters a sense of belonging, which can translate to a feeling of security—something that helps us build confidence. I'm not saying you can't be self-assured if you usually think of yourself as a lone ranger. But there is often strength in numbers, and identifying the right people to root for you can make a significant difference in the way you approach challenges. Athletes competing in high-pressure situations gain a measurable confidence boost from being cheered on by their peers; it can literally help propel them to victory, according to researchers. It's important for you to feel just as encouraged as you go through life.
But finding the right allies is a little like picking out a perfect mate: Sometimes you can spot a keeper right away; most of the time, you stumble upon one through trial and error. To focus your search, consider these questions when you meet someone new:
- Do I feel a real connection to this person?
- Am I comfortable opening up to her?
- Has she ever said anything that would make me doubt myself?
Dr. Phil's latest book is Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World(Bird Street).
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Dr-Phils-Advice-for-Believing-in-Yourself/7#ixzz2RikdLprR
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